By chowee
@chowee (517)
November 18, 2010 6:20am CST
I am biology student. And as a part of the course, we study about the evolution. in this subject, we discuss about where the life start when life start and who are the ancestors of all living things..
In this field of science, It explain that an organism(particularly HUMAN) evolved or arise from another simple organism(Evolution)..This could be true base from the features that organism and of course DNA sequences..and other chemical compositon..
SCIENCE can explain everything with PROOFS..
I am not saying that i am a disbeliver of GOD..I believe That GOD really exist..
For me GOD made everything..
IN BIBLE or IN EVOLUTION(Science)?????
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13 responses
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
18 Nov 10
Hello friend, i prefer to believe in God and the Bible, instead of the science specially for that. There is a magic in the stories of the Bible, and like all dreamers i want to believe in the spiritual more than to believe the dry facts of the world. God is some part of all of us, this is how i take it, the good part of our personality is God, so it's kind of hidden power we got in our hearts and we can use it, with respecting and loving all around. 

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@strawberrychocodahi (4817)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
I do believe that God created us and the universe. I disprove the theory of Evolution and the Big Bang. No offense people, this is just my opinion and I am entitled to share it here as you share yours.
In the beginning God created the.. as follows in Genesis Chapter 1. I do believe that God forms man out of dust and breathed in his nostrils and man became a living soul. I do believe that woman came out of man. Out of dust, we once came, once we die we will go back into dust.
I do believe that I have my parents genes with me and my DNA structure is unique, thanks to my folks and not with the monkeys, and science can also prove the validity or uniqueness of ones DNA.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Darwin himself said if one thing could be found that could not have come about through a series of slow gradual changes, his theory would be disproved. That was before the highly complex dna code/instructions was discovered in every living thing, and while they still thought the 'simple' cell was a mass of goop or something rather than being like a complex metropolis and communications network.. (You won't hear this in the 'science' courses however.)
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
I believe in the Bible and anything that contradicts what exactly were written in the Bible I discard and refuse to believe no matter what. Life starts when God decided to create. The seven day creation is what I do believe and I believe Adam is the ancestor of all human beings. Now those who believe that their ancestors are the monkeys that is their choice and I can't blame them for maybe their appearance is their basis. 

@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
I believe in both. Evolution started from the creation of god. It's not really two different subjects. Science doesn't really eliminate the notion of having god. It's just the study of how things work.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
18 Nov 10
I've asked someone before how the 2nd Law of Science was suspended long enough for evolution to occur and continually occur, that's the law that says all matter is falling apart not improving. It moves toward less order, and doesn't tend toward increased order (and thought it was just my body, my house and car!
) The only answer I got was that it was the sun entering the system
, but aren't we also talking about before there wasa a sun.. and, well, a leaf on a tree, yes, uses the sunlight to increase order (on behalf of the tree, but pluck the leaf from the tree, and lay it in the sunlight when it's no longer living and what happens? It heats up and disintegrates more quickly. Any farmer or gardener with a compost pile can tell us that! Everyone assumes the theory is correct and has been proven. But where are all the transitional life forms, living or fossil?There should be zillions, rather than a handful of possible ones.. And how does anything survive while it is for hundreds of years evolving its survival mechanism? Please bear with me, it's not that I don't value your opinion, I just can never resist the urge to point out that opinion is really all it is. It's hard for people to know that as a teacher bringing up even one of the many questions involving the theory will lose their job, and the non-evolutionary scientists aren't popular and published but are ridiculed, but I've read them and zowie! They're good!

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@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
19 Nov 10
Hi chowee,
I will tell you what I believe. I will not speak for others. I believe that the Old Testament is the story of first man Adam and New Testament is the story of first human Christ. Men and human have two different natures. Man is one stage above animal and human is one stage above men. Humans are more kindly, sympathetic, loving, caring, patient and tolerant than men. Men lived more as animals because they had to survive amid animals in hostile condition. Jesus came after man had turned gregarious and he needed a new nature to live in society.
The author of book of Genesis had not given an account to explain creation event or evolution of living things on earth, but just to explain how human beings came on earth. He was only trying to explain how God is protecting the creature he had created in his own image. The story given in the Bible serves no other purpose.
Science is trying to pursue an entirely different theme. It is not seeking the purpose of life. It is only trying to reveal how life came to exist in this world. Therefore, I believe in whatever is written in Bible and I also believe in whatever science is now discovering. The quest in both would finally reveal the true nature of God.
@JackRoy (242)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Where there is proof against one thing, thereafter no question should be arisen. Same with Evolution. It is such a theory which has numerous proof. Being a science student you shouldn't go with something which has no proof. Anyways I believe in Evolution and only Evolution (science). Not anything else. As far as you are concerned you gave your answer.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
18 Nov 10
hi! Since the theory is everything evolved from one, that's like a zillion, zillion transitional life forms that would need or would have needed to exist, yet I don't see any half and half and there are like only a handful of possible transitional life form fossils. When they satisfactorily tell me where all the rest are maybe I'll give the theory some consideration.
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@ethanonthemoon (1494)
• Quezon, Philippines
19 Nov 10
I am a creationist. I believe that all living things, and even non-living things, was created by God.
There is no other way to explain the creation of life, specially, but by the loving grace of God. In evolution, you cannot explain everything. Evolution states simply that human came from simple living things. That simple living thing evolved to be human. How? Through millions and millions of years of trial and error? We should see bones of human-like beings with wings or one eye socket or one leg or arm...
Evolution is an open-ended debate. And it is still a theory isn't it? It is still called Darwinian theory. Haven't proven or disproved yet.
At least, in my creationism, millions of scientists believes in that, known scientists at that.
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
18 Nov 10
I believe in both. Evolution started from the creation of god. It's not really two different subjects. Science doesn't really eliminate the notion of having god. It's just the study of how things work.
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@chipesterkhan (2925)
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
the bible's version of evolution is summarized
evolution tells us how it really happened
@aaronfyzeon (1919)
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
What you study in school will just make you be prepared in what will you be needing in the future being a biologist or whatever course you are taking. This kind of subject matter if it is being debated in class is only for that certain purpose. I will not really make a big deal out of it because it really does not concern me after all. I am a Chemical Engineer and we already have gone through that topic as well.
I still believed that God created the humans and he created the world. If you will seem to look beyond outer space. You will be amazed that how can all of these wonders just began itself if nobody created them. Do you agree? There are also some discoveries that Jesus existed in this world. There are proofs. And if Jesus alone really existed then I will not question the existence of God after all. I have a strong faith although I am not pious or a fanatic Christian.
@rovered777 (649)
• United States
18 Nov 10
God truly exists, because I bet there is somethings that are more advanced than science. I believe it is impossible to counter such things that don't have a weight or can't be measured. A small example of such powers are human telepathic abilities, whereby a persons mind is used to communicate with others. Think of human evolution as groups of organisms that reproduce, but there is a difference in the ultimate power that created such organisms. Humans have been numbering upwards and the population is booming, but rocket science doesn't have abilities to answer such questions. Rather, this powers entity can not be seen and understood by sight alone, as super human powers really exist. No two people are aware of it, and we only can believe and suspect that there is.
@tedeng06 (60)
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
I rather believe in science rather than the bible. Because science has a lot of proof that man came from monkeys rather than the bible that explains that we all came from adam and eve. Big bang theory also has a lot of proofs rather than god made the universe in just seven days. Personally I would prefer relying on the evolution of man rather than the bible.