what would you do if your dad act like you are garbage?

November 17, 2010 3:47am CST
everyone, even at the bible always said to respect our parent. but what would you do if you have a father who loved his children from his affair with another woman, but he hates you the real child from his wife just because you are a girl. what would you do, if you have a father who always blame you for your step brother mistakes. always treat you like a garbage, hit you when you do nothing, and called you a bit** even though you are a good girl with the 1st rank at school from elementary until senior high school. what would you do, if your father make you lose a boy that you loved once, and your father blame you that you are the one who do the mistake. what would you do, if you are almost 25 years but your father push you to do everything that he want, and even insult your boyfriend, the one that you think you want to marry.and cursed you that you will live so poor without home, and after you die you will not go to heaven but hell. what would you if those happen to you, when you didnt do anything. when you are a really good child and always follow what he want, and never obey him. would you still respect himlike the bible said?would you run from home and starting to live for your life?
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11 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
Even if your father acted that way you still need to love your father. Let your father think bad about you. The important thing is that you love your father which you learn from the bible... Meaning you obey the commandment of God and that is the most important thing than to love your father. Have a great day!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
You right...it's not always your doing the things which makes you suffer all the while. You need to be respected and need peace all to your life. Because there is no prize of being peaceful and happy with a relationship that we deserve
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
i dont know how to make myself relax and forget about all of this if i always be pushed and mocked. i need peaceful time to heal myself phsycologically, so i am not affraid anymore about this world
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
well i hope so i can do that. everytime i always forgive him and fell so pity to him. but then he never changed, always treat me as the same. and that made me feel so hopeless again. i still want to accept him, to take care of him. but i need him to change his self to be a better person and better father.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Hi Annawen, You are 25 and an adult. The bible might say to respect your parent but I think that might mean to treat them with respect. Actual respect has to be earned. Hitting you and calling you names is abuse, anna and I think you should do all you can to get away from him as soon as possible. Do you have a job? Are you able to support yourself on your own? Where is your mom? Would it be possible to move in with her? No one should have to put up with abuse and from what you are saying here, it sounds as if you have been for years.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Ok so we are from different countries so our ways are very different. I guess I really can;t relate to this at all. I started working at a real job at age 15. Prior to that, I babysat to earn money. my entire goal in my life was to be independent so I just can't relate to being 25 and still depending on my father. I was a mother myself at your age so I really can't even imagine this. I can't even comprehend the running away and ending up in prison part of your story. 25 is not old. I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry you are in this situation. Where I live there is a lot of help for women in your situaation.
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
all my life i dreamt that my country has part time jobs like western country. but there arent part time job here. i want to have job for so long. that's why i'm doing online job, as much as i can. because i dont want to depend on my father. i want to earn money by myself and live from my earning. although is not much, but i hope my saving can help me through difficult time. i try to learn everything i can to gain money from every ways. i hope everything will be good later.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Nov 10
Perhaps it's time to confront your dad. Ask him directly. Start with Dad, don't you love me anymore???? He will want to know why you say this. Explain it all. He might not realize what he has been doing. He might also not realize you are a grown woman. Nothing clears the air more than a one on one talk. If you are just too scared to talk, at least write a letter so he will come to you. Communication is key in all relationships. Get it all out!!
• Indonesia
21 Nov 10
i have tried it, and end up in a really bad condition. i think, pray is the best thing right now. i'm tired to try and he gets more angry
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
17 Nov 10
i think there are humans beings that are the low of the low, they just want to have kids because they "they have to" as everybody else is doing, or because of an "accident". that's how they end up horrible parents i think we have to try a relationship, always thinking in our own but when enough is enough, we have to be distant, there are parents who can only hurt their kids, physically or psycologically
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
i saw that there are many respond for my story. thank you for all of you. thank you for you who have share your story to me. thank you for all of you who give me support. thank you for all of you who give me advice. i was so stress and dont know what to do with my life. too many pressure made me feel crazy and think about hurting my own self. but all of you, make me cry when i read all of the comment. i know that i will get my hapilly life someday, because there are someone like all of you. thank you
• Philippines
17 Nov 10
i could feel that my dad is hostile and sarcastic. never give encouragement and hes not a sweet person. im so fed up with his sh!t. hes a nagger and a critic and everything that comes out from his mouth is negative. for him magic words does not exist. no sorry, no thankyou...home is always bleak and gloomy so im planning to move out soon. im planning to go abroad to get rid of him...
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
yeah..good riddance!! probably by nxtyear =)
@yna410 (429)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
It would be truly difficult to experience that especially from a father. I believe respect begets respect. If a person wants to be respected, he or she should respect other people first in order to gain or be deserving for their respect as well. But I think it would be somehow different when our parents are involved. We have that respect ever since, it would be hard to erase it for most people. Personally, I would be really hurt and disappointed on my father's attitude towards me. Even though I try hard not to mess with him, at one point, I may just burst out and tell some rude words to him. But as much as possible, I want to avoid that to ever happen or not happen again. I also believe that another mistake can't correct the first. He may have treated me worst but if I also treat him that way, will it change our situation? Will it make me feel better? For me, I guess not. I wouldn't want to change into a bad person just because of a person like that. It's not worth it. If it's really hurting me physically and emotionally, to the point of destroying my dignity as a person, and I can no longer stay some more, I think I have to move out. Although they are my family, I think it's best to allow myself to have a good and peaceful life after all those years I've tried to please him. I think I deserve more than being treated like that, I want to save that remaining dignity for myself. Moving away doesn't always mean I no longer love my family and that I will never come back. I just want to give them time to really realize and understand our situation. I also want to give myself time to heal. When the time comes that all wounds have healed, I'll try to communicate with them and assess if things have now changed. Maybe we can have a chance to be together again and this time as a real family. I don't want to fully close the possibility of reuniting with them and starting over again. Who am I not to forgive? =)
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
i really glad if my father will change and realized that he treat me so unfair. i always forgive him, many times he slap me, he hit me, he mocked at me. i always forgive him. i never said anything rude to him, i never take revenge to him, i never ask for money to buy something that i like. i am a simple person and never want to bother anybody else, even it is my parent. but still, he treat me so bad. i dont know why. what's wrong with a daughter. i never humiliate him, infact i always make him proud in front of the people. people always said lucky to have a daughter like me, not only pretty, but smart and kind, and have so many talent in music, sport and academic.this is other people said, i dont try to be arrogant here :) but still he always blame me and my mother. and it get worse when he always praise his son from another woman,eventhough that boy can do nothing. i really want to have a father that respect me and give me a real father love. everytime, he realize, i will accept him with open arms. i never want to take revenge to him. i just want to have a father that love me, and can joke with me. not a person that i always affraid and make me trauma with life.
• Philippines
17 Nov 10
As they said, you can choose your friend but you can't choose your family. You're still obliged to love him despite that. Your father is an @ss but you still have to respect him as a father. That's your test.
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
i just trying to kill my feeling of pain and love. i will always respect him, but once i have to disobey him when it is time for my wedding later. i cant live single until i die like what he want. i am a human. respect him, is ok. but i will have my own life too someday, and i cant always obey him for his pleasure and for my suffer. he still have 2 years to hurt me, but after this 2 years, i will marry my boyfriend, and get away from home
@hushi22 (4927)
17 Nov 10
oh...i think this one is worse than my dad. hmmm... i could somehow relate. my way is to always try to talk in a subtle way. if it doesnt work i just end up crying until my parents realize that i am already old enough to handle myself and that they are inflicting me pain. i make sure they understand that i dont want to disobey them, but i just want to live my own life and i still value their advices even if i might not be able to follow them. hope things will be better soon for you pal. =)
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
hmmm if i said something to defend me or something that is the true. he will get more mad than before and cursed me more than before. i tried it, and it get worse for my self. and if i'm crying in front of him, he will beat me until i stop crying. once, he hit me ubtil i got bruised in my mouth, and i have to tell my friend that i fall at bathroom. that's not work, my friend. all of the thing you told me, can make me get a danger position
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
17 Nov 10
Hello Anna, i would just leave the home, where my father lives and will start a new life. You are 25 years old, which means grown up and you can make your own decisions without asking for his blessing. The one who can bless you is the God you believe in, because you are too patient with your father. Just move on and forget about that dark years of your life. And don't think that God will judge you if you leave your home. I don't think that you still love and respect your father with your heart, if he is doing so bad things with his own daughter. So if you are not respecting that person with your heart, there is no sense you to stay and suffer that way you do now. It will be the same if you stay there without love and respect to him, or if you leave the home. Just the second thing will be better for you as a person. I'm sure you will feel better. At the same time, i wouldn't love and respect that kind of father. So i don't blame you, i just can feel your pain, not because i got that kind of father, but because i've seen people, like you, who has problems with their family and it's terrible. Move on girl, you are strong!
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
i want to go, but i have to make sure that my mom is cure from cancer first. she got cancer this beginning of 2010. and when the doctor checked she is already the third grade. well, my dad found out the bruised about 1 year ago, said my mom. i really dont know. my mom never told me. but my dad know,when they do.... thing, but he didnt do anything. and now, i dont know what to do. i had a dilemma between run for my happiness or stay at home for my beloved mom. i really hope God will not mad at me because i cant respect my dad anymore. and i really hope his cursed that i will be poor and die at hell, will never be a reality. :) my friends have already married and have children, and i still in the difficult position and got a lot of traumatic experience. i really hope, i can live happily and all the traumatic will be gone. i hope all of you can help me through pray so my life will be much better than this. thank you so much for your support
• Philippines
17 Nov 10
so you're 25 now?!.... 25 years with that kind of father, is enough for me... if you could, why not ran away from home?!. just make sure you will do good with your life. maybe you would be better that way.. you're old enough you can already make a living. everything has to be end, his cruelty must last.. if you will not do anything to stop it, then who would?! you can decide for your own welfare now. if he's the kind of father who listens then its so simple, just talk to him, but based on what you said, he's really not a good father. I dont want to influence you bad, but i find no reason why you still live under your "not" so loving father. just make sure you'll do good! If you succeed your father will then realized that he's the one mistaken.
• Indonesia
18 Nov 10
i cant go anywhere because my mom got mammae cancer this year. i was prepare my self to take a job faraway from home after my graduation, but then i heard news from my mom that my mom got mammae cancer and it is already the third grade. i cant leave her in such situation. i cant live free but my mom suffer here. that's why i still hold this suffer feeling. if i ranaway, he will find me by the help of the polices (his friends are polices), and it will be danger for my mother psychology because she is suffer enough. she got cancer because she is too stress with this condition for almost 30 years.. i really want to have my own life because i'm old enough, but i cant leave my mom too. i got dilemma of it. it is so frustrating
• India
17 Nov 10
i will ran away with my girlfriend.