North Korea attacks South Korea with Artillery Fire
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
November 23, 2010 2:23am CST
"North Korea on Tuesday fired dozens of artillery shells at a South Korean island, setting buildings on fire and prompting a return of fire by the South"
This can't really be called a "surprise attack", the two Koreas have been in a state of war for longer than most of us have even been alive. The sabre rattling of the government of North Korea should be enough "warning" for anyone.
The problem here isn't so much the attack (although it is part of it), the problems are the blatant violation of the ceasefire agreement and the apparent lack of military value of the target.
The question is, what do you think should be the response from the UN and the countries around the world (especially the nations who maintain a military presence in South Korea enforcing the UN ceasefire)?
What do you think Prs. Obama's response should be? What do you think it will be?
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10 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
23 Nov 10
I have to admit that until recently I did not know a lot of details about North Korea. I got curious after they blew up that South Korean ship. What I found out basically freaked me out. The situation as I see it in North Korea is it is a Jim Jones with nukes. Scarey. Very culty. Very unstable.
This is not going to be an easy situation to handle. If South Korea takes over North Korea, the general population is so brain washed they will probly fight it to the last person. They won't except their "great leader" getting taken out of power. Plus the country is sooo poor that it would really hurt South Korea economically to take over North Korea. It would cost them tons to try and fix North Korea. It would drain them. I don't know if destablizing the whole area is a good idea....even in the long run.
North Korea's leader is very unstable in my opinion. But then I feel most dictators are. He is capable of just able anything. So they need to find a way to nutralize his influence and power to do anything outside of his own country.
But sence he has nukes and a nice size standing army....that is not going to be easy. Especially when he wants to take over South Korea.
How to get defuse the situation and limit North Koreas actions without causing an all out war? Well find out how to reason with a delusional crazy person and you will have your answer.
Sorry I could not be of more help.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Nov 10
All true, and we also have to take into consideration what China might do to support their ally.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
24 Nov 10
I have spent time in South Korea and lived with different families. Some things I learned were, The Korean people consider themselves to be one culture, one country and they are willing to do what is necessary to see that the country i reunited. They have a long histroy of being conqured and gaining their freedom time and again.
I don't think that the North Koreans are brainwarshed but rather they are doing anything to stay alive. Several years ago when I was in the South the people in the North were eating the bark on the trees to survive.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Nov 10
Yep...throw China and Russia in there and things could get out of hand real fast if people are not careful.
Personally I think if North Korea were to fall that China would fight South Korea to get control of it.
This will definately need to be closely watched.

@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
24 Nov 10
Actually there is no ceasefire agreement among the two countries it is just that they have agreed not to violate the 38th Parallel they often fire shots across the 2.5 miles separating them from each other. The UN Military forces that are located there aren't to enforce a cease fire but to make sure that the 38th parallel as a border for the two countries are kept as they agree the two nations are free to engage in everything but crossing the border into the other nations. Hence why they are still at war they can't have a ceasefire and steal be at war. They haven't surrendered or gave up on the War they currently fire rounds at each other. In this case it was a Drill by the South Koreans that caused or at least allowed some room for them to fire an attack on an island that North Korea things belongs to them but won't risk trying to take it from them.
The Response from the UN should be one of concern but they shouldn't take any actions yet. As Nations in the Area are responding to this. China for example has responded to this. They are worried at seeing these two nations go at it and have voiced that they should both in a since grow up. As for the President Obama no US personal where injured in the attack so their is very little he should respond to. He should as we are Allies with South Korea respond with how the North is standing on very thin ice and maybe order a career group to be in the area and to be in a potions to hit several targets with in North Korea if they think of doing anything fullish. But Ultimately Obama should listen to what the DOD things he should do when involving the Military in it.
Just to sum it up while the action should be viewed with concern the two countries are in an active state of war against each other they have only agreed not to invade each other. So the only options left for them is to fight using other means.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Nov 10
"The ceasefire talks began on July 10, 1951 and continued until the ceasefire agreement was signed on July 27, 1953."
They aren't keeping promises out of the goodness of their hearts, they are being held to the terms of a ceasefire agreement signed July 27, 1953.
It is up to all parties (on both sides) of the ceasefire agreement to adhere to, and enforce the terms.
In other words, an attack from one side is an attack on all parties of the other side.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
24 Nov 10
A ceasefire was reached on July 27, 1953, to halt the conflict and establish a demilitarized zone. However, no peace treaty has been signed to date, technically leaving North Korea at war with the United States and South Korea.
The above is from here the below is from the site you linked to.
President Lee Seung-man decided not to sign on the ceasefire agreement as he planned to hold the United Nations accountable for the situation after the ceasefire.
On July 27, 1953, representatives of the UN forces and the communist forces signed the ceasefire agreement.
The ceasefire talks were the longest ever in the world history.
Over the course of the ceasefire talks, the two sides held 765 rounds of meetings and finally concluded the agreement two years after the beginning of the talks.
However, the ceasefire agreement only brought hostile actions to a halt, which means that the war was on a halt, but technically was not over.
Therefore, since the ceasefire agreement in 1953, the Ceasefire Commission, which was established according to the agreement, has monitored whether or not the parties concerned observe the ceasefire agreement.
Also the North recently destroyed the Document. So they are no longer recognizing it as valid. So they are willing at least from their view point on May 27,2009 to violate it. The world hardly shrugged at this.
Also looks like China is sitting back and going to let the cards fall so to speak where they may.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
24 Nov 10
What will President Obama's response be? Hmm. That's actually a fairly easy one to answer. He will make a statement condoning the violation. Call for talks by the UN for sanctions and then completely move on to an entirely different subject which is probably telling the American people about how the tax breaks on the rich aren't really needed. Then I am absolutely sure he will take another overseas trip, followed by a let's start campaigning for 2012 speech tour.
What he should do is to break North Korea of their threat and then their phony deal-making schemes. I heard somewhere that they were being compared to a bully (N. Korea) pushing a bigger kid (U.S.) around and the bigger kid just takes it and goes back for more.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Nov 10
Well, so far he has condemned the action, and the US generals over operations in that part of the world have met. The House and Senate have both issued statements against it. Prs. Obama has vowed unwavering support for S. Korea.
We'll see what they do to back up their condemnation, but so far it doens't look like it's going to be "business as usual" for the Obama administration or Congress on this one.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
24 Nov 10
Actually everything you mentioned has been a fairly typical response by Presidents and Congress. The real test will be in the next few weeks. As weak as he has been on foreign policy, I don't think that he will deviate too much from the past sanctions and false promises of we will do better by N. Korea.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
23 Nov 10
IMO, the north is more unstable right now than it's ever been so any response, from the UN or other countries, has to be measured against the possibility of making the situation worse. I think the President should give it some time before saying anything.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
24 Nov 10
My big concern with responding is with the potential for invlovement by China. It would be one thing if we and South Korea went at it with the north,it would be over in a day (unless Jim Jong Il uses numes). But if China gets in to defend north Korea,it'sgonna get real ugly
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
24 Nov 10
China is concerned that the Region will become unstable if the Koreas restart a full blown War again. I would be worried to if China entered on the Norths side as well because they are also a superpower like us.

@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
Could they just nuke the north once and for all? Or at least follow what harrison ford did in one of his movies where he was televised while a bomb is on it's way to the enemy's head quarters and obliterating an entire building for every one to see? But seriously, the UN should intervene. If international laws were violated the sanctions should be implemented.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
24 Nov 10
I think such wars doesn't end easily. If Us have an agreement with these two countries then it is a bad news for US too. If war starts then the innocent US soldiers will die too. Why US signed signed such agreement? Don't they care about the innocent soldiers of their country? Korean war has a very long history and they will keep making it history why should innocent die there?
@abenester (17)
• Austria
24 Nov 10
Well, it will happen more that. I think the chance of a Nuclear War is 50/50. And if it becomes a Global problem than 95% of human population would die at once.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
23 Nov 10
the funny thing here, a couple of months ago when North Korea fired on South I started a discussion regarding the Koreas and what will/should come of it. I was floored by the amount of people here and in my everyday world that said "oh nothing will happen there". I would love to say that we should mind our own business, however that is not always the prudent thing to do. I work in a Veterans club every day. I hold three different jobs here so yes I am there everyday. I asked a couple of our Korean Vets (there arent many left). They looked very upset and then dont want to talk about it. The Korean War was not ended, just postponed it. With the UN and special interests these days (economy, trade etc), this could get a lot bigger than two halves of a country infighting. I dont think peace talks will do much. Since when does "lil kim" listen, or care...
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Nov 10
Power has been placed in th hands of two people, Kim Jong Il promoted his youngest son, Kim Jong Eun, and his (Kim Jong Il) sister to 4 star Generals. In a country where women take a back seat to males you now have a young man being equal to an older woman (his aunt). He has to prove himself and show that he can be the new leader of the country.
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
23 Nov 10
I have to say that this news really come as a shock to me and though both sides have had skirmishes starting with DMZ to nuclear weapons program. I must admit that this attack on YeonPyeong Island is just both unthinkable and uncalled for.
Military action here just cannot resolve anything. Irregardless, what North Korea is claiming I think they have done themselves in especially there are American fatalities.
I do hope that this will end without further incident.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Nov 10
Yeah, I don't know if a military reponse is the best course this time either. I do know that the UN and leading nations need to respond though. The ceasefire either needs to be enforced or just let the two Koreas fight out an end to it. Of course the third option would be better (the two Koreas end the war by mutual agreement), but I'm not holding my breath.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
27 Nov 10
I don't know what the UN should do, but I don't expect them to do anything beyond making declarations. As far as Obama's decisions, it should be based on our treaty with South Korea.
@greenpeas (998)
• Philippines
23 Nov 10
Latest news says South Korean president promises "heavy retaliations".
It's no surprise that North Korea will do such an atrocious act. Their leaders are delusional and the people are brainwashed.
But if this escalates into a full-blown war, then thousands will die and no doubt many US soldiers will be drawn into the conflict.