
@laniekins (4579)
November 22, 2010 11:30pm CST
What do you fear the most? Me I am so afraid of heights that my knee is shaking even walking at the overpass. I'm also afraid of snakes, big spider and accident and ofcourse losing someone I love. What about you guys?
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9 responses
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Nov 10
My ex is a construction worker and he had to work up on a scaffleding one time in particular that really freaked him out. He got through it but hated it.
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Nov 10
Ya, he was stressed everyday and really had to concentrate to get through it. I was a wreck. It was way high and no cell phones then.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
OMG I can't stand that high, thank god that your bf is safe.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Nov 10
I am afraid of heights and small spaces. Those are probably the worst. Closets and small rooms give me the willies. Being left without any money is always scarey too. Being SSD I somethings think what if the government uses that account for debts. Ugh! But the first two are the worst.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
I've read about a girl who's been captive, raped, slaved and stayed at the small coffin like cabinet for 7 days and survived. My gosh I didn't think that last that long. Rooftop makes me shiver I don't know why I become afraid of heights when I used to climb trees when I was a kid.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Nov 10
I don't know where the problems stem from. Something in our childhoods I am thinking. We tend to block out traumas so who knows.
@samafayla33 (1856)
• United States
23 Nov 10
i don't like lizards, dogs fighting, people fighting, huge mathematical equations, and tasks that look too hideous to complete.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
Lizards? I used to catch them when I was young and detached their tails, I hate it when it happens, I know I hurt them. I like lizards, I always see them at home. I hate math too that's why I always have low grades.
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
23 Nov 10
I do not afraid of height neither the snake, I remember during my childhood, I use to catch snake and play with it. I also like to climb high to the tree and look down from top. I think what I afraid of is dog, it is because I have very bad experience with dog where I had been bite terribly by dog. And until today, you can still see scars on my body.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
Wow! I can say that I bow to you cause I am so afraid of snake but you catch them when your a child. When it comes to dogs, I've been bitten before by my uncle's dog and my own dog but still I love dogs and I have 4 at home. Except for those hungry dogs that is ready to bite and kill any moment.
@Jiabsa (511)
• India
23 Nov 10
I'm afraid of dogs. In our area there are number of street dogs. They always follow me when i go out. But i don't know why they are chasing me. Because of this reason i don't like to go out alone. I always keep stones in my hand whenever i go out. This is for my safety. But some dogs are not afraid of stones. Then what can i do?
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
I love dogs, although as I've said at one of my response that I've been bitten by dogs. I had this one experience at night that the dog barks at me and ready to attack me, what I did was I stop for a while and carefully turn not on his way then he did not follow me. Try to call the dogs name first if you know them and stop for a while, they might smell you. If you think that the dog might not attack you and turn away then you can carefully walk away. There are dogs that's afraid of stone when you throw one and there is not. You need to know which is which to apply the right thing to do.
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
24 Nov 10
Rats and Frogs - can't take them :P Ye you can say its phobia about you not wanting too lose your close people . And High places , i just start lashing around at one place and thinking i will fall .
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
I've tried too catch a baby mouse to become a pet but I luck is not on my way, there is something about mouse that I don't know why I like them. I remember I catch a big old mouse but we left it at empty lot. Frogs can be scary to hold but I'm not afraid of frog.
@sjlskl (3382)
• Singapore
23 Nov 10
Heights. It was so bad that I can feel my knees going soft when I am on the third storey. In fact, when I am in some shopping centre, I will stay clear of the railing and when I am taking the escalator, I will make sure I stand on the inner side.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
I feel the same thing when I am in high places, even in stairs and overpass.
@chocobuko (117)
• Philippines
23 Nov 10
I am scared of snakes and other reptiles, they just creeps me out! with all those scales and fangs,yikes! I am also terrified with sharks, I just don't like their big teeth and the way they attack their preys.I am also afraid of losing someone dear to me especially if it involves accidents.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
Of all the reptiles I am afraid of snakes and crocs, eaten alive and accident is the worst thing that will happen to a person.
• United States
23 Nov 10
My biggest fear is actually needles. I absolutely hate watching when they take my blood.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
I don't watch when they take my blood or any injection but I am not that afraid of needles. It's just a little pain that I can bear.