Should or should not women have the right to abortion ???

innicent country women - women here are sitting to watch a snake man's tactics
@krajibg (11922)
Guwahati, India
November 20, 2010 10:36pm CST
Should or should not women all over have the rights to abortion are a question constantly nagging the law makers as well as the government of the respective countries. The right to choose is just one aspect of a much larger issue of reproductive rights--women's right to control their own bodies and reproductive lives. Although in recent decades the battle has centered around the right to abortion, this includes more than the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy Reproductive freedom is also about abortion rights for poor women. Even when abortion is illegal, wealthy women have--and have always had--the money and private doctors to obtain abortions, while poor women face the choice of carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term or risking their lives with unsafe, illegal abortions. Even the feminist are all voice in favour of this, I mean women should have the right to abortion and denied this is denied them the human rights. I leave this for you to ponder over.
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14 responses
@shibham (16977)
• India
21 Nov 10
Hi boss... It is completely the certain woman's decision. No one should interfere on what she wish to do for her life sake. I think we are not still open minded to think all for the benefits of women. If a girl produce a child before marriage then you know society will let her been in exile. So where fear exist, liberty can't take place. Have a nice day.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
21 Nov 10
Thanks mel.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
21 Nov 10
Hi shibham, This is the crying point that even though we talk of equality between men and women the standing is still far away. Thanks for sharing.
• Guyana
21 Nov 10
Hi krajibg, This is entirely women to decide their fate. Why institutions and government have their feet on it I do not understand.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
21 Nov 10
Hi hilar. Nice word indeed but thee are certain things which are still in the hands of the religious institutions and government and social dogma. It depends on when you think life begins. If think life begins when you exit the womb then the value is just that, at birth. If you think life begins at conception then abortion will always be wrong. If you believe it is when blood begins to flow in the babies veins then that is when you see life as beginning and when you place a value on it. Religion (or lack thereof) often is what determines what you believe about when life actually starts. That is why it is a religious issue. Some of us have an opinion that is different than or faith or not based on our faith. Some atheists are pro life and some Catholics are pro-choice. It is not just a religious issue but religion does often come into play.
• United States
24 Nov 10
If you are talking about Roe v. Wade its not about a woman's right to choose, its about when life begins. A lot of people have taken that landmark court decision and used it as a means to force womens rights instead of approaching it with equality. To me, abortion is morally wrong but I'm not going to judge somebody because they decided to have one just as I wouldn't blame a rape victim for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Dec 10
Hi I agree with you. We just can not sit on the judges bench and pass our sermons. Need to see the reality too.
• Pamplona, Spain
24 Dec 10
Hiya kraj, It is up to the Woman in question in the end. Where I actually live now Abortion was not allowed up until now and now it is. I did not actually believe that this Province took this stance about Abortion I thought they were being carried out in this Province. So now it has been allowed. That would explain an incident I had with a Doctor some time back now and he said to me in my Face sorry we don´t do Abortions here and I thought am I hearing right or am I silly he thinks that I have come to abort this Baby. It really upset me I was being judged by a so called Professional when I had not uttered two words to him let alone mention that word. I did lose three premature Babies and it makes you more sensitive to the idea of losing another one again. Yes Women should have the legal right to abort I think.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Dec 10
Hi lovinangel, I can well feel your situation and show my respect to your final say that woman should have the right to abortion.
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• Pamplona, Spain
11 Jan 11
Hiya kraj, Thanks it´s not a subject I really talk much about really. But I do feel that Women should be more protected and helped to make a choice which is very personal to them. Once when I was going to the ante Natal Clinic there were at least four Women who were risking their Lives having a Child that was already giving them problems. This is the sort of thing I mean.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
16 Jun 11
In my opinion women has no authority or rights to abort a child. Who want to born and see the world. If she dont want child then she can take tablets or other medicine which is provided by Dr. or medical department. She take care before pregnancy. Bur friend really God events is different they provides more and more children to that women who dont want and no provide those women who want to born child.
• United States
17 Jun 11
How the hell does a woman have no authority or rights over her OWN body?
• India
17 Jun 11
friend I am not saying women have no authority for own body child is not her own body child is a other human being. Women is ideal of love so how can she lost a small baby life.
@mike2121 (22)
21 Nov 10
I disagree! Are you calling this human rights? As if you're saying right to kill a person. Whether you like it or not the baby inside the womb is a person and has life. So you are anti-life? I feel so bad for you.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
22 Nov 10
My dear I am not calling them human rights. That is tight to abortion. Whatsoever you call it - killing or murdering many women in many countries demanding that they should have the rights to abortion. Now what can we do?
23 Nov 10
RebeccaScarlett that's the the only way abortion will be accepted other than that no..I totally agree on you...
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
20 Apr 11
Dear friend, As a male I had seen how loving fathers feel when they see their child die. May be they killed the child inside the womb if done outside after a while I hope it would be a serious crime. If they do not what the child why did they be pregnant, enjoying and having please is well according to the individual choice. But is there anyone for those unborn child inside to fight for even if its own mother do not want it, will the next child be safe with that mother when came out. But abortion if done for the life saving I feel it would have humane reason. There are couples who do not have childern for them these childern would be a great relief. May be this issue has came in many controversies. The controversies in abortion goes on until the humanity in life is upheld in society.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Nov 10
krajibghere in the US abortion is legal but while I feel woman should have the right to aborfion it should be limited in case s where the woman could die is forced to go through with child birth, and in the case of rape I feel she must not be forced to bear the child of a rapist. I feel abortion is murder and only in extreme emergencies should abortion ever be considered..also I think in every country birth control should be mnandated so there will not be a unwanted pregnancy in the first place.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
22 Nov 10
Hi hatley, I know abortion is not a big deal in the US. But in other countries it is still a taboo. Religiosity, ethics, morality are things which are poured in the head of the women and hence make things more complicated. Many hold that abortion equates to murdering a life and they feel that only in extreme case this could be exercised.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Nov 10
The right to choice of the use of our own bodies is one of the last ones we have. Daily rights are being taken about from us. Women should be able to chose what is done with their bodies. If they were raped, have a medicial issue, or in a bad economic crisis and do not want to bring a child into the world they should have a right to chose.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 Nov 10
I do believe that women everywhere should have the right to decide what is best for their bodies. Personally I am not in favour of abortion for MYSELF and, having said that, I realise that the world is not a place where situations are always simple and the reasons for a woman deciding to abort a child can be complicated. I see it as the end of a potential life and it doesn’t sit right with me but I have never had to deal with an unwanted pregnancy due to rape or one fraught with danger just to mention a few of the situations that could occur in any woman’s life. I do believe that whether you agree that termination is the right thing or not, every woman should have the right to make the choice herself.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Dec 10
Hi paula, Women choose to have abortions for all kinds of reasons: poverty, bad health, too many other children, because of rape or incest or simply because they do not want to have a child at that point in their lives. We believe that all these reasons are valid. Women should not have to answer to anyone, not the church,not the state or even to doctors for their decision. This raises the question of abortion on demand. We oppose any kind of decision making process involving ethics committees or doctors or other variations on this. A woman must have the right to abortion on demand. The question of free access is a very important one. At present only those women who can afford both the travel costs and the operation costs can get an abortion. Abortion facilities must be made available here in Ireland and they must be free as all medical services should be.
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@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
22 Nov 10
I think there should be the right. It is a very big decision of course but it is someting that they need to decide. If they want to carry a human inside them or not. And i dont think that people should go on religion. Just because governments are religious doesnt mean that other need to follow there path and not do what they choose to do and what others will make them do.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
22 Nov 10
Hi absinto, Even if the governments are religious and put a ban on abortion the practice would never stop and in those places where it is illegal the female mortality rate is higher.
• Mexico
21 Nov 10
Hi krajib: I think it's a complicated subject. For me, when you make an abortion you are killing a person but... I understand the suffering of wome women, specially those who has been raped but at the same time I think that when a woman don't really want to be a mother and she is obligated to do this negative things could happend. For me, this is a very difficult subject because there's not only a good answer. However I am pro-life but at the same time if a woman near me decides to stop the life of her non.borned child I would respect her decition even if I don't think it's tyhe best option. ALVARO
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
22 Nov 10
Hi ALVARO, This is what the ones against abortion say. At the time of fertilization, when a sperm penetrates the "ovum" or egg cell, a new human organism comes into existence, with a complete and unique genetic code. This is a scientific fact, not a religious claim. Those who claim not to know "when human life begins" are making a political statement, not a scientific one. Human beings develop at an astonishingly rapid pace. The blood is circulating and the heart begins to beat at 21 or 22 days, and can be detected on ultrasound. By the end of the eighth week, the unborn child has developed all its organs and biological systems. Twenty weeks (five months) after fertilization, unborn children feel pain. Some try to distinguish among human beings, arguing that some are worthy of respect (because they possess certain characteristics), while others are not. This assertion contradicts the basic premise of Western law and of our Constitution--the equality of all human beings. As the Declaration of Independence says, all human beings are created equal. It would be perilous to abandon this in order to adopt a philosophy that puts into the hands of some human beings (the powerful) the right to decide whether other human beings (the weak, the unpopular, the defenseless) are to be counted as members of the human family. This is one side of the coin and the other side speak ssomething else. So it is really sensitive and controversial at the same time.
• United States
21 Nov 10
In my religion is a big No-No for abortion. However, I will remain neutral on this subject. I have never considered an abortion or had any reason to have to. However there are circumstances that may arise that perhaps may cause a woman and or couple to opt for the choice. I would have to say that what is right for the goose has to be right for the gander, therefore it is a choice and I do not believe anyone should opinionated on someone elses choices.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
22 Nov 10
Hi hwg, Actually abortion turns out to a big deal who face this and those are away from it have nothing to say at all. Since you had no business with it you are opining that there should not be any. But what for those who are facing the crisis? In several countries it is totally banned and one practicing would be prosecuted while in some others it is ok and still some other countries like India there is a mid way method.
• Canada
23 Nov 10
How's this for a mind boggler: I can not find a gyne to tie my tubes, as I am considered too young to be capable of making the choice to not have kids. And yet, should I get pregnant, I have the right to get an abortion if I do not want the kid. My opinion, no one should be messing with the reproductive rights of women, except for the individual woman herself. Whether that be contraception, conception, tubal ligation, or abortion.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Dec 10
Hi, That is what most women feel and problems occurs there only.