Can you imagine.......?

@celticeagle (172115)
Boise, Idaho
November 23, 2010 5:59pm CST
giving your life to god?! I was just watching Oprah today and she is showing different types of marriages. One woman married a guy who is prison for double murder and was sentenced to life without poral. Then she showed young girls as young as sixteen becoming 'aspirants' and going to become nuns. Their wedding day will be when they give their final vows after five years. I noticed that they were all rather homely and I wondered if that had something to do with it. I am sorry if that is rude but just an observation. They will never give birth or wear Prada. I mean I think alot of us could give up afew material posessions and would be better off. But hey this is alittle extreme. One woman said that her parents told her that if she got there and she didn't like it they would fly her home and if she got there and she loved it they would come to visit her. Isn't that wonderful?! Their first year is tough and full of learning discipline and such and then after five years they lay face down and give their vows and lives to GOD. Me being a ignostic nearly 60 years old and I couldn't do it now much less back when I was sixteen! I really have ALOT of respect for each and every one of them.(I don't necessarily believe that there is a GOD as he is taught and as we read in the Bible.) But that is a hole other posting. And to marry this guy? Uh, Your thoughts.
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7 responses
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Nov 10
Heyya celticeagle! I can not imagine the challenge and the fact that they are so young too. It seems like an impossible sacrifice doesn't it? I can not imagine giving up your entire life and everything it entails. It would be a very isolated existence for sure.
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@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Nov 10
Yes, very isolated indeed. And for a person like me, an aganostic, that believes in a higher power but not necessarily 'GOD' it is just too silly for words.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
28 Nov 10
They have a great belief that what they are doing is the "right thing". I can not imagine giving up a life that a creator meant for them to experience and learn from. There is supposed to be a point to it all right? I think that it might be the ulitimate sacrifice but the question that what it is all about? I think that it is alot about what we learn and pass on to those that will live after us. Even the bible is based on the experiemces of others. In a teaching manner. Hmm...
@jands1 (835)
• United States
27 Nov 10
I have always admired anyone whom joins a non-cult religious order of complete devotion devoid of material things of their own free will. It is only recently that people are joining of their own free will. Well, mostly women. Up until recently women were often locked away in convents, against their will. Historically men join religious orders for much different reasons on the whole: Power. Joining a religious order often gave a man of low birthright access to power and knowledge. I do not think this holds true much for today. While I am very devote in my religious practices, I am not shut away from the world in a protected cocoon. Nor could I imagine being so. Joining religious orders and being segregated from society is a great way to ensure weak-willed people are able to keep their vows more easily as well as focus on meditations and matters at hand.
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@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Nov 10
I agree. It definitely something to be respected.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Nov 10
hi celtic I have a lot of respect for some of the sisters and a bit of no longer hate but dislike for a particular Mother Superior who made life in nurses training years back a living hell for me a protestant and o nly 16, too young and too naive and did not believe in Catholicism at all. I finally dropped out. but I did work as a nurses aide for many years but not in a Catholic hospital but a general hospital. I do believe in God but not a vicious horrible God but a loving one.But no I could never become a sister at all and not all sisters are sweet and loving either. some are just as mean and vicious as non religious people.I knew of several whose mean nature got them booted out of the order too.I am eighty four and no never would I give myself in a marriage like that as I am much too protestant for such goings on. lol
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@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov 10
We have two hospitals here and the first one was run by a nun order for years. My mom hated it there because as a patient you were subject to their attitude. I have heard some scarey stories about nuns down through the years. Some must be very frustrated from such a solatory life. I would be too.
• India
25 Nov 10
Hello in my culture, marriages are usually arranged by parents of guys and girls, the girls or guys can see, talk to each other, if approved by parents, the horoscopes of both are examined and 'matched' first.. It is sucess in most cases, there is usually no divorce LOL. Thank you so much for this discussion. Professor. . Cheers have a lucky day ahead. God bless you. Welcome always.
• United States
24 Nov 10
OMG, I saw the same show, I never get to see Oprah ever, and today I was able. I was so amazed when I saw the show as the nuns stated they have no internet any form of gadgets. Not so much the gadgets but to be so devoted. I am very faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, but the calling of being a nun would not have been for me. I saw how supportive the parents were at the reception that I was amazed. I supposed if my daughter would opted to do the same I would have reacted same as them, where as they expected their daughters to have a regualar life but then in the end they supported them 100%.
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@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov 10
OMG is right. They are sure to be respected. And parental love is something isn't it? They may drive us nuts at times but we sure love them too.
@yanyanyow (326)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
i believe so much on God and i know serving him is the best way we can give in return to Him for giving us all great blessings. i dont have issues with young girls becoming nuns, its their choice to serve and be with God 24/7. im really proud to them by giving up their material possessions which is really hard for teen like them. its really tough at first to live in a silent place where material possessions are limited. discipline is a really must for them.
@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov 10
I very much respect them also. They can't have any posessions and all money goes to the nunnery. I think we could all use alittle more discipline.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
24 Nov 10
Hi celticeagle, I started watching the Oprah show today, but got a far as the lady marrying the prisoner who is in prison for life; then I turned the channel. I knew I was not interested in watching people come on and talk about the stupid choice they make. Marrying a lifetime offender, in my opinion, is a very stupid idea. However, I think the girl(s) who want to give their lives to God (whom I believe in with my whole heart) by becoming nuns is beautiful, to some people, it is as stupid as the women marrying the prisoner. If young girls never decided to become nuns, then, there would never have been a Mother Teresa. Who's to say where these girls will make their mark on the world? Mother Teresa made a profound affect on the entire world. At least their act is of love and not selfish.