Wish to change in Mylot...

@visavis (5934)
November 20, 2010 8:18am CST
Hi there, If we are giving a chance to change something here in mylot, what do you wish to change? To me, I wish to change or improve the speed and few guidelines to be improved and revised... How about your guys? What are your wish to change.... share with us... see you around
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9 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
20 Nov 10
I would like ne users to be unable to start their own topics until they reach a certain number, say 50 or 100. By that time they should have realised what goes on here, how to earn and what to do and not do and instead of asking questions that are answered elsewhere, they might post interesting, quality discussions.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
20 Nov 10
new users*
• Netherlands
20 Nov 10
that is also a good tip for mylot because ther lots of question topics that are just so easy to anser if they first try it by ther own but every begin is difficult!
@Hliasvl (142)
• Slovak Republic
20 Nov 10
While that I'm also a new user here I agree with you. But first have to improve first the search in MyLot. There are so many interests and to much of them in other categories. But this is a big big work for coders and I believe if they decide to do it then it will take to long.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
20 Nov 10
I wish that mylot change the paste option, which is only for top 500 rank people, because sometimes I type a response and post it, but it doesn't get posted, so I have to type the whole response again, that is double work. I generally copy the response I have written so that in case it doesn't get posted I could paste it again. I don't know why they have restricted to paste here. It irritates me sometimes when I have to write down a big response second or third time.
@vjsinduja (1031)
• Sri Lanka
20 Nov 10
@sanjay, I too have faced the same problem of yours. But now that I have responded to more than 500 discussions, I can copy/paste.. Still... what's the point in that??? coz no one's going to copy n paste another members' response as their response...
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Where is the patience in the essence of writing? i face the same dilemna but i realized something. and that is i was able to type here with out looking at the key board at all. I generally copy the response I have written so that in case it doesn't get posted Just bear with it until you reached 500 post.
@vjsinduja (1031)
• Sri Lanka
20 Nov 10
Earnings Discussions,responses and comments should be worth a fixed rate. The rates may vary for different category Disable Responses There are times where I get emails notifying me that someone had responded to one of my discussions which I had started about 3 to 4 months back, which is of no use for the starter.. Discussion should be open for responses for certain period of days. Responses/Comments Text Box The text box which we use to respond to a discussion or for commenting is just plain. You can only bold,Italics,Underline and add emoticons.Instead if we we have a text box similar to the ones in the forums, it would be much easier and comfortable to for those who respond Contests We could have contests for the person who receive more ratings for best answers,quality responses, good discussions starters.Prizes should be awards. I mean e-template(sorry if there isn't a word known as e-template) awards Violating Discussions There are times where your responses are deleted after 2 to 3 days coz the discussion to which we respond is violating the mylot rules. At most times, when I see promotional discussions, I avoid responding. But there are times, where the discussion are deleted even though it's not promotional or abusive. If any discussion is violating the Mylot rules, it should deleted atleast within an hour instead of taking 2 to 3 days New Users New comers should be allowed to start discussions depending on how they respond and comment on others discussions n responses.. Only after if their responses n comments are of good quality and of quantity, they should be allowed to start discussions. All new members should always be directed to a page where they can find the basic info about,posting,star ratings,earnings etc.. in being an active member here Atleast have a video clip about it.. Disable Category Creation Any member can create their own category on mylot. There are duplicate category names here. This should be stopped. No members should be allowed to create categories, only the admin should have that authority. If a members wants to have a certain category, he/ she should write to the admin about it and explain as to why this category will be of any use.. So far I remember this much.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
21 Nov 10
Wow I like your complete details of observation about wishing changes here in mylot, I hope these thing admin will think and do something to improve mylot future... see you around
• Portugal
20 Nov 10
i would like that instead of one cent per comment they paid at least 2 cents. even isnt much but at least would be great if they increased a bit the payment^^ anyway im happy that at least one cent per comment they pay. but thats what i would like to change. bcs i really like this site and i love to comment here but if they paid a bit more would be great and they would also have more members here.
@Jiabsa (511)
• India
21 Nov 10
Mylot is paying few cents for each discussion. If they increase the amount, it will be helpful to all and we will have tendency to spend more time in this site.
• Netherlands
20 Nov 10
hmm i wish to change my number of friends with 1 higher do u wanna be my friend? No if i am really i want to change my earning and the rest on this site is just great and to change my earning i must do this site more and morexD Just keeping going on to this site and keep how it is and i am happy wit it!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
20 Nov 10
It is refreshing to see a Lotter who realises that to see their earnings increase they must be active. It is so obvious but there are so many who just do not understand. Well done!
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Hello there, I believe there's already a discussion from the admin asking us if what do to do if we are admin for one day. actually from that point of that discussion, it gives the admin the clue on what to improve.. With regards to improving the guidelines (btw have u read them already?) I didn't have to wish for it since i had talked with the admin and said they will have their own discussions on this. I am already contented with this site. Not much trolls to mess us with here.
@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
For me I want that Mylot will post how much per discussion or responds a member earns. We just usually see the total amount of earnings.
@chowee (517)
• Philippines
21 Nov 10
for me, I wish that chatting features with mylot members will be launched soon.. This features makes mylot members more social..and i think chatting is more enjo compared to sending private messages..