Why Do People Still Believe In God?
By wiggles18
@wiggles18 (2506)
November 18, 2010 5:39pm CST
Why do people still believe in "God". Can't we all just agree that there was nothing and then everything was created; why does it have to be created by this "God" figure.
Maybe "God" was the name given for the event of all creation, and not some mysterious figure who did the creation; that makes much more sense.
Show me what you got.....
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13 responses
@payout (3794)
• United States
19 Nov 10
I know for a Fact there is a GOD. I have no reason not to believe or to even think there isnt even a God. Probably because my Religious Back ground.
Im Christian/ Pentecostal and so what I was told and I believe never put God Before anything. God is there and he listens and talks to the ones that are listening and will do what he ask them to do.
I go to church 1-2 a week. Almost every time I feel his Spirit. I believe in speaking in tongues and I do Speak in Tongues. I dance the whole nine yards haha.
But I love my GOD. God hasn't spoken to me yet because Right now I feel as if im not ready. He does speak to my Parents and a lot of people that believe in the same things I know.
GOD.. is So... Awesome. I understand people are so into what is the truth. God is the Truth. He made us in his own Image. I just KNOW my life will be Lost if I didnt know GOD.
He has done so much for me and my family. HE will always test your faith but in the end it makes you stronger.
There will be a time when Jesus comes back and the whole world will see him. If sad because some people are lost. Im not trying to bash any other religion. I think if people give so many things a try why not God. People quick to try a new food a new Drink, a new shirt, a pair of new shoes.
So why not Try Jesus.
Everyone will have the chance. SO why you go to God you can't say you didnt know. No one cant

@payout (3794)
• United States
19 Nov 10
God works by Faith, Prayer, and your Actions. Why not just send us to Heaven that will make it to simple. Thats like saying if we are going to die. There is no point in living.
God Test us. especially his children. He wants to see if you keep your eye on Him while every around is falling. People are turning there backs on you. You are losing everything. Why be Weak and go to heaven and no nothing about GOD. When you can Learn and Grow in Faith.
I believe what I believe because I have a relationship with GOD. Not the Best one but I try. IM only human. Sometimes your own thoughts can betray you. even our own Flesh we want want want. Answers this and that. When in the end it isn't about me or you its about GOD.
I have a Question for you does Music Influence you?
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
What I can't really understand about the whole Jesus things is, he was supposedly Jewish. And if he was such a great guy, why not follow what he followed(Judaism), instead of creating a religion about him (Christianity).
Why not try to figure out if God really could exist, instead of just believing what people have told you?
If there really was a "God" why not just automatically place us in what you religious folks call "Heaven", instead of making us go through these "trials".If "God" did exist and do this, I would probably have to think of him as a cruel prick, who plays games with people for no good reason(doesn't really conjure up a good image).
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@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
I'm sorry. I can't have a discussion with you if all of your points are going to be someone else's words, or words from the gospel.
Yes, music does influence me. It is sound, which I, as well as others can hear at the same time, not some "man up in the sky" who "picks a lucky person" in a while letting them only here what "he" is saying.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
19 Nov 10
"Why do people still believe in "God"."
Maybe because it is their truth. Truth is important to everyone. And truth is always relative to believers. It's part of what makes us who we are. It's like knowing your family's your family, your life is your life, etc. It's comfortable; it's what has brought you to this point. Jerk the rug out and you're literally destroying lives.
Why would anyone want to impose their truth on another? Isn't that the one big criticism of religion - that it indoctrinates and forces people to abide a standard others might not believe in?
Anti-religion has come full circle and it's now as dogmatic as any religion ever was.
The existence of any sort of "god," to our world now, is unequivocally inconsequential.
It seems that the better way to meet in the middle is simply to live and let live. Wanting people to agree with you that their god doesn't exist is not a compromise.
I'm not sure this stance is a winner: "God doesn't exist. Agree with me that god doesn't exist because god doesn't exist. What I believe makes more sense. Now, show me how I'm wrong!"
It seems awfully similar to: "God exists. Agree with me that god exists because god exists. What I believe makes more sense. Now, show me how I'm wrong!"
The way it appears from the outside looking in, everyone would do well to stop staring at the stalemate on the board and move on to another game.

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
19 Nov 10
To believe nothing is to live nothing.
"Doesn't" and "does" are both +1/-1 when it's an immovable, unchanging belief.
True believers in a god might never be convinced by evolutionary evidence, gains in the science of the universe that could better help to pinpoint creation, or even a more solid theory. They'd tie it back in with god.
And that's just like true believers that god doesn't exist may never be convinced otherwise through another's personal experiences, stigmata, unexplained miracle-like happenings in life, etc. They'd look at everything else but.
So I don't how one can be neutral when that "doesn't" is just as self-assured as another's "does."
It seems like a bias standard.
"I don't know" is neutral. "NO" means no. 

@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
It doesn't exist means 0, it does exist means +1. In order for something to not exist it must be 0, +1 would be the exist, the inverse of the existing would be the negative version of it, -1, together they combine to make the nothing: 0.
It doesn't exist means: -1 doesn't exist, 1 doesn't exist.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
I'd actually say that the "God doesn't" and "God doesn't" exist are not really inverse applications of each other.
I'd say "God doesn't" is more like zero, as in believing nothing, which can not really do really harm, because you now have an open mind, free from influential beliefs. The "God does" is like +1, the opposite would be like "This God exists", which would be like -1.
I'm more so trying to do what you say is a good idea, with "live and let live", we should all just accept things for what they are, but holding off all beliefs.

@vbpujara (646)
• Rajkot, India
19 Nov 10
Lot of longer topics saw about God,but i am in very short to say:)) God is exist so we believe and I too.
if you can change day in to night or night in to day don't believe.
if you can change seasons,make star,sky,sun,moon,trees,water don't believe.
If you finally can make alive human never believe in "GOD".

@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
All of that stuff happens on its own due to physics; there isn't someone controlling all of that stuff. It controls itself.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
Haha. Physics was created by itself. Physics is the all time creator.

@jujunme (2501)
• United States
19 Nov 10
Instead of answering your question i'll ask you some of my own.What is the motive behind this discussion? Why do you seem so uncomfortable with your own disbelief, you find it necessary to attempt to sway believers with yor theories and assumptions? and what do you mean "Can't we all agree that there was nothing and then everything was created?" it's so clear to me how much you seem to need people to agree with you, even when you make the most incredible statements i've ever read Who are you? and what can ever made you think you can persuade anyone with your atheist argument. People way more knowledgeable on the subject of religion than you are, have attempted to sway or change the minds of believers and have failed.i can't imagine how you could think your little discussion here holds any weight at all.

@Niltusk (131)
• United States
19 Nov 10
I think this posters motivation is to pad their count on something that gets people going.
If ignorance is bliss, wiggles is supremely happy. Downrated every spam post shes made in this thread.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
Niltusk, you couldn't have been more assumptive!!! Hahahaha. First you assume that I am doing this to get people riled up, which I am most certainly not. And here is the funniest thing, you assume I am a woman, I am a guy :D. Haha.
I would suggest you reconsider who you are calling ignorant.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
Why did you even bother asking "what is the motive behind this discussion?" If you only answered it by your own assumptions. I'll still partake in it though; I am trying to open people's minds, trying to remove the veils that are in front of everyone's eyes.
"Who are you?" Why should it matter who the person is who makes the statements? Just because I am not Stephen Hawkings, President Obama, some celebrity, or some "important" person doesn't mean I shouldn't be listened to.
Don't make assumptions about my character: you are creating false motions about myself saying things like "I can't imagine how you could think your little discussion here holds any weight at all." Where have I said in this entire discussion that I think so? That is like me saying "I can't believe how much you lie to people".

@appalo (33)
• United States
19 Nov 10
If evolution is a fact instead of theory than why at that time and how did it start? There had to be something that started the whole thing. And for everything to be perfect, was that left to chance? Look at the beauty of nature. Evolution is a theory for a reason. No one can prove it really happened with out help. Someone much bigger had to make the universe and the people in it. Just read the Bible and it will tell you the truth. Open your mind and heart.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
I have read the bible. I would like to ask you to open your mind.
The universe created itself, that is how perfect it is.
Perfectness occurs because things have to be balanced in order to work, things wouldn't work if they were not balanced. If things were still unbalanced we would probably not be alive to ask how things are so perfect, because the situation never allowed for it. Nature wasn't created perfect, perfect came before nature(Kind of hard for me to explain this part in words).
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
20 Nov 10
Sigh.... No, no and no. There's a flaw right there, perfection would also have to come before "God, Jesus and the holy spirit", so "they" are at the very most not the creators. 0=infinity
Nothing bad or tragic happened to me to make me like this(why does everyone automatically assume that?).Something good happened to me to make me this way; I "opened my eyes", thought outside the normal, and started questioning things. I am not "mad and taking it out on others", I am trying to help others.
@appalo (33)
• United States
20 Nov 10
You are right, perfection came before nature, God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Has any man tried to put together a human brain from scratch? I may be wrong, but it seems something happened to you or someone close and you thought God left your prayers unanswered. Are you just mad and taking it out on others? Just wondering. I know for a fact God exists and is full of LOVE.

@closetgaara (128)
• United States
18 Nov 10
Different people have different reasons for their beliefs, so I can't provide an explanation for that. That's their business and not mine. They, just like you and everyone else, is entitled to their own beliefs. They don't have to give in and "just agree" to anything they want to, especially if it doesn't make sense to them or they simple don't believe it. God doesn't make sense to you, but it makes sense to other people so you should respect that. Why does it have to be one or the other? People should learn to respect each other more.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
Can't have those kind of divisions amongst people(they create conflict); unified is the way to go, much less problems that way.
There is a difference between believing and knowing.
@closetgaara (128)
• United States
19 Nov 10
I don't agree with that at all. Having everyone believe in the same thing just because you want them to is not going to create less problems. Understanding and respect is what does that. Conflict is always going to exist in this world, no matter what.
There is a difference between believing and knowing, true. Do you know for sure how we came to be on this earth? No one does, so I'm not sure of your point.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
Of course you don't...
Actually, I do know how we came to be on this earth. First, there was nothing, and then matter was created out of that nothing, which had events that led up to us on the earth:
That is how.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Nov 10
Why does it matter to you what people believe, wiggles? I'm surprised that you would push the idea of everyone conforming to a single idea when you have appeared to me to be an independent thinker, although I don't recall agreeing with you very often.
I thought you were going off to live in the wilderness? 

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Nov 10
Actually, it's important to get the science and math right when creating those flavors of ice cream or you wind up with a glop of something nasty.
That's science and math based. When it comes to a person's individual beliefs in the area of God and religion, what's right for them is right for them. Nothing on this earth is going to change if everyone does not conform to one belief...or one set of facts.

@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
21 Nov 10
That has nothing to do with this topic; it is an astray point. The ice cream situation was supposed to represent opinion, taste: something that really doesn't have a right or wrong answer. It's like me saying "what would you like for lunch" and you saying "french fries", then me saying "that is correct!". It really doesn't match up.
Anyways, I've had enough with this entire monster of a topic; I feel I have said all I need to say, and don't want to have a lingering headache anymore.
I would have rather have spent my better words on your branch, instead of the others before(A lot of people just shout out and say "God is exist, cause I believe he does, that's why he exist!"
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
20 Nov 10
Recent developments(lots of oil and mine work) in my surrounds have forced me to go on an agricultural route, at least for now.
This isn't people picking out what flavor of ice cream they want; it is science and math based. It is important to get facts right.

@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
12 May 11
am i wrong in thinking that you have not read the Bible..?
i believe there is a God, the creator of all things. and the Bible tells it so. if the argument is devoid of knowledge about what the Bible says, i have that thinking that people just wanted to be on their own, and would not want anyone, or a Creator, limit their actions, or control their obtuse ways.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
12 May 11
No, I've read the bible. It only further makes me believe religion is a man-made thing, used to control and manipulate people.
People don't need laws and religion to 'keep society going' education and understanding is what is really needed...
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
People who were brought up with Christianity believes in God. This is because it was inculcated in them that God do exist and support it with the stories from the bible. This is especially so in times of need and problems. Most of the time people rely on prayer to relieve them of their present problems.
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
19 Nov 10
Hi wiggles, For me i can tell you GOD is there otherwise from where all these earth, sky, water, air, human, animals, trees have come? I think some times our family members made us like to believe GOD, so that, that word itself give us some strength and fear for something away from sin/unwanted things/destroy etc., This is one of good thing which are learned from our parents to lead a quality life/good life.
@qianyun6 (2066)
• China
19 Nov 10
Because always human beings cannot explain all the things happened no matter how we develop our science knowledge. We are in this universe, we can't jump out it and look at the panorama of it, so it's always mysterious to us. But people are curious, God is a symbol of unexplainable things in every specified era.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
Then I would think it would be a better idea to just state that it is "unexplainable", instead of just rushing it all and saying, well.... what about God, and then all agreeing on that. That is like seeing 10 X 10, and not knowing what it is, so you just throw out a number, say 150, and then everyone believing it. Should just keep the equation open as unsolved....
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
13 Mar 11
"I have to NOT believe in God, because there has been so many things that have happened over the years that seem to shout 'God is NOT here'".
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
19 Nov 10
Religious tomes and other peoples experiences verse scientific tomes and other peoples experiences - in either case it is all about "faith"
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
faith is like saying 10 X 10 = 150 because you believe it is, instead of actually doing the math.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
*Sigh* Numbers don't lie; they are pretty Universal(no pun intended), numbers make up the structure of the Universe, in complex equations.
But then again:
"Hallelujah!! I have seen the Jesus!! I Love the God'a!!kjibbabbooba daboobatimong!(tongue speaking)".^Sarcasm Obviously^
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
19 Nov 10
Sorry...you have described belief. From wikipedia:
Faith - the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, concept or thing.
What you stated is a belief, ii isn't faith. Faith comes based on some proof of reason. In your example, the reason is that you can calculate the answer your self, and therefore, have established doubt in to the belief that 10 X 10 = 150. Depending on your base system used (Base 10 in this case), this can be a wrong calculation (if using something other then Base 10). Likewise, people that have religious faith have put their concepts and precepts to a test, too, that provided some reason of proof to them that concept was believable and trustworthy. It is a different base system. To argue that the base 10 system is the only way to prove a concept is just wrong.
However, you do put faith in science's infalabilty in what it claims. For example, tell me the diameter of the sun? Explain to me how much the earth weighs? Explain to me how you calculated the age of the universe? And please - show your work, explain the tools you used, and give full documentation of the experience you have with equipment you used, and how long you have owned it or had access to it.
My guess is you can't, because you are taking it on faith, through someone else's explanation, calculations, equipment and measurements, that you feel confident you *COULD* perform those calculations, but you haven't actually done them yourself. Ergo, you have faith that the scientific tomes are correct because you see how the conclusions could be arrived at based on the information presented, and it could be duplicated if you had the ability to reproduce them yourself.
Faith in religion is the same thing. Because you understand how something could occur you must still take it on faith that the person that wrote the religious tome is being as honest as the person that wrote the scientific tome. Their results could be duplicated if you had the ability to duplicate it yourself.
Again, mis-matched base systems.
Science and Religion don't set out to nullify each other, but there is this inexplicable conflict that both sides end up yelling "my god is bigger". Science's god, empirical data and peer review; religion's god, internal feelings and personal commentary. There is no common ground, they aren't working within the same base system, how could they ever hope to convince the other one?
Science is the study of that which is seen - religion is the study of that which is felt. Why the conflict, I will never know?
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