Tithing and Offering to God
@mysterycollection (16)
United States
6 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Nov 10
God does own everything, but He has made us stewards of it. By tithing, we show how good or bad a steward we have been. Do you know or remember the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 24:15-30?
Tithing began in the Old Testament when Abram gave Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of God Most High, a tenth of everything he (Abram) had won in his defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him. Genesis 14:17-24. Tithing was a law given to the Israelites, Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5. Although a percentage is not indicated in the New Testament, a portion of our income, to support the church, is suggested, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 9:7; James 1:5. Lastly, we are warned about robbing God, Malachi 3:6-15.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
19 Nov 10
First, let me apologize. The Parable of the Talents is in Matthew 25:14-30 not Matthew 24: 15-30.
I think we should give cheerfully at the level of our ability just as the servants in the Parable of the Talents were given responsibility according to their ability. Someone who gives cheerfully, out of love for God, will be blessed by God just as the first two servants were blessed by their master; but someone who has no faith in God to provide for them even the interest rate at a bank, should not expect to be blessed by God. I also think people who give only with the hope of getting, and not out of love, will not be blessed. God knows our heart.
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
19 Nov 10
Greetings mysterycollection.
Avonmart and bestboy19 have given superb answers! I would like to add the thought that under the current age, the age of Grace, or what I call the age of the Church, we know that Christ has fulfilled the Law, and looking at the Sermon on the Mount, through Christ we are to excel above the Law.
For example, remember Christ said, not eye for eye, tooth for tooth, but turn the other cheek? Not reciprocating hurt exceeds the expectations of the Law. Therefore, if the Law required 10%, many true Christians (I make a distinction from nominal Christians) will eventually get around to giving MORE than 10%. I heard of one Christian business man who does not tithe 10%, but 90%!
God bless you all!
@Neriz69 (1093)
• Philippines
30 Dec 10
If you borrow from a bank, don't you pay them back the whole amount plus the interest? With God He is only asking for 10%. I think giving tithes and offering is just and appropriate. Malachi 3:10 states that we have to give God 10% of all our earnings.
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
24 Nov 10
In my church we tithe as well, and by doing so, we are showing our allegiance to God, by giving him a tenth of our increase. I know that a lof of people don't believe in tithing, and that is on them. I prefer to do what God has told me to do, and by doing so, he has blessed me and I am so thankful for that too. I will continue to tithe for as long as I have the resources to do so. Take care, and have a good day. 

@safirpurim (252)
• United States
31 Dec 10
you are insightful! technically hebrew scriptures says nothing that a man must give tithes...that is a ploy by pastors and priests to get people's money. they brought in this human tradition based on what avram=abram did when he rescued his nephew lot with his men trained in his house. (book called genesis 14) then he gave a tenth of what he had to malki tzedeq (who is my master, that english speakers call jesus the christ)
now, there are verses which are translated and says about giving a "tenth" to yhwh...(english says lord) however, one was able to give of fruit, or vegetables, and other things as well. and the keyword is "tenth". also, it was to be given to yhwh (the lord they say in english)...
but consider...how can a man in this day and age give anything to yhwh? (the lord) can a man reach up into the heavens and hand god some paper? and why does god need men to give them paper, when all he has to do is make the paper himself? also, even animals have no need of paper money....so why would god!
see that whole tithing thing is a ploy by christian pastors and preachers....to say "tithe" instead of "tenth" is their deception. even if a person gives a tenth of what they have, they would not have to give any more. but these churches demand of people over and over. some churches even check people's pay stubs to be sure the people are giving at least a tenth!
but that is a human tradition and rule. if a person truly wants to give to god, they should share with the poor, and less fortunate, the homeless, the needy or someone who could use the money for their bills. by helping our fellow man, we may be assisting god if we do such a thing with wisdom and love. but the pastors and preachers are deceptive and would demand people's money and try to say it is for god....but you cant give a spiritual god physical currency...and as my master says=one must worship god in spirit and in truth..not in money.
@mjydalisay (17)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
Indeed. And we owe everything to God. I think giving tithes is one of our obligation as a Christian.