Does the God exist?
By agatita11
@agatita11 (36)
November 17, 2010 1:46pm CST
Hi. I dont believe in God. But i respect people who do. I wish I believed to have a pleace of mind when dying but I just cant convince myself and noone can. I believe in evolution more likely that in God wat of creating the world. There are so many religions and every each believes in their God. So how could we know which would be the real one? I am good person and i dont need any god to be it. WHat is your opinion about this?
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16 responses
@godslove25 (402)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
Hi, I'm a Roman Catholic and for me I do believe that there is God.Even though I don't see his existence personally but my beliefs in him is there. And I allowed Him to rule in my Life.
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@jujunme (2501)
• United States
17 Nov 10
"I just can't convince myself and no one can " /If no one can convince you that God exists, why ask if he does.? The fact that there are so many religions does not mean there is more than one God. "people" formed religions because so many disagree on who God is to them, and there are also religions that have no God at all. Since choosing to believe is a personal choice, you would have to discover God for yourself, but since you say you are a good person and don't need "any God", it would be almost impossible for anyone to change your mind.
@agatita11 (36)
17 Nov 10
well. the question is to get your opinions not to convince myself that god exists. ANyway i have made the topic wrongly then, but what i meant is to get your opinion about god existance. I live with a muslim girl who tries to convince my about her rights about their god. Every time she tries to convince me, every time i believe more that religion is creation of men where the women has no rights. I dont get it, and she still feels lucky to believe and follow all the rules which for me are strange but i respect them but i dont understand them totally....
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Our opinions on what exactly? Do you want to know if i believe God exists, yes i do.Do i think that some womens rights are neglected yes i do but as far as i know the muslim religion is the only one where women seem to have very little rights if any. You will not find God through any "religion" as he is not about religions at all he is about faith and trust in his teachings. he is all about the heart and not the mind which man made religion has in so many ways corrupted. as i mentioned before belief in him is a personal journey of discovery, which you can only find through your own doing .
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
18 Nov 10
I think religion is just too broad to discuss about regarding its rightness or otherwise. I think for meaningful discussion it's better to break it down; meaning it's better to take religion specifically. One reason why I can't quite agree with atheist like Richard Dawkins is that he keeps using "all religions are evil" kind of argument. I think we need to specify. For example, you cannot accuse Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc of violence because of 9/11. If one has to find fault with them it's important that we take cases where people belonging to that particular group has done. But it's also important to take good things they have done and thus compare why people are motivated to do such things.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Nov 10
Hi agatita, I think that you are fine as you are. I believe in God but not in the old man in the sky kind of God. To my way of thinking, believing in God is not important but living a happy life and spreading that happiness around really is very important. We can see God in every person that we meet if we try hard enough. The way to worship God is to show love and compassion to those around you and to make someone life a little better for someone, even if it's just by showing a genuine smile. Blessings.
@monitasharma (38)
• India
18 Nov 10
All the religions believe in the idea of ONE single God...However, people worship different "forms" of God...In Hinduism, it is clearly mentioned that God has no form, no shape, no face, no attribute whatsoever... It/She/He is a conscious force that is responsible behind the creation of the universe, sustenance as well as destruction of the universe....Have you seen Tom Hank's movie-Cast Away? In that movie it's shown how a human being feels comfortable with another human figure or face to talk to...
Similarly, the religious scriptures recommended human beings to think of God as something like a human form, so that one can easily meditate upon that three dimensional figure and even establish a communion with him or her....
God is actually Energy that is unmanifest and its manifested form is what we know as Krishna, Jesus, Guru Nanak, Prophet n Buddhaa....These are those great powers who took the birth as human beings but raised their soul to a level wherein they could actually SEE the unmanifest form of God and also, unite with that.... God is just one...You can worship or meditate upon any Godhead u like...

@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
19 Nov 10
From Christian or Islamic point of view to say that God is manifested through Krishna, Jesus, Guru Nanak et al is heresy.
"God" is a generic name for the divine. But different people have different definitions about God. No one will attempt to define God fully, but even the definition we give will also differ. For example, you say God is energy manifesting in Krishna, Jesus et al. However, Christian or Jewish or Islamic idea about God contrary to such thinking. After Jesus and Krishna are so different. Jesus incarnated just once; whereas Krishna is believed to be an incarnation of Vishnu who keeps reincarnating. But in Abrahamaic faith idea of reincarnation is a heresy.
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Very nice explanation. Although I don't entirely agree, I like your concept.

@san1980 (69)
• India
18 Nov 10
hi agatita11,
i totally agree with you in not believing could possibly be there N no. of Gods for so many religions in the world.we are following them because since birth we have been taught like that.finally it's upto us to believe in God or not.
I believe the universe was created by some superpower, but science is yet to prove the presence of superpower or almighty who created humanity.
@PSTordilla (88)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
I do respect that people can believe whatever they like to believe. I believe that that is an important right and choice. As for me you can count me as a believer even if at times I would agree that the existence of God cannot be establish by science and by other fields of human knowledge.
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
18 Nov 10
I think monitasharma hit pretty close to my beliefs with their comments. Although I don't have the same exact viewpoint, I do think that explanation is pretty close to what I was thinking.
I have discussed with many people over the years about not believing in a god of some form. I appreciate it, but personally don't understand it. I find many people have awareness of, and cultivate a "spiritual" side to them. No matter what form it takes. Sometimes meditation, sometimes zoning out listening to music that "speaks" to them, sometimes a book(even a religious tome), sometimes hiking, running, or walking in the woods.
My personal perspective comes from that of Christianity, and that is what I align my belief structure to. However, one thing i have found, is most Christians wouldn't call me a Christian on first glance, and I have been labeled everything imaginable from within the Christian community itself. This coupled with my discussions with other people has taught me that much of what is rejected by people is the concept and tenets of religion, more then the concept of a God.
I see too often people accept the dogmatic views and traditions in place of the faith that those tenets try to instill. I even see it in most of the conversations on this thread about believing in "a" God or "that particular" God. The concept is never about "God" it is about "MY God" verses "YOUR God". Even when down to the discussion of evolution verses creation. Scientific tomes and other people's research, verses religious tomes and other peoples experiences. In the end, it comes down to faith that someone is telling you the truth. None of it is through personal discovery and verification (maybe some of it, but very little).
From that perspective I can see why it is easy (as I myself likely have done) to reject the notion of "any" and "all" Gods. Someone else mentioned about the path to finding God. Even though that may not be your intent, as you are comfortable with "no god", I hope you will think on the idea of a God with no religion. Or maybe better stated, a God where all the religions are wrong (or maybe only partially correct?) What would that look like? What would that mean to you? What perspective would that place on all the organized religions of the world? There is a common thread in most of the religions, and I think that commonality speaks to the concept of "what is God?" more then "what is God to me".
@ganeshprabhuk (1722)
• India
18 Nov 10
god always exists an extra power or unknown energy always which helps us supports & guides us which is beyond our limit but being superstitious or making money in the name of god is not a good attitude.
@ganeshprabhuk (1722)
• India
18 Nov 10
god always exists an extra power or unknown energy always which helps us supports & guides us which is beyond our limit but being superstitious or making money in the name of god is not a good attitude.
@ganeshprabhuk (1722)
• India
18 Nov 10
god always exists an extra power or unknown energy always which helps us supports & guides us which is beyond our limit but being superstitious or making money in the name of god is not a good attitude.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
17 Nov 10
I would rather find a way to live then say I am going to heaven. If I die and there is nothing I can do about it then I would say " I lived a good life" You can be a good person without god. The whole god thing all started out with the worship of the sun. Many believed the sun to be an actual person who interferes with reality. They then also used idols to represent the sun and eventually they think the idols are god instead of the symbol of the sun. They want a person to watch and protect them but when you think about it, it would only cause more trouble because your protector can demand things from you. A god has never been found or even appeared in reality. Many believe in god but don't even know what god is.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Nov 10
God does exist. I understand why you don't believe in God if you base God on what religion teaches. God's actions are all around you. There is genius in everything. Believing has never been important to God. It is a must for religion. Relax, You are eternal regardless of your beliefs. There are things to learn. That is why you are where you are. You are special in that there is no one in the universe exactly like you. Be who you must. It's a part of the plan. Yes, evolution is part of the unfolding of the universe. However, there is much more to learn before the entire picture is clear. God created the universe in such a way that it can all be figured out.
@hanni711 (243)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
I respect your opinion about this. But I heard alot of stories of those who don't believe in GOD and when they met an accident they began to say "GOD help me!"As for me, I do believe that there is GOD. Our mere existence is already a proof that there is a supreme being who is GOD.
@oprofitis (34)
• Greece
18 Nov 10
If noone doesn't show up and do something only a god could do, then there is no proof that god exists... Even then, how are we able to know it was not done by a creature more technologically advanced? The support of god's existence is full of contradictions so it is a matter of belief, not of facts. God as a concept was just a creation to unify people and give them a purpose in life.
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
17 Nov 10
Would like absolute proof that God exists? Or, even with absolute proof you still don't want obey him?
@chocoholicx (228)
17 Nov 10
I'm agnostic so ultimately, I just don't know and I beleive that the "God question" is such a big question that I don't think I'm capable of knowing for definate.
Although, I do believe in evolution and I think you can believe in both evolution and God because many believe that you're not supposed to take the Bible word for word and evolution could've been one of God's big plans for humanity.
When I was really little, I used to believe in every single religion and therefore I believed that God, Buddhas and Hindu deities exhisted, looking down at me from heaven. But now that I've grown up, I have very different beliefs on religion. I think religion is good for many people even if it does turn out to be untrue, it has given numerous amounts of people hope, guidance and strength. Without religion, I think there would a huge empty space for many people and I think its great that religion has helped people so much.