Toxic Chemicals in Imported Fish. 80% of our Seaford is Imported

United States
November 19, 2010 9:20pm CST
Not sure if you heard about this or not, Today show did a report on toxins in our seafood. Thy claim that over 80% of our seafood is imported, and less then 2% are tested for toxins. Just curious if you think it makes a difference that of the main seafoods discussed, crabs, shrimp, and catfish are all bottom feeders? Do you think their "filter" duties contribute to the level of toxins? Do you think this will change your eating habits? Video posted here:
1 response
• United States
20 Nov 10
Lots of chemicals including gasoline are dumped into the oceans from all ocean front countries. Fish are becoming more dangerous by the second, as rigs in remote oceanic places constantly leak oil. People are buying something that will harm. There is no way out of it if importers only take from chemical rich oceans. There needs to be more research and awareness about this, as I think it is more dangerous than climate change.
• United States
20 Nov 10
I agree with you. I think it is something that will effect us in months and years as opposed to decades and centuries. Cancer is on the rise for a reason. People from only a few decades ago never had the problems of worrying about cancer like they do today. In that same time, our food sources have gone to pot and been over processed along the way. Any nutrients, enzymes and beneficial properties have been removed from it. IT is no wonder so many people are sick and dying. There are very few safe havens left to turn to get genuine, honest, healthy, unpolluted food.