Preparing for Thanksgiving

United States
November 23, 2010 12:36pm CST
This is will be my first Thanksgiving with my husband and the first Thanksgiving I cook. I have prepared as much as I can early like thaving the turkey in the fridge and setting out the non-parashable products that I will be needing to make the other foods, and tonite I am doing the rest of my shopping since I have a few more guest coming. I thought about setting the serving dishes out on the set up table to get an Idea of placement, or is this too much planning? How do you go aobut preparing your holiday meals?
2 responses
• United States
24 Nov 10
I remember the first Thanksgiving with my honey, I think we went to my aunts house because it was a tradition then. I would pull the turkey out last, that way you don't have to wait on any of the sides. You could set everything out and let people get what they want and then come back to their table to eat. You have to plan since your hosting, you'll do fine. If somebody asks to help, take their offer, its a lot to do by yourself.
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Nov 10
Ya I will have my dad here to help and my husband too. I am excited I have everything all planned out now!!
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
23 Nov 10
My first holiday meal was a rough one and my husband and kids helped. Through time and practice we had it down to an art form!
• United States
23 Nov 10
Hopefuly I will have some extra hands to help me too!!, We will be having my 12 year old step son so it would be nice to cook with him!