Success is all about human relations......

November 24, 2010 12:49am CST
The most important skill for success is to have people on your side. One can get lot of work done by superiorty and hierarchy but one cannot be a leader of men unless one maitains execellent human relation. Its not only important in professional life but personal life too. Knowledge and expertise does one no good if one cannot maintain proper human relation. For achieving success having a good realation is as important as having good knowledge and skills. What do you think relations helps in achieving success or not?
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6 responses
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
You do have an excellent point. I think maintaining a healthy human relations aids in success and also in feeling successful for sometimes you can succeed without anyones's help but it feels a lot more fulfilling if you knew that your not he only one celebrating your success but also those people who believed in you, and has helped you, or you have helped.
• India
24 Nov 10
thank you for sharing your views
• China
25 Nov 10
Human relations do promote success, I believe. Maintaining good personal relations help you to achieve success more easily. But I don't agree with you on the point that success is all about human relations. Personal competence also plays a key role in achieving success. Without competence, you can never do well in a position even if you keep good human relations. The combination of both, should attribute to a person's sucess.
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
25 Nov 10
I agree. Actually, as your position levels up, you'll need more people skills and less technical. Middle management and top managemet positions needs to have good public relations aside from business skills. You won't get far if you don't know how to socialize
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
24 Nov 10
Yes, I think you are right. Many successful people are often quoted as saying stuff like "I would not have been able to do it without..." person so and so. And even if they did not, it makes sense I think. Something we should all keep in mind, for sure!
• India
24 Nov 10
"Success is all about human relations" for that i say that its important for make the success but not all depends on that.Because good relationship definitely helps you for achieve success but you have that skill to perform well is also necessary.
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
to be a good leader you should be a good follower. as the line implies, you knew what would be the feeling of being on the shoe of a follower. just be humble enough and not let the position be in your head, for being leader without follower is miserable. you will never be tag as a leader if you have not member that follows your path or objectives. and attitude is most important than any other else. put yourself into the ground always, and God be your guide in any of your goals in life. :)