best file sharing portal
earn maximum
file sharing
file sharing site to generate some revenue
share file to earn money
Which is the World's Best File sharing Portal?
By livedevil
@livedevil (69)
November 23, 2010 1:05pm CST
Let me know..
Which is the World's Best File sharing Portal (Through which I can earn maximum or $0.001/download)?
If you are using any file sharing site to generate some revenue, then...
Tell me about these things..
0. Of course the website url.
1. How much it pays per download OR per 1000 downloads?
2. If it is geo-targetted?
3. How earnings differ for File size/Geo of user?
4. What is the minimum Cash Out?
5. Referral income & levels if exist!
6. Give me your referral link :D
Thank you
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