How to make fun toys for my rabbit?

@Kate34 (656)
November 21, 2010 12:14pm CST
I feel so sorry for my poor rabbit. I'm gone a lot of the day. She just sits there. She has toys but she doesn't like them. Do you have any good homemade toy idea that aren't too hard? Thank you. i know my lovely girl will be happy for your help.
1 response
@chocaly (26)
• Singapore
21 Nov 10
I'm not exactly sure if this helps but i use to have hamsters and this similar issue arise. To resolve that matter i attached food to plush and placed it together with them. That may have help but i soon found out that they were both of the same gender and needed and opposite gender companion. As soon as i bought and brought their new companion the both of them got real happy and started making some wierd hamster noises. Two months later, from 3 hamsters , developed 5 more. So i'm not sure what your pet rabbit require but i suppose you will have to go through trial and error like i did.
@Kate34 (656)
• France
21 Nov 10
Congrationlations on the new birth. Well done.
• Singapore
23 Nov 10
Thanks though Its been a long time since I last saw them. I gave all of them away to a friend as I moved house and animals/pets were not allowed to be brought over.