5 year old still pooping around the house

United States
November 19, 2010 10:49pm CST
I started a descussion a few weeks/months ago about my friends daughter pooping in her room. Her daughter is now pushing 6 years old. Not only is she doing it when she is in trouble but she goes to her room and poops then hides it then with in 15 minutes goes potty but only pee's. This has been going on now for about a year. She asked the doctor and they said it was a way of regression. I really dont see how. Expessially since it's not because she's in trouble or getting enough attention. I told her I think it may be because she may have gotten a fear of pooping in the toliet. My friend doesnt really understand how that could be when she has been potty trained for 3 years. I dont know really how to explain it, if that is what the case may be. Any other thoughts or opinions on what is going on? Please help I am at a lost at what to tell her. I wish the doctor or myself had more answers but I dont.
6 responses
@vicereine (451)
• United States
20 Nov 10
That's a strange one, I think sometimes it is to get attention but if you say she is getting enough then that shouldn't be happening. Did she have a bad experience while being potty trained at all? Or maybe something bad that happened after she had been potty trained to where she would not want to go to the bathroom. Sometimes things happen this way as a result of some type of traumatic event that happens in their lifetime and this might be her way of dealing with it. Try to look at everything that has happened to her regarding the bathroom and see if maybe there is something that scares her now or bothers her. Has she started school yet because maybe something happened at the school bathroom that spooked her. Well I hope maybe this helps but if not just keep trying and looking for something to try to explain it or get her to use the bathroom. Maybe try re potty training her and that might work.
• United States
20 Nov 10
That's what I was thinking of too. The school bathroom toliets are a bit larger then a toliet at home. I told my friend that it could even be as simple as she went poop and it splashed and the water splashed up on her bottom and it scared her. Then I also told her that maybe at school maybe she fell in but that wouldnt make too much sense because she still pee's on the potty. I'll tell her about the re-training her. That does sound like a good idea.
• United States
21 Nov 10
I sure hope it helps and keep us up to date on how she is doing.
• United States
24 Nov 10
My friend came to the conclusion that her daughter was afraid to flush the potty. She noticed that her daughter had 'hard' looking stools so gave her some laxitives (safe for her age of course) and while she was having diarrea she wouldnt flush it she told my friend that 'it wouldnt fit'. So she told her to flush it and it was okay. So far so good :) It's been 4 days and there hasnt been any poop around the house found yet :) I hope this is a great start of going forward for them. Thank you so much.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Maybe your right, she might have had trauma pooping in the toilet, since she was potty trained up to 3 yrs. Has she tried talking to her daughter?
• United States
20 Nov 10
She has but she doesnt really get much of a response from her. She kind of clams up and then wont talk to anybody for almost an hour. She's tried asking her if something happend at school on the toliet that scared her and she said no to that so she's not sure what it could be.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
20 Nov 10
Hi, Your friend 's daughter condition is bit weird....since she is a big girl,she should know well what to do especially when comes to poo and pee. Get your friend to slowly guide her daughter and asked her to poo/pee in the toilet bowl. Probably she need someone to accompany her while she is doing pooing/peeing. Sometimes kid tend to do weird thing just to attract attention. At the aged of 6,it should be time whereby she is able to understand the need of going to toilet when she has the urge.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
1 Dec 10
I wish that there was something that I could say that would make this easier for your friend to deal with, but I really don't have any idea of what could be causing your friend's daughter to go through this. If they think that it might be a sudden fear of pooping in the potty, I might suggest to try to use a training potty that doesn't have a hole in it and see if that might encourage her to use the potty to poop in. I know that it kind of sounds gross, but it would be much better to have the poop contained to one place than hidden in her room.
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
20 Nov 10
:) I really don't know, I only can wonder as to what is going on. The only thing that I can think of is that she does it to get attention. Some kids just want a spotlight - even if it isn't a good one. But I'd only really suspect this issue if the child really does struggle to get attention from her parents - or if her parents go absolutely nuts when she does it... otherwise it wouldn't serve her purposes. I really don't know - that's my only guess :). I just know the more relaxed my wife and I have been with potty training - the faster it really goes. I'm interested to see what they figure out! Have a good one.
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Hello! In my own opinion, I think it is a matter of guidance from the child's parents. As a parent, we should establish an open communication with our children. Spend time with them even like watching cartoons or just plain talking with them on how's the school life or ask her plain questions like what do you want to do today, or ask some opinion, I think children has their own opinion as well. In this way, parent-children relationship will be established properly and will be able to nurture the child's self-esteem. I believe that by spending time with your child, knowing that you are there for them means, that the child can count on you even at a young age, they will understand the need to confine what they are feeling right now, and for instance like peeing or pooping. Cheers!