Bill 510 are you kidding me?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
United States
November 22, 2010 3:53pm CST
I just read about this bill and if it passes I may have to move to another country. This bill will enable our federal government to control our food sources. Have the seeds from Grandma that have been continuously passed down? This bill will make it illegal not only plant but eat the products of. Our rights, our heritage and our freedoms are being attacked by this bill.
Wake up folks, wake up!
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12 responses
@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
22 Nov 10
Bill 510 is to help ensure the safety of the food supply. If you believe we can just trust everybody that grows, processes, and handles the food we eat to do everything safely, then we probably do not need it. Personally, I do not trust private industry to consider MY health and safety before they consider their profits. if everybody were decent and honest, we might not need a ton of regulations. they are not, and we do.

@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
22 Nov 10
The FDA is one of the most corrupt Government organizations in existence right now, and likely ever. Their interests go to the highest bidder...period. They are not concerned with the public's health or safety at all.
@inday_lorna1970 (1268)
• United States
23 Nov 10
If that's the case that the food supply were from private sector..then we look like pig..eating the same kind of stuff the rest of our life..what if they do experiment to make the food better for health as they said, then at the end it cause tons of cancer, then how? that's not right. They only look for themselves, not being concerned about the people because only them will earn, why don't they do something to attract more investor so we can have tons of food supply without limitation for only few veggies, fruits or fish!
Yeah If a farm puts out bad food, what else then we have to eat? bite our finger?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
23 Nov 10
This affects people like myself who raises their own fruits and vegetables to feed their own families. The government has no right to come on my property and fine me for not only growing but eating the produce i raise on my own time with my own hands for my own family. Seeds that have been used for the last 200 years are not terrorists our government cannot force us to loose our heritage because they want to control the food chain. You want safety fine test the food, but do not take away the rights of our farmers, gardeners and conservationists. This is a way for our government to control the buyers and sellers. They have final say whose seeds a person can use. There fore the company who lines the politicians pockets best gets to force us to buy only their seeds. There is a lost of rights hidden behind the word safety.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Nov 10
I've looked at this bill before but maybe I missed something. Can you show me where this applies to individuals and home gardens? As far as I know it applies to commercial facilities alone.
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
23 Nov 10
The problem comes down to a very long and convoluted twisting of terms and definitions over time. The real issue comes into what is defined as "food". As it stands right now, there isn't a signal definition (legally) and it is housed in many different agencies regulations and definitions.
As such, "seeds" are a prime example. Seeds can be food (flax, sunflower, soybean, pumpkin, etc) and the oils and other products derived from them.
Regarding individuals and home gardens comes in the wording of the "Manager's Amendment" to the Bill. This was created by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) Comittee and can be found here:
Starting on bottom of Page 3 section 2 "Use of or Exposure to Food of Concern" read the wording yourself, but the gist is if the Secretary believes (one person's opinion) any food is contaminated or likely to pose a risk to the health of animals or people, he can authorize an officer to seize the product, the records or any other "likely contaminated" product of any "person (excluding farms and restaurants) who manufactures, processes, packs, distributes, receives, holds, or imports such article". Any definition of home gardening fits in this - including freshly canned tomatoes from Aunt Suzy's Garden. Even the act of "holding" or "receiving" (possessing) these is ground for seizure. This also extends to the small gardener that sells roadside vegetables, or to farmers markets and food co-ops.
Moreover, one of the telling points of this amendment, and in the bill is the word of "import". There is extensive wording about the concept of "smuggling" of "banned" foods. Basically, a "smuggler" can be anyone that "introduces" food into the market. This doesn't mean from a foreign source - this means from an "unregulated" source. Since one of the many legal definitions the U.S. can be considered a corporate entity where business is conducted, as well as geographic location, this can have far different legal meaning when it comes meaning of sales and distribution.
The basic measures of the bill are rather benign. This Bill itself doesn't contain much, other then the scope of creating a unifying organization to oversee all food production and distribution in the US. However, it's single biggest problem is its complete submission to World Trade Organization (WTO) Treaties. Read section 404 of the bill (or summary) (, it clearly states that nothing in this bill shall be inconsistent with the WTO or any other international treaty that the US is involved in.
This is where it gets scary. Even though this bill itself doesn't have a whole lot of teeth, the FOA (Food and Agricultural Organization)and WHO (World Health Organization) both have plenty of teeth. Especially in light of a little known organization called the Codex Alimentarus. You can read about the long standing "Codex" here ( which is pretty scary going back to WWII Nazi domination plans.
But if you think that is a bit too much conspiracy theory, then go the FDA's website page here ( and read for yourself what the FDA's official response to public outcry over their adaptation of the "Codex" guidelines for Vitamins and Dietary supplements. Notice that almost 2/3 of the lower part of the page deals with explanations of how this Codex Regulation doesn't apply because we have other organizations in the US in place that have their own regulatory power.
Well, if this passes, then no longer. All those Regulatory Agencies get scooped up into one big umbrella under the power of the Department of Homeland Security.
Yes, the same people that trampled our Constitutional rights of Free Press guaranteed in our First amendment, during the Gulf of Mexico oil leak by BP. These same folks are doing wonders with their TSA division in our airports trampling our 4th Ammendment rights of illegal Search and Seizures without probable cause and warrants. This same Gestapo-like organization would now be overseeing and appointing a single "food czar" Secretary, likely to be one of the co-authors of this bill, who is a former VP from Mansanto - the largest Genetic Modification provider of seeds and organisms in this country.
Now I ask you, knowing all of this, what good can possibly come from passing this bill? Whose best interest do you think the passage of this bill lies with? Us, The People? I personally don't see it.
I hope you, and anyone else reading this thread will follow the links and do the research prove to yourself why this bill is bad news. The time is short. This bill is trying to be shoved through the Senate on a "lame Duck" vote on Nov 29, right after the Thanksgiving Holiday.
I encourage everyone to go to:
and fill out the form to contact your senators to vote against this bill.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
23 Nov 10
Section 110 - building domestic capacity. Domestic meaning private homes. They use the term of Domestic in two ways but do not clearly state which one is which until you read in depth each section. Therefore when skimmed over it seems as though it is all about domestic and foreign trade but there really is more to it.
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
23 Nov 10
Forgot to add...Page 26 of the Managers Amendment" - (d)SMALL ENTITY COMPLIANCE POLICY GUIDE - no definition of what a "small entity" is. We have so much wording in the rest of the bill and amendment that leave things to the "discretion or opinion of the Secretary" - who is to say this won't just be swept up in that "umbrella"?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Nov 10
When the FDA starts showing a little competence and integrity, maybe this would be a good idea.. except, of course, the parts about backyard gardens.
Why is it that people claim to hate corruption in private enterprise, but demand the same corruption from our government?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Nov 10
If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Nov 10
That will go over real well in my farming state. There was a real good documentaries by Michael Moore that really creaped me out. The big seed company and how they are making it against the law unless you use their seeds. Its amazing what they can get away with. DO you watch the Conspiracy Theory?
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
23 Nov 10
Same with my state. My two morons pushed this through for Wisconsin. Go here and see how your senators are doing:
I occasionally watch Conspiracy Theory. View my response above and check some of the links.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
23 Nov 10
So now instead of law enforcement flying around looking for patches of m......, they will be flying around looking for vegetable gardens.
I looked at the site. No. No. No. That's not right. As someone already mentioned, that's communism. Worse than that folks who believe, the rapture can't be far, because if this is happening, soon some will be given a mark in order to buy anything, or you will do without, or you will not eat. God Bless America! Where's George Washington? We need his prayers.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
23 Nov 10
Sorry about the 2 comments. It looked like my first one had not gone to mylot like it happens often so I thought I had no comment, so I did it again.
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
22 Nov 10
yep, I have been quite adamant about this bill for a while now. People need to oppose this all the way around.
Time is running out. Vote suspended until Nov 29, but with the Holiday weekend, won't be too many people thinking about htis.
I encourage everyone and everyone to visit these two links and conact your senator through their web forms:
See how your senators voted:
Nothing good will come from this bill. This is just another Gestapo-like Goose-Step that the Homeland Security Department is taking. Combine this with their tyrannical actions in the Gulf Oil Disaster mess with BP, and the ongoing issues at the airports with TSA, and this is starting to paint a very clear picture of the agenda the Homeland Security Department has.
@maximumgravity1 (245)
• United States
22 Nov 10
Kind of scary, had a great conversation with someone else about this, with dozens of links and commentary, and the discussion seems to have been deleted off of myLot. Too bad, lots of great references and explanations in there.
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
23 Nov 10
That is just crazy. I think that your country should try a petition to get this bill cut. Who on earth came up with this idea? What next, are they going to try telling you where and when you can go? Wow I wouldn't want to live where you live, no offense. I would never be able to live in a place where everything was so controlled. I guess that's why I love Canada so much, we pretty much just live and let live. I hope that things work out.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
23 Nov 10
Alright then. We'll soon be told what we can buy to eat. Sounds like the rapture is unfolding. If that is really that serious, we will have to have the mark to get anything to eat, or we won't eat.
@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
23 Nov 10
Monsanto is behind all this. They've been wanting to control our food source for a very long time. They do already with the soya and cereals.
This is ridiculous and shouldnt even be considered.
Knowing that we live so close to you, I'll start to stock up on old seeds and this might help me start my own garden from now on.
Yes, you need to all wake up and not let this pass or its the end of good food.
@digidogo (444)
• Philippines
23 Nov 10
I read about this bill using the links you gave. This bill is horrible. Farmers in our country are really poor and if we had this bill, it would make things a lot more difficult for them. Good thing we don't have that bill here in my country, so where are you residing at?
Even people who grow edible plants at their backyard are susceptible to it O.o a very bad law for me!
@foofermen (500)
23 Nov 10
Don't you feel like you are on the outside of the glass looking in sometimes? Like it doesn't really matter? Our government is becoming very dismissive of very potent public opinion. Sometimes I feel as though it really comes down to a room of old farts arguing, and we just have to hope that the majority of them don't want to screw us that bad.
Good luck everybody.