New baby and still feeling behind in everything!
By XandersMom
@XandersMom (13)
November 17, 2010 10:05pm CST
I am a new mom, my son was born March 25, this year (2010) and he is going to be 8 months this month and I still feel like I am entirely behind on everything- chores is the biggest one.
It's so difficult to keep everything in life together when I have this very tiny person relying on me for everything. MOTHERHOOD is tough, I am learning that, no walk in the park.
I am having a tough time keeping up with chores likes dishes, vacuuming, and other thing, I still haven't even sat down to file my taxes.
The free time I have found has been spent for myself. I like to go on facebook and other sites to check up on my friends email everyone back respond to invitations ect ect. But during the day, my son wakes up at 7 no nap and goes to bed at 9pm. and we PLAY all day. The good news of this is he is very responsive, extremely smart. He is already talking, he has about 25 words in his vocabulary and last week we even started potty training as he is starting to walk (still needs a bit of help) But I think the way I have to look at it is: I may behind on everything else in the house, but my son is far ahead!
What do you guys think?
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16 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Nov 10
I find that "to do lists" are the best way to get things done. Really. It sounds silly and to simply to work, but they do if you stick to them. Everyone's life is different so what is important to one, might not be to another. Here's what I'd suggest
Write down EVERYTHING you have to do...from the dishes to shopping to doctors appt to anything else you need to get done. Then make a list for URGENT, WEEKLY and DAILY. Now go through and put what's on your EVERYTHING list onto these specific lists. (You might do one also for "gotta get done..eventually" too)
At this point, you only have to do this as to get caught up now with current things. Once you have your calender just make a list of everything which is smaller and do your scheduling once a week or so.
What you will need:
a monthly calender -any style of days/weeks/months you feel comfortable with. I buy a thin book style 12 month calender (dollar store for a buck!) and it opens up and both facing pages are the month. It has squares for each day and note space on the side. It also has a small date calender for last month and for next month if you need to count days.
Colored highlighters - I use highlighters to color coordinate repeating things...Green is for doctors appointments. Pink is for my grand daughters - when I pick them up and days I have them etc(I do day care for them). Blue is "other appointments" like my hair appt every 3 months or just things that I need to do specifically on that day that month. I can't tell you how much this has helped for research. If I need to see last time I was at doctor... I can just flip backwards and look for the green highlights! I also have specific days I always pick up a GD so I will in those day for the whole month and even into next month.
Now... first, cause you have a child...take off anything for any of the lists and put htem on the calender. Have monthly doctor visits? Right now, call and make the appts and put htem on your calendar and highlight them in your color for doctor appots. I'd do mine in green. Do this if you yourself have doctor visits.
Next...take your URGENT list and start working on that one first. Whether daily, weekly or monthly..if you have to do it that month...make the appt for it now and you can make it around the already scheduled doctor appts. THis also helps to combine trips. Instead of going to that same part of town, three different days of the week, combine them and do them all on the same day...saves time and gas! Another note....if you have a doctor or a place that has a phone number...on the side of hte page where there is note down the phone number of the appts you have for the month(do that as you make the appt).That way, if something happens that you have to cancel/ have the number right there and you don't have to go searching for it...saves time and frustration!
Now take your DAILY list - first schedule just things to do outside the home.
Now, take your WEEKLY list and whats left on DAILY...prioritize it as to what is more important. Now, start scheduleing those things. I would always schedule my grocery trips on friday mornings cause I take my GH to school that day and I stop at the grocery on the way home. I am already out, moving around and it happened that fridays were mark down days at my grocery so I get there about 8 and by 9 they had the meats and bakery stuff marked down so I picked those things up last and got the sale price.
Once you get things all written down and you visablly see your can at this time change some things around to accomodate gas...such as I stated all of certain things on the same day. With a child..this is really important as he has to have diaper changes, feeding, nap time etc. So you might block off every day the time for his nap time... then while he sleeps, either you do other things or maybe sleep too. But you know never to schedule anything to do that time of day and you have it for the entire month.
It sounds like a lot of work and complicated...but really it isn't. THe first time you do might be a little more work and some time arrangeing things, but since alot of what you do this month, you will also do next only have to schedule it this month and hten just copy it to next my GD daycare days/times. My issue on this is both my kids are police officers...they have to have me on call too but their schedules are the same and not changed month to month.
But next month...just copy over regular things (like I do with my GD days) and if no doctor appts this next month...then no green on the calendar and look at the time you have to work with! It really works so well. I know having a child with you at all times is a challenge and you have to schedule around all that requires, but it can be done, and once have the hard part done.. now you just know how your month goes and can easily know what you are doing and make the most of your time.
Now that you have that down...just keep a tablet handy... on the kitchen table or wherever is most noticable so that when you think of something you have to do...write it down. Just one list for everything. Now...choose a time... I used to do this Sunday night so as to schedule my whole week... but you choose what works for you.
It really works and having that in your hand to actually see an entire month with one glance instead of just the week is a HUGE plus to this system. You have your month in your hands to do as you see great! GOod luck with whatever you find works best for you!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Another great way to get organized...always include your child in things you do. WHile washing dishes...put him in the high chair with toys and pull him right next to you there and talk to him while you wash. Sing songs and things like that that he can listen to you and even participate. While doing laundry... ( I did this with my GD and she loved it) put the pile of clothes you are doing on the floor...tell him to choose something pink nad then let him toss it into the washer. Choose something blue...etc. If he is to small to do that specifically...just let him hand you him how, include him by saying.."okay, lets toss this in there"...just talk to him in normal voice (not that goo-goo-gaa-gaa kind of baby talk). This way he learns real words and is also learning motor skills nad things and also having fun with mommy so mommy is able to get things done and at the same time have fun and play with the child!
Most anything you do...he can be included. While changing sheets on the bed...toss the old sheet on the floor and let him wiggle around in it and laugh and talk to yuo...while you are putting on the clean ones. IT is so much fun.. I've done this with my grand daughters (4 of htem now!) and it works for the practical reason as well as fun for me and them and they learn while playing and having fun! I taught th eone at age 2,1/2 her colors with the washing machine trick!
Whatever you do...don't use the tv as a babysitter unless absolutely necessary - emergency kind of necessary. THose kids that sit in front of the tv for hours a day, are very slow to learn to talk...cause they don't have to. Most kids don't talk to the tv but they will talk to mommy. They don't do so good sometimes with their motor skills...cause the tv does everything for them, when if they just played with toys they'd learn to do things for themselves.
GOod luck! Wish I had this problem! I miss my little ones!
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
18 Nov 10
Hi XandersMom. Being a mother of a newborn is a tough job. I remember when my daughter was born and how difficult it was for me to take care of her, myself and my husband and do all the chores at home. It happens to all of us too. And don't worry, it will get better once he grows. You will get used to it and find ways to do your chores.
And it is great to hear that he is talking already! But he needs to rest in the daytime too. So put him to sleep after his lunch and you will get some free time for yourself too.

@XandersMom (13)
• Canada
18 Nov 10
I try putting him down, i really do, in fact yesterday we were playing in the jolly jumper and he was getting really tired and started nodding off (I bought it because my friend told me babies tend to get worked out pretty good and go to sleep) so i lifted him up- I even left the harness on so I didn't disturb him as much and put him down, and he woke up like 5 minutes later. NO LUCK. but he sleeps the WHOLE night from 9pm to 7am, like clockwork. I know when he is hungry because he is "On time all the time" So I have looked up ways to overstimulate him to get him to be in an "exhaustion" to go to sleep but this kid charges up like a lithium battery! I am not sure if diet has anything to do with it, 8:00am he gets variations of cereals for breakfast with a bottle of forumula, and 1:30 lunch is usually home made apple sauces or puddings (the healthy kind not the sugary kind) and some chopped cooked veggies, some forumla if he chooses. 5:00 Dinner is whatever we are having made into smaller easy to pick up pieces, and some watered down juice and just when I put him to bed he expects a bottle at 8:30 and promptly falls asleep at 9:00pm. I hope he stays this easy- will be great for any woman who marries him ;)
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Dec 10
Congratulations for the 25th of March when your dear little son was born. Welcome to motherhood. It is challenging to do baby care and household work. It is lovely that you play so very much with your 8 month old son. He seems to be way ahead in his learning. You are doing well at entertaining him and it is understandable that you are behind with your housework. I have a disabled three year old son and he is very frightened of the vacuum cleaner. I can only use it when he isn't home. I have times where I know my son and my baby daughter are playing happily. Then I can do the washing up, load or unload the washing machine, pot the dryer on, sweep up the floor and do dusting. This morning I went shopping and then this afternoon I cleaned plus tided my kitchen when my children were playing nicely and through the hatch I could see what they were up to. Sometimes I am busy with my kids and simply don't get time for the housework. Once your son joins a nursery school it might get easier for you to do all you wish in your house and keep up with paperworks too.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
18 Nov 10
Motherhood is the hardest job in the world. You are in the same boat as so many other mothers so please don't feel bad about it. My daughter will be having her first baby in February and I'm flying out to be with her to help her for at least the first month. I think with all that you have accomplished with your son that should make you the happiest. Don't worry about the chores and everything else. You will never get this time back with your son enjoy it. The chores will be there forever. The time with your son won't lst once he starts school and then before you know it he will be eighteen and getting ready to leave the nest. Eighteen years goes by so fast so take the time to savor this great time in your life.
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 May 11
I think that there are alot of people that get behind in doing things when they have children, or a baby.The reason for people getting behind on things is that routine has gone right out of the window, so it is the case of trying to get into some kind of a routine.Pace yourself so that you allocate say the morning to do the majority of house work, the afternoon to do or have a bit of me time, at lunch times that is your time for the children depending on when they are at their most demanding and needing of you and enjoy the time.Of an evening try to get a few things on like the washing, so that all it requires is getting dried, that way you get to keep up with the linen.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Nov 10
You are very lucky that your son is coming along so well with everything that he is able to do at this point in his life. I also have to inform you that it will be many years before you actually feel like you are able to keep up with things at home if you want to devote a lot of your time to your son. My children are eight and four years old now and I still feel like there are a lot of times that I can't find the time to clean up the house the way that I would like to.
@XandersMom (13)
• Canada
18 Nov 10
Then what they turn 18 and grow up and leave?
Sometimes I think if I owned a bigger house and had more storage it would be easier! Right now we live in a small 1 bed room apartment because we're saving up for a house.
@chulce (1537)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Motherhood is a tough job. My children are all now teenagers and I figured by now I would feel caught up. Nope. But, that is life, you do what you can and move on. It is best to enjoy the time you can with your little ones. When they reach teen status in many cases, you are put on the back burner and they are doing the things that they enjoy.
When my little ones were the age that yours is, I actually put them down for at least one nap during the day so that I could get things done. It is good to let them rest during the day at least an hour or two. While mine slept, I cleaned and did a few things then would hop on the computer for a few minutes.
Motherhood is very rewarding in so many ways, I can't begin to tell you. I feel very blessed with my 3 guys. They have taught me so much over the years and continue to.
Happy motherhood and good luck!
@cicisnana (772)
• United States
18 Nov 10
I totally agree...spend your time with your baby, the dishes will not worry, the house will not worry, but, if you don't play with the baby he will wonder why...congrats on your son and his accomplishments!
@TheAdvocate (2392)
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
I think that's a great trade-off. A baby forces you to prioritize everything, and some things will just have to take a backseat. I think you're being a good mother prioritizing your baby's development over daily chores. I do hope though that this is not to the extent that you need help from Clean House, though.
@inday_lorna1970 (1268)
• United States
19 Nov 10
woow, for 8 months you already trained him for potty training..that's good.! yeah but no matter what you still need to clean house for health hygiene too!
@rovered777 (649)
• United States
19 Nov 10
You should be really happy and feel proud of yourself. There definitely will be times when you think work is back, and these feelings will help you stay ahead of the game. Motherhood is a tough aspect when all aspects of care are controlled by that single individuals. I think the learning stage will set in perfectly for your babies, and soon enough they will support you. There are cases in which children of age 10 have been able to make enough money to support their families. Growing up and nurturing tomorrow's future is just a part of life that you will miss one day. Keep it up, XandersMom...
@louievill (28849)
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
You are not far behind, honestly i think you are far way ahead than most people, people who have everything but does not have or can never have a child like yours. All the chores can be well taken cared of, it's just a matter of time management and setting up goals and priorities. The best time to enjoy that little angel is now when he needs you the most and thank God he's showing signs of growing up normal.Take everything as a blessing as well as a challenge rather than a burden, take my word for it cause i've gone thru all that and you will wake up tomorrow refreshed and more than eager to hold that child and tackle those chores, btw avoid things like drinking or staying up too late at night if you can, things like that can derail us sometimes.
@ericasmom (8)
18 Nov 10
My daughter has just turned 10 years old and I am still behind with the housework! I am a single mom and I work full time and I hate that I miss out on time with her. I have worked since she was 10 months old. I feel like I have missed out on loads of her life and I very rarely do chores as when I am not at work I like to spend time with her. I try to make sure I do the basics so that we are not living in a disgusting environment but really, that is it. Motherhood is still tough for me but you have to not be so hard on yourself, you are giving your child the best possible upbringing that you can. Don't beat yourself up so much!
@chelseabelle (197)
• United States
4 Dec 10
I think you should ask a family member or a friend to help you out for an hour to a couple hours of watching your son. With someone watching him you can more stuff done with out worrying about him and what he's doing!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
18 Nov 10
I so wouldn't worry about housework. It'll get done when it gets done. I have an 11 year old and an almost 9 month old so I know how you feel. I spend my day chasing her around. Like you son, she is really advanced and tall for her age. I find it challenging to me to keep her mentally entertained all day.
Have you thought about signing up for classes like Mommy & me?
If you are that worried about housework, you could always get a maid to come in once a week and do a good cleaning job.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
18 Nov 10
Congratulation being a new mother. I should say Motherhood is not easy and
very challenging task. I experienced it myself and at first, I feel
so tiring and always asking myself whether I can make it or not.
But I try my best to be a good mother for my son.
Now, my son has reached his toddler aged and I do enjoy spending time
with him at home. He has started his nursery class this year.
I also has to cope with housechores and it can be quite tiring.
However, as long as I managed my time well,everything can go on smoothly.
You mentioned that your son does not take a nap.
He is pretty young and it is good for him to have a short nap in the
afternoon for at least 1-2 hours.
For my son, I encourage him to have a short nap everyday,or else, he sure
will feel tired and crancky when comes to dinner time.
Be strong and read lot of parenting books/magazines or you can simply
join some parenting forum which may give you more information on
motherhood. That is what I am doing for myself too.