did you ever faced any paranormal situation till last night?
November 21, 2010 8:36am CST
we may think it's too normal but it may not be.surely we dnt know.something's are always baffling,boling our brins but couldn't explain at all.
one day my bro asked me to lock the door.i was chattin on my yahoo so i didnt care to.he went away and came home and started ringin me i took the phn and asked him "what"?he replied open the door.i said i haven't locked it at all.as a matter of fact i didnt even left my room till he returned.the insane thing is the main door is bolted shut frm inside and not locked.i went and opened the door and still thinkin bt how this could happen?
did you ever had anything that really looked so normal but yet paranormal.....?
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