Have anyone tried to copy the answers while writing the exams?

November 25, 2010 5:30am CST
Many of us are completed our schools and colleges now and had good memorable time about those days. Exams are one of the nightmare for many. Here I want to know whether any of you tried to copy while writing the exams? Have you ever caught by the supervisor and punished? I would like to know your best 1 or 2 experiences of those days in this regard. Thank-s
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12 responses
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
25 Nov 10
Hi thanks, yes i just completed my M.com this month, i am feeling sad that i will be missing my college days. True i had a great time with my college friends / mates. I too have exam fever but this time i don't know i don't have that much interest also to write my exams because due to some reason i didn't attend my college and i missed some of the important classes but my friends used to come to my house on Sundays and used to tell me so we all together have combined studies. Whatever may be i never felt to copy so far, whatever i know i will write otherwise know, actually exam means what, it is the exam for our knowledge about the subject not the knowledge of borrowing about the subject and i didn't like also, what for to copy if we didn't get thru the exam then i will write again no problem but copy and doing against to the conscious is some what deceiving ourselves which i don't like, i want to be what i am and i don't want to be what others are. To get more marks some people will do, but after coming to certain age and certain level of study i wouldn't think people will do like that ! right ! Have a good day.
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi, I really appreciate your view in this regard. It is sure that in major exams the copying is not so easy and practical also. But certain people used to do and I know well about it. I hope you will get succeed with great marks in your M.com exams. Similar incident happened when I completed my M.A. exams. Due to some local issues, the exam of the day was postponed for another day, which was yet to announce. Assuming that all the remain papers were postponed, I didn’t appeared for the corresponding exams also. That way, I lost 1 paper in the finals. However, as you said, I tried for the immediate September batch exam and completed the course. For some people it is a thrill and they prefer to do it and manage to succeed ell it. Also, we feel to appreciate some students guts to do the same. You may be now waiting for the results. Wish you all the best. Thanks for you comments and opinion. Thank-s
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi thanks, thank you for BR. I am honoured. Have a good day.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
25 Nov 10
Hi Thanks. Personally I believe that All of us do Copy in my definition of the term. Going by the more generic meaning - here, it relates to cheating during the exams. I never did that. I never wanted to cheat myself to get the marks or grades. Yes, I did something more silly at times - I remember I once asked the Invigilator for helping me in the answer and he was like - WHAT? You want me to help you out and I politely said - just think that I am your son and you are the one who can help me out! Today, I see that many private colleges have come up and they allow cheating to a much larger extent, I have also imparted tutions to students of colleges where the Teachers themselves dictate out the answers during exams just because the students get better grades and then they can publish - 100% success results - to attract more students. Indian Education Policies are not that bright and I see no future of these students as they have become so very dependent on the Cheating. Cheers, theSids.
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi, You are absolutely right. It is my experience (not direct) that in the last SSC exam my neighbors daughter appeared and she was telling the teachers in that school helped them to do the copying job. Many were allowed to refer the books if required and the silent approval was there. As you said, the intention is only one, they need 100% result for the schools. Even her father was of the opinion was the same. As the girl was good and brilliant, she said, she did nothing of that sort but few students were made use of the situation. As this is a fact and indirectly spoiling the children (in both ways) by promoting to do the crime as well as destroying their future for the betterment of the name and reputation of the school. Even I thought of make this issue in public, due to several other reasons, I didn’t come up with this. Here we cannot blame the children also to an extent. Also there are many such incidents are around, which is not getting noticed by anyone. Thank-s
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
26 Nov 10
Hi Thanks, I 100% agree with you and would say that in India you did a right thing by not making that issue a public one. You know what - if you would have tried, these students (90% of them who copy or make use of their teachers and even the teachers) would have opposed you and at end nothing would have happened. I know this is not right for me to say or have this kind of approach but it is the harsh way we Indians behave here - no one would support you openly and you would be faced with other issues and so many things. The students are not willing to realize that this is in fact ruining their future as well. All they think of is the short gain that they get and many better students (like the girl you mention) live under constant complex - I study hard but the one who cheats gets better grades. It is so very painful. Almost all in the Hierarchy (the bureaucrats) know of these facts but just ignore as they just can't handle the rivalry. Regards, theSids.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
26 Nov 10
I am proud to state that I was a very good student and never needed to copy ...i always got marks above 70% and i was satisfied...never i tried to copy for more competition...but yes..one thing i accept that i have helped many of my helpless friends ...when i used to see them not finding any solution to their problems ....i used to give them my paper or supplement or sometimes write on the question paper and exchange it....
• India
29 Nov 10
Hi dear, Even this is also part of the same. In effect, both are equal. Even I have done like this, in fact an exchange. I was good in language and one of my friend and myself had made some understanding that I will show my language answers and he should show me his mathematical problems. We did it for the time. But it was a heavy blow to me on the finals. As it was language exam, he managed to get the minimum pass mark and cleared the paper. But as it was mathematics, I was in need of a help and I could not manage for the same at all exams. So I could not clear the exam. However, it was a lesson too for me and I myself started more exercise on maths and managed to clear all with the next attempts. Thanks for you rcomments. Thank-s
• Pamplona, Spain
6 Jan 11
Hiya thanks, No never got any "Notes" or copied from anyone. They would ask me for answers but I did not know how to tell them as it was very strict when taking Exams. You can bet Exams are a nightmare for some for me it was Maths. All the rest of the Exams were much easier for me but Maths a real bugbear, a real headache for me at least. In our Class you could not move a Hand out of place in the Exams they were watching you like Eagles ready to pounce on you (grin).
• India
7 Jan 11
Hi dear, Thanks for your commnts. In fact, it is better to avoid such malpractices. First of all, we will be more tensed. Whatever related to copying at the exam hall is dangerous in all respects, if we ask, some ask to us, looking someone’s papers and somebody looks on our papers etc. are more of a tedious job. Also, we need to get well prepared for a clever attempt. It is not necessary that all our attempts would be end up in success. If there is any chance of caught, then the life after would be tiresome. Even though in the earlier schooling, I have tried some silly copying as others were persuaded. But I realized the fault and never tried for it. As you said, even I was very poor in maths. Only way was to get mark in maths I found, just by-heart and if the question comes, I could have answer it. But not really understood what I was doing. Even now also, maths is a head-ache and the rest all are ok. I don’t want anyone to promote copying habit as it has so many bad impacts. We will not improve our knowledge, due to this tension, other answers also may not be able to write well. If caught by supervisors, our name and fame would be get corrupted. If it is some major exms, we will be barred from writing exams for another 5 years (in our place the university exams are like this) Also, if there is a remark in our certificate, it will be life time burden. Also, there are advanced techniques like hidden cameras and video monitoring are in practice by the authorities without the knowledge of the students. As being this is dangerous, it is a waste of time and ruin our own future, if we promote such tendencies. Study as much we can and appear for the exam is the wise way and this the right thing what we should do, whatever exam it is. Thank-s
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
26 Nov 10
I tried to do it in college. I was the first roll no in class so it was hard for me to do it. I used to sit at no.1 seat so no one was in front of me. It was risky to turn my head behind but can't help it, I had to do it. I tried to copy sometimes and also got success.
• India
29 Nov 10
Hi dear, Copying may not be always a success. But do copy and getting a success in that exam somewhat relaxable. At least we can assume that our work got fulfilled and succeeded the attempt. I hope you didn't keep it as a habit. Thanks for your response. Regards, Thank-s
• China
27 Nov 10
I never cheated during exams until i went to college. You know as for a freshmen who just graduated from heavily pressured high school, i was like a wild charger back to the prairie. So i had little time to attend to study, which made me regret for a long time in the future. It happened in a grade examination of Japanese Language. A friend of mine learned better then me, so she said she would help me as i frequently complained that i was no so sure to pass the examination. However, i was caught by the supervisor when i wrote down the answers and decided to pass the cheat sheet to the another fellow. The supervisor took up my test paper silently and told me to hand over the sheet and left. I was embarrassed to blush at that time, and wanted to get a hooker or anything to hide myself. He did not say other words and i had to leave the room. I was afraid that he would report this to our guidance instructor. As i walked back and forth in front of the exam room. Two other class fellows were kicked out. They seemed easier and comforted me that the supervisor said he would not report this cause he thought the exam content was out of scope and too difficult. Nevertheless, i was very much frightened by this accident.xia
• India
29 Nov 10
Hi dear, Yes, everyone has their own experience on their exams and attempt to copy the exams. I think you never tried it again for another chance to write by copying. Once we do it and managed to copy, we will try again and again. But as how happened to you, it may be a good lesion for you to not to repeat again as the instructor does not made an intimation to the senior people. Thanks for your response. Regards, Thank-s
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
25 Nov 10
No I would never cheat. Even when I took a class where we were encouraged to check our answers against each other. If someone else got a different answer than me I would ask them to please explain how they got their answer. Sometimes they would realize they were wrong through explaining it, and sometimes I would learn something new from them explaining it. But always it wasn't cheating because we wouldn't just copy down someone's answers and the teacher did give us permission. LOl
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi, Really, we don’t feel do it willingly. Sometimes may be because of some other friends compulsion, or just for a fun etc we must have done it for few times. But when it comes for public exams and major decisive examinations, it is not advisable and preferred also. Thanks for you comments and opinion. Feel good that you don’t cheat yourself. Thank-s
• Mexico
25 Nov 10
Hi thanks: I was a good student. Actually I was a nerdy so I was good at test. I have only cheated on a exam when I was very nervous. I know it was bad even if my teacher didn't caught me. It's not the way we have to act and I'm not proud of this but I'm sure that a lot of people have made this for different reasons. ALVARO
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi dear, You are right. We never feel like to be stick on such things for ever. May be for a fun or to just for an experience or may be to know how it works. Whatever it may be, many of us must have done the same with a simple way. Of course, it is not a major decisive factor in some tests and other things like. Also, when we are in high schools and colleges, it may be a thrill and nothing serious on the major final university exams. However, thank you for come back with your comments. Thank-s
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
I have never tried to copy another person's answers or even the books answers during an exam but I have allowed my answers to be copied by my classmates. I didn't like copying other people's answers even though I didn't know the answer myself. I think I just didn't believe that they would have a correct answer or I was just not comfortable copying at all.
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi dear, Logically you are right. Eventhough we get a chance to copy the answers and we are not fully awere about the correctness of the answer, we are doing the mistake again. So, you are absolutely right and we should not promot the tendency of copying the answers in any way. Thanks for yor comments and response. Thank-s
@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
25 Nov 10
cheating and copying during tests or examinations has become a tradition, from my friends experience they seem to be proud of what they were able to achieve with such fraud. And strangely again dicontohi people who also feel proud because it has been able to help his friend who was trouble, they look like pity and do not have the heart. And if we think they are learning will feel very loss, because sometimes their own hard-earned is distributed to friends, the results can be better than people who study diligently modeled earlier. Not to mention the answer key issues which circulated widely on the exam came, it seems indeed honesty crisis hit our beloved country. So education is only for formality's all that matters graduated with good grades
• India
25 Nov 10
Hi dear, Thanks for your comments. Yes, we need to understand the impact of copying while writing the exams. When I was small 7-8 standards, it was a happened. But not at all serious just looking the nearby persons answer papers and if possible, just try some lines to be copied. But practically, there were no effect on it. Even though, we can see it is a wide spread practice and most of the education places it happens with various ways. In some places there are video cameras enabled to stop the tendency. Also, some places it is allowed to refer the books if required. But those have studied well can make help of referring the books. But the student never seen the book, how it will help to refer the books. Also, if they are allowed, the type of questions may be like that they will simply wasting the time by referring the books and so that no one will try an attempt. When I was in college, the student (one of my friend) he tried to copy at a University exam and caught. He was debarred from writing the exams for the next 5 years. So, sometimes it is dangerous our future and there is no justification to support exam copying system. Regards, Thank-s
@creyos (275)
• Indonesia
25 Nov 10
Yes, of course, it's one of the art and fun times during school times. That's what me and my friends said. :) But luckily, we never got caught by the teacher or lecturer, or maybe they were just being ignorance with what we did.
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi dear, In those days, of course it was a thrill and some kind of childish deed and we may not consider such things so seriously. It is true that it will give some kind of certainty in writing the correct answers. But the stress and tension involved in the process is really painful. The person who doing the job should be so careful, vigilant, observant about security, etc. For a 2-5 mark job, in fact he has to take the length full time of tension due to his foul play. However, I think no one will continue doing the same for a long period, as it is so dangerous to the future, if caught. Thank-s
@wargod (29)
25 Nov 10
Hi My friend! In this discussion, well I also cheating a exam, But one of my shouting me and say to all classmate that i a cheater and my teacher know of my sin. I decided to study hard and never be back in cheating. Because I feel down my dignity and pride of being student. So i decided to go on my own. But also cheating is never be replace on us. Because it's our nature.
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi, Yes, you took the right decision. By doing so, we may get some marks. But it is as good as the result of the wrong doing and nothing to appreciate in it. Even if we manage to pass the exams, we may have the guilty conscious for our life time. Or we will not appreciate that we have done a good job and got better marks. It is common that for the public exams many are doing the same. But it not genuine and will never get granted. As you said, sometimes, if caught by the instructor or the teacher, then it will be so shameful and we will rightly de-motivated for the rest of the period. Also, we will spoil our name among other students and teachers. There are also major side effects. We may rang to the wrong doings and will always argue for the sake of the wrong things, which will result to criminal tendency also. I rightfully appreciate your decision to come back from such things. Regards, Thank-s