Does anyone else find texting as pointless as I do?

United States
November 19, 2010 8:53pm CST
I know I am probably showing my age, but I have never understood the point of texting. It seems twice as long to type in a text as it does to make a call. I get the idea from twitter, or from an email or IM account, but to text each other - I just don't get it. I see new virtual laser keyboards coming out, and they make texting make a bit more sense to me. Anyone else think texting is pointless?
2 responses
@Bannybanzie (1397)
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Well... I did not look at what actually your age is but I'm 17 and I really cannot find anything fun with texting (and our country, Philippines, is called the texting capital of the world so you can probably think what most people around me are doing). Yeah, I use IM, e-mails, but I don't text unless it's really needed like someone is asking an emergent thing... I think many people have been addicted to texting, but still, there are people like us who would never find any pleasure in it... I once tried to do this "unlitext" thing where you could text as many as you want all day long and I did not last... I quit immediately and just slept. I feel that my hand is sore and I don't have the energy to press and press all day... It's kind of boring to me. Well, no offend to those who love texting. Each one of us is different... just sharing my views..
• United States
20 Nov 10
Solidarity Sister...I am with you. Taking a stand and not looking back. For the record I am almost 39.
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
You're not that old yet... I mean, here in our country, I can see people between 40s and 50s still addicted to texting... :)
• United States
20 Nov 10
I know, I don't think it is an age thing - it is a rebellion thing...I think. Like I said...I just don't get it - LOL
• Malaysia
27 Nov 10
I don't thin texting is pointess. Texting is like a refresher of something you want to do,about a feeling shared,meeting or remainder of appointment. It lives a lasting remembrance and i believe lots of people will testify to that,starting with me. I kept some text messages for long,because they remind me of happy moments shared with loved ones.