si habla le anglaise ha ha ha. No habla he he he
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
November 19, 2010 8:58pm CST
I was at lunch the other day when 3 of the care takers kept looking at us, then going off in laughter, and Spanish. Do you feel like I do when someone stares at you, then goes off in a foreign language and keeps laughing?Do you think its rude or does it not bother you? Maybe we
imagined they were talking about us and laughing at us, we did not know as we do not speak spanish. I did understand some of the words, and yes one
of them was laughing at Sandra who sits across the table from me. Now I feel if they are not making fun of us then use E nglish, do not say in Spanish what you would not have the guts to say to us in English.I
would not do that to someone who does not speak English as it is
rude. If one is going to talk about me use English and say it to
my face,cowards.
18 people like this
44 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
20 Nov 10
Your last word sums it all up. They're cowards. They wouldn't DARE say the same thing in English, they'd be too embarrassed or afraid of getting fired.
I've actually thought about learning Spanish JUST so I'd know what these cowards are saying and be able to reply back to them and let them know that not all of us natural-born Americans are unable to understand their pathetic jokes, maybe making them think twice before doing it to another person.
For the time being, I think I'd turn to my closest friend and, after glaring at these Spanish-speaking cowards for a few moments, whispering something to my friend, then laughing hysterically, just to let those cowards know what it feels like.
Is there anyone you can complain to about these specific caretakers? I'd have to say they're not doing their job very well because talking about someone and laughing AT them is not very caring.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Nov 10
hi mentalward yes it is cowardly as they would not dare to''
again insult a resident as all three of them have be en
told to shape up or else so they do it in Spanish
instead. g rrrrrrrr
@rovered777 (649)
• United States
20 Nov 10
That is so dis respectful.. You need to ignore such people as they are bickerers who need punishment. Its really interesting. Your discussion post seems like something typical happening at schools. Spanish and English are big language contenders and I don't see why these languages are creating so much buzz from inhumane people. Don't be too careless when speaking Spanish, as sometimes it may be personal or curse filled language that you will be speaking.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Nov 10
hi thats what I felt it is rude and disrespectful okay if they feel like that take the conversation away from us so we do not have to hear it and be angered by it.we cannot stop people from thinking and saying what they will but to be cowardly and hide behind their language knowing she did not know Spanish is mean.I do not speak spanish only english but I never hide behind language and make mean remarks about someone. that's rude and unfair and unKind too.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
20 Nov 10
Why not learn a few phrases in Spanish and surprise them..hehe
Maybe they even learn that it is not nice to laugh at someone who doesn´t understand what they say..
Better laugh with people than at them!! 

3 people like this
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Nov 10
hi buenavida oh that is a priceless idea and could turn
them around a little. It is very rude to speak in a foreign
language around people who only speak English. Will try'
that one of thees days. I can s till read Spanish
but am not that up on speaking it .
2 people like this
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Dec 10
Hi jesse who is Mexican and speaks college spanish did ovehear them and he was furious so told Jenet the admins. and she mandated they speak only English around the residents and not be rude while doing it. I did not do it but Jessie did.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
9 Dec 10
Well, maybe it helps, and no harm in learning some Spanish anyway, it is fun to speak a foreign language and trains the memory..
Maybe some of the people around you could teach the others..

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Nov 10
Hi Hatley,
Yes, that is very rude. I have had customers come in the store where I work that are foreign and If they have someone with them that does not speak English, that is one thing but it's when they speak English and then carry on conversation in another language while I'm right there that I think is rude. It makes me feel the same as when someone starts whispering while I'm right there. I was always told that it is rude to whisper in front of people. We get a lot of Chinese people coming in where I work and I have trouble understanding some of their English but I really can't understand a word of Chinese. 

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Nov 10
hi sid yes when they do know English but go into Spanish and start
'making fun of an innocent elderly lady with congestive heart
failure this really angers me. If she learned that they were'making
fun of her she would be really hurt. She did not even know they'were
doing that and I sure would never tell her.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
20 Nov 10
SID: I think she "held back" out of consideration for Sandra's feelings. After all, Sandra had no loss of self esteem since she didn't know what they were saying. Sometimes it's better to hold one's tongue--even though it's completely justifiable to rip 'em a new one. Here's one example of that; it happened to me & a friend many years ago.
I'd grown up partly in NW Louisiana, a very rural, backward, & bigoted area. But I'd been living in Houston for a number of years, & had forgotten how ugly some people could be to black or Hispanic folks.
On a visit to my grandparent's farm in that area, with a pal who'd never been there before, we had occasion to visit a nearby town, & we stopped into a store, just to pass a little time. Eventually we saw a trinket & went to the counter to buy it.
The store was large, but nearly empty. A middle-aged black woman arrived at the counter just before us, so we stepped politely aside so she could pay.
The sales clerk looked at her, & then deliberately turned to us, & asked us if we were ready to buy. Automatically, we said no, because the other lady was there first, but the clerk gave us a stiff look, again ignoring the black lady, & repeated her question.
It all came back to me, then. How I could have forgotten the way some people were there? My pal, who had no use for bigots either, said, "No, she was here first. We'll wait."
Before the clerk could wrap her mind around that statement, the black lady broke in, saying, "Oh no! No no no! Y'all go ahead! I can wait!"
At first, we insisted, but then we saw how shaken the other customer was, how she said, "I don't want to cause no trouble!" Her fear was palpable, & it was then I had an insight, I turned to the sales clerk & & said, "Here you go, & handed her the souvenir, paid for it, smiled & left.
All my instincts to fight had to be throttled in view of one simple fact: The next day, my pal & I would be back in Houston, & would never have to deal with that concrete-brained clerk again, whereas, that lady who begged us to go first, had to stay there, had to shop in that mini-burg, had to deal with these kinds of folks, & her eyes had told me, "Please don't make waves! It could get really hard for me if you do!"
I will never forget that lesson.
"A friend is a gift you give yourself." (Source unknown, by me, anyhow!)
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@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Nov 10
Yes, cowards. I think to some degree they are giggling because they know they are doing something wrong and that is rude. I think they know what they are doing and feel alittle naughty at best. I hope that if it was something that needed to be put out and expressed that they will find the strength to do so.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Nov 10
hi celticeagles thats what I felt too and its sad Sandra did not even
know they were talking about her and making fun of her. I would
not for the world tell her either as why upset her. but a gain I'will got to the administrator as two of those women are on probation as it
is.another thing sandra has heart disease so why take a chance. I just wish they would not do that again.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Nov 10
I am glad that S andra is what she is and I would not ever tell
her what those three woman were doing and why they were
laughing and no they speak Mexican so many of these w omen caretakers do not bother about the feminine ending if they wish to say Gordo for a fat woman they will do so and for nmiss or mrs. anastasia or whatever her name, these three women are not college grads and they speak mexican spanish and no Sandra is not a cross dresser, what an ugly mind you have. and how dare you patronize me in my own discussion. you lady were not there, I was.
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@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Nov 10
That is too bad that people have to be bothersome and negative to others. And I would wonder what was said and why the giggling and being weird like that. I think sometimes others think they are sort of cool speaking in another language and they know the other person doesn't understand.
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
20 Nov 10
More than likely they were not even speaking about you directly. They may very well have been speaking about a number of things in your establishment. I know when I speak at a group I sometimes look around me. It comes from the last several years of training to be mindful of my surroundings, for others it is that most people cannot look another in the eyes. That much is just human nature.
As far as if they were speaking about you what makes you think they were making fun of you? It might have been they thought you were cute. : ) Of course I have no idea of their age or gender by your comment so I have to go with what I know in the past.
I remember a place we lived when I was in high school where we had several Hispanic neighbors who always chatted in Spanish outside the building. I was taking Spanish and found them to be very friendly and helpful in my practice. However my mother was always on the defense. She refused to say hi to them or even acknowledge them. One day one man called to her "Hey Mamacita". My mom went off on him before I could even intervene and tell her it was a bloody compliment.
The best thing I can tell you is to learn a few basic words in their language and try being friendly. Tell them "Hola" which is hello in Spanish and is pronounced "Oh-lah". It might just give you an in. If they do something for you can say "Gracias" which means thank you and is pronounced "graw-sea-us".
As far as being laughed at or felt like I was being laughed at I encounter that every time I go out in English so when another language is involved I don't even think about it. Even when I have English speaking people do it, make comments or such about my hair style, tats, or what not I simply smile. Most people who are doing so to be mean or snide do not expect me to return in kindness. They expect me to get angry, to be what they expect so I always respond to them in kindness.
Again, I sort of think they were probably not even remarking about you and your friends, but if it happens again walk up to them and say "Hola. Coma estas" and smile. Then ask them what they were laughing at. This is less confrontational. Make a joke about it saying "You guys are having way too much fun, what are you laughing about over there".
Many blessings. Namaste-
3 people like this
@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
20 Nov 10
I know how it was when I was school age, but I am surprised, I guess, that adults will stare and say things about you as an adult. I think you have some good advice here, but I have also been in work establishments where we have a clique form of people who have a different language and it does make others uneasy. I like to think of you as an adventurous young girl. I can put myself in your place, with my mom, as well.She could be very negative and critical, at her worst. At her best she could be very curious and look at the world with the freshness of a child. I like to remember the very best about her. I know that I owe who I am to the special uniqueness of each of my parents.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Nov 10
Anora_Eldorath - I have to tell you that I DO agree with that. If you're to come to my country, you should learn my language. If I were to go to your country, I should learn your language. Fair is fair. However, as for our military, they don't have a choice of where they're to be stationed so they're the exception to the rule. They're going there NOT by choice but because they have to for it's their job however, civilians should if they're going to move there or any other country for that matter.
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
20 Nov 10
What I find interesting about this topic (in general, not what Hatley related) is that most Americans tend to believe that people who come to America should learn the language in and out and be experts before they come here. Yet, if you ask one of them to do the same when visiting another country they respond with "Why? They should know English". That is a very imperialistic viewpoint and one I cannot back.
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
20 Nov 10
You are correct, that is rude and it happens all the time. Sometimes in school it was in English, but whispers and laughs, but it is the same thing. It just takes place in a different language now. It is not a very good feeling to be talked about, for sure.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Nov 10
hi garden gerty its unpleasant and the lady they were laughing at is a very nice overweight sweet natured person who never says anything mean about anyone. She is a church goer but doesn't preach at us, and she is always kind to those three. She did not realize that they were making
fun of her and I sure would not tell her.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
20 Nov 10
I totally agree with you. If I was going to say something about someone and they were right there, I'd atleast have the buts to say it in a language that they would understand.
3 people like this
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Nov 10
hi danishcanadian I really was upset as I do not like people looking
at our table and using our names and making fun of us in such a
cowardly manner. They would not dare to say those things in English
as they would get fired.Two of them are there on suspension as it
is and one more repremand and out they go. Sure they have a right'to thier opinions about us but not to air it in front of us even if its iun spanisgh as a lot of us have had S panish and do know some words very'well.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
20 Nov 10
That is very rude. I heard the local nail salon had women who speak another language, (I don't think it was Spanish), and the costumers could tell they were talking about them, but of course couldn't prove it. Because of this, I never went there. This is America, not Mexico,Spain, Japan or otherwise and our language is English.. These caretakers need to realize what county they are in. 

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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
21 Nov 10
Well there you go, proof they were making fun of someone when they did it in the past in English...

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Dec 10
yes seems someone not me reported themn and now they are to speak English around us while they clean up the dining room. I am glad it was not me as Ido not want to be responsible for them losing their jobs.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Nov 10
hi carmel it is indeedd America and I think we should keep English as
our native language contrary to what one mylotter so passionately let fly at me here. these three are already in trouble with the administrators
for insulting residents in English so now they tried it in "Spanish
and were so mean. Sandra is a sweet gentle woman who is kind to everybody
no matter what so she does not deserve to be laughed at and made fun of in Spanish or any other language.

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Nov 10
If it's a separate group at another table, who cares what language they are speaking. But when it's people who are with you and are in your conversation, sure it's rude. Maybe you all should bone up on your pig latin and start talking about them!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Dec 10
hi dawn no these three are table helpers who were clearing up dishes as we were still eating and they were making fun of Sandra but because they had all been chastized before for rudeness to residents in English now they hid behind their spanish. Pig latin would be great though,'
I hate to add any more complaints against them as i might lose them their jobs but why cou ld they not wait til they were o ut of earshot
of us. what they do away from us sure is not any o f my business.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Dec 10
hi dawn yes it was rude and they were re portedc bay someone but not me. and they now speak english around us while clearing the
tables. guess they really want to keep their jobs.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Nov 10
hifwidman but it was not kind laughter it was mean and it was not at all about me either, it was about Sandra as she is overweight but she is also a very sweet kind lady and too innocent to know they were making fun of her, not fri endly fun bugt
mean fun. why does everyone think I was feeling they were l aughing at me. I am old enough to defend myself but some p eople are too nice to fight back when someone is ridiculing them. me I can give back as good as I get. this was not about me. I would not c ome on mylot and ask for p ity for myself. its just that to me it was rude and mean.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Nov 10
hi fwidman its just mean and at Sandra she is so sweet she does not like to complain about anything
and everone who meets her seems to like her right away.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
21 Nov 10
Not sure which is meaner sometimes, them laughing at someone or denying it when confronted
No, I knew you were not talking about yourself. I worked around so many hispanics and filapinos through the years that I always knew when they were making fun of me and I was not laughing. I don't know why people of any ethnic group do these things. 

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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
21 Nov 10
Hi Hatley,
It's bad enough when people do it on the street, but when it is people taking care of you that is even worse. I don't think you are overreacting at all.
This is OUR COUNTRY, and we are allowing others to come here and enjoy the freedom that they can't find anywhere else. Learning OUR language should be a requirement for this new found freedom. I realize it's not that easy but why did they come here? Did they think freedom meant free healthcare? Free food? And free Education?
If they want to live here then they should becom Americans like those of us who were born and raised here. And stop hiding behind their launguage to belittle us.
Take care,
1 person likes this
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Nov 10
hi leenie at least these three women do know English but they outdid
the rude bit with us residents and were told no more insults or else'
they could find another job. sure some of us have physical handicaps and
may walk funny or have speech problems but we should not be made fun of, if we want to laugh about our selves and they join in fine, but to deliberately make fun of a resident and hide it behind their Mexican Spanish that is wrong and the admins. does not permit that if they hear about it. They will get caught one day because the administrator does walk into the dining room often unexpectedly and she also Speaks Spanish too.She is not Mexican, but came from Puerto R

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Nov 10
hi leenie yes indeed, if they have respect for themselves, they'
should also respect others too.

@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
21 Nov 10
Hiya Hatley,
I can´t reply to you from down there so it´s back up here again. The three caretakers I thought they were Men you see when you said Caretakers. Oh sorry they are Mexican Women right.
It´s a good job I was not there to tell them something like "no os da verguenza burlarse de los que tienen que estar aqui aunque no quieran?" It would go like this in English I very rarely write an example in Spanish. "Don´t you feel ashamed of yourselves making fun of these people just because they have to be here even if they don´t want to?"
Well I can see you understand some Spanish but you need someone to defend your Rights too.
Anyway like I said before they are nobody. Someday it might happen to them in the same fashion I wonder if they will remember what they did and said then. Take care now. xxx

1 person likes this
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Nov 10
bi lovinangelsinstead21 love that user name. I think they do not
realize that a lot of us are not here because we just love the
place but because we hit some bad luck.It is cowardlyalso in my'
thinking to make fun of a woman who would never make fun of
them. She is overweight but under a doctor's care,also she has
congestive heart failure so she does not need anyone making fun
of her. she did not know they were doing it and I will not
tell her either. if it happens again I will go to the
administrator instead so those women will never know it was
me who reported them.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
22 Nov 10
Hiya Hatley,
Right on Hatley. Who ever they are they should maybe appreciate their Jobs a little more than what they are doing they might find themselves being laughed at instead. I would not tell your Friend either because if she sees them she might keep getting upset and that is not good for her either.
A lot of People become overweight for no apparent reason and not because they ate any more than anyone else either.
I would imagine that she will be okay being looked after where she is too I hope so.
Yes and no one will want to be in such a Place of their own accord either. Really those Women are doing themselves no favour as such spite will rebound on them. Spite and jealousy corrodes the Spirit.
I love those Avatars you put up there they are like Mandalas you know. Are they actually Mandalas? Or some kind of abstract Art? Well they are nice to look at.
A famous Spanish Actress put on no end of weight when her Husband just dumped her for someone else. Before that she was thinner than a rake. She has never been able to lose that weight and she has tried too. But I love her to bits just the same she is adorable with such a heart of Gold. Her name is Florinda Chico and she is so funny too. Sort of like Dorothy out of the Golden Girls I loved Dorothy so ironic and so much common sense lol. Take care now Hatley.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
2 Jan 11
Hiya Hatley,
So sorry to hear about that Lady named Adrian. How awful to find out like that. Then after wards it was too late on top.
I bet you still miss her too.
Dorothy spoke her own mind and I always liked how she got around things and situations with everyone. She was so funny God Bless Her.
Take care Hatley a very Happy New Year to you

@Beautyfactor (1510)
20 Nov 10
Yes, I think it is very rude and very unfair. I think it would bother me too especially if it were that obvious. I speak Spanish so I could have understood and maybe say something back if I were in the same situation. Even so I would have maybe even gone up to the idiots and said something in English then you and your friend could have walked off together laughing too.
2 people like this
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Dec 10
hi beautyfactor I agree rude and unfair. someone else understood
and did report them. so now they must speak English around us
and can speak Spanish other places. wish we had done what you suggested as that would have been fun

@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
25 Nov 10
Hey Hatley
I think they were very rude, and i would have felt offended as well. As a game tester at Ubisoft i picked up a few lines in various foreign languages, but depending on the language i would probably still have difficulties understanding what people talking in other language and making fun of me are on about. I would probably be able to understand what they say (or at least partially) in english, french, italian and spanish but still, i would prefer them to spill the beans in a language that i can understand.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Nov 10
yes I felt if they had some bone to pick with Sandra come forward and use English and if they cannot then shame on them for talking about her
like that. I understood enou gh to know they were making fun of Sandra and she is such a sweet person and always so pleasant to those three.
she did not deserve that at all.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
20 Nov 10
Hi Hatley my mother language is spanish[ because I happen be to born in South America]but it also could have being Italian or Portuguese, today I live in Australia and we speak English [ mostly] in our household and when friends come over [ which they tend to be from all over the world] we just stick to English [ mind you sometimes it's such a confusion] [when some one talk to each other in their own language]but we never make fun of any one. As a hostess I always make sure every one is comfortable. I would not tolerate any rude comment in what ever language! that's for sure!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Dec 10
alottodo hi I do remember quite a lot of spanish as I tookit in college but havent used it to speak for yesrs.I did not mind them talking in spanish but when I realized they were mocking Sandra that made me mad
as sandra is one of the gentlest women I know.I am glad someont did reprt them but it was not me. so now they use English around us and Spanish else where.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Dec 10
hi alottodo love that user name. loll I am also glad it was Jessie as everyone loves Jessie hes just a great guy and now the three must talk only in English around the residents and one insult and the person
will be fired. lol lol.

@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
22 Nov 10
There is no excuse for bad behavior. Whether they were actually laughing at you and your friends or not, in giving you the impression that it was you...they were very rude. With so many people looking for work, maybe they don't appreciate there jobs anymore? I'd say something to the management or social worker about this incident. Probably it's happened to others besides you. Let the management handle the issue, whether it's more training for the care takers, or other measures. No one deserves to be treated like that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Nov 10
hi catdla1 yes i felt the same wa y and with the word for fat p ;oppin up with Sandra's name it really got to me. I thought if they do that again I will put in a complaint against all three.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
20 Nov 10
Hi Hatley, yes, that is pretty rude to laugh and joke in another language around people who are clearly not going to understand the joke. Even if the joke is not about the people, we who cannot understand the language are naturally going to assume that the joke is us. It is human nature to assume this.
If they were not laughing at you they would have shared the joke in English as common courtesy I feel. 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Dec 10
hi raw bill am behind again but will get caught up.I felt that since they were using sandra's name and laughing in Spanish they were making stupid joes about her and they had already been told not to insult residents in English someone reported them but it was not me.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Dec 10
yes someone else heard them who knew spanish being a mexican and he made sure the admins knew about it now they must all three speak only E nglish when around the residents. lol.

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Nov 10
That is just wrong that those employees were doing that to you all. I think that when you are working in an area where everyone speaks English, then it should not even be permissable to speak in another language while you are on the floor with your work. Now, if they were on break, I would think it would be a totally different situation, but they were right there in the room with you all and that is the reason that I really don't think that speaking in Spanish and laughing was acceptible at all.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Nov 10
hi dorannmwin yes I felt that too, as they were still wo rking as most of us were still eating and that was just inexcuseable of them.
sure when they are on b reak that is all together different and I can understand they wish to talk in their own language. if I hear that again from them I will report them.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
22 Nov 10
That is very rude. Even if they were not talking about you, I think it is still disrespectful if they talk in a foreign language in front of you. At least they should respect the country they are in and should recognize the people around them if they would like to talk. If they are not trying to be rude, then they should at least talk in English.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Nov 10
yes it was rude as Sandra's name kept coming up and I knew they were insulting her because of her size, which was funny as all three of
'them were heavy and just about the same size as Sandra.I wanted to y ell talk English as you are in America