Are you still friends with old friends from school?

November 25, 2010 12:50pm CST
I had quite a few friends at Primary School who I drifted apart from during the Secondary/High School years just because we were at different schools and had new friends who we would hang out with and then some of them went to University, Do you still hang out with people who were your friends at school?, I still have friends from Secondary School/High School but not really from Primary School.
20 responses
26 Nov 10
my primary school friends were nowhere to be found 'they are in a far place right now' so, we can't hang out and at this time we don't have any communication.
26 Nov 10
Have you had a look for them on facebook???
28 Nov 10
yah,,i had search them using facebook, and twitter but i can't find them.
• China
26 Nov 10
My best friend and i met each other when we were ten.I moved to the town and in a new school ,i didn't know anyone and i felt lonely before she talkde to we still friend and we're really close.Last month,she have a babe,i'm so happy for her.The babe is cute,LOL
26 Nov 10
Thanks for the response. It can be very daunting moving to a new school, I remember when I moved to a new school after my parents got divorced and I wanted to make friends quickly.
• China
27 Nov 10
My parents got divorecd when i was eighteen,the day after i received the admission.They never fight or something like that,mybe they just didnt let me,when thay told me that they broke up,i was really shocked and upset.Luckly,two friends told me that we would go to the same university ,then i knew i'm not alone and my parents should move on.they should have a new life ,the happy one.
@switlyf (649)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
hi lakerfanster! yes i still have friends from primary school. actually just last weekend we had a get together in our attic and it was crazy! we were so noisy just like before! nothing changed and i really missed them, last weekend was the first time that we saw each other after a very long time, we are planning to have another " coffee session" in our attic soon. happy mylotting!
26 Nov 10
It can be great to meet up after a while and swap stories about what you have all been up to since school.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
26 Nov 10
Yes!! I have 3 close friends that I met in elementary school..When we were about 5, 6, and 7 years old. And I still talk to these people! They are my best friends. It's funny how much we've all changed since then and I find it amazing that we still talk.
26 Nov 10
Thanks for your response. My brother has been friends with his best friend since about the same age as you mention. He's now 23 and they are still best friends.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
26 Nov 10
I am not always in contact with my friends but whenever I see them I recognize them from a far distance and it is always good to find my old school friends. I think our childhood friends are our best friends. Some friends get changed with time but not this much that I can refuse to recognize. When you meet your friends you go back to your old fresh days.
26 Nov 10
It's always nice to see an old friend by chance like that.
• China
27 Nov 10
I meet my best friend at primary school.We don't call the other often, but we all know that the friendship will be forever
27 Nov 10
It's great when you can stay best friends with your friends from school.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
i am mostly still close with friends from school, mostly friends from high school. probably because we spent a lot more time together that some. we still go out and dine togethr a lot .
26 Nov 10
It's great to keep in touch.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
For me I still to be friend with there because I would be there friends forever.
26 Nov 10
Thanks for the response. Nice thought..
@junil_jk (496)
• India
26 Nov 10
talking about friends, i have lots of them from my schooldays, college days, since childhood at my local place, etc. now they are scattered all over the country, in fact, the world to some extent. as such i can't hang out with all of them. but that doesn't mean i'm no more friends with them. i still do keep in touch with many of them through the internet or even phone. so, we are still friends. if we bump into each other some day i'm sure we'll be over excited and very much remind ourselve of how close our friendship was, and still is despite being away from each other.
26 Nov 10
Thanks for the response. I know what you mean, I have a lot of old school friends who are around the country after going to University etc.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
no, I only have 1. I do not like my life in highschool that is why I just keep a single one.
26 Nov 10
Thanks for your response. I think a lot of people only have one or two really close friends they stay in contact with.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
25 Nov 10
Hello friend, if i have to be honest all of my school mates are friends in facebook, but the word friend has amazing meaning and i am not sure it is right to use it for people, who i'm not close with. We still keep in touch with some of them, we post things on the other's wall, but friendship is something much more than that. Friendship, at first, is to know the character of the other person. To know how he feels, to know his reactions, friendship is trust, it's a secret, it's believe and so much other things. I was never so closed with my school mates to know so much for them. And now we are not close too. What it was before, it is the same now.
26 Nov 10
Interesting Points there, I think everyone who is on Facebook has different degrees of facebook "friends". I myself have a load of people who I went to School with including my current friends who I have stayed friends with since school and people who have the same interests as myself.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
NO, i don't hang out with them anymore although I would love to once in awhile. Most of my friends are living abroad or living in a different cities, or our schedules just don't fit at all. Sometimes we would arrange to meet but that's only once a year or sometimes never!
26 Nov 10
It can be tough to fit each other in when you have new friends and a different life. You would see each other a lot at school of course and then you don't have as much time together.
@akari77 (123)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
Because of the social networking sites, i found my old friends. The connection is still there, the telling of secrets and problems those days are precious. It makes you feel like you are young once
26 Nov 10
I think it's great to catch up with old friends on sites like facebook. You can remember the good times you had back at school and see how each other are doing now.
• China
26 Nov 10
Hi,lakerfanster: I just count in my mind and find out i have five best friends. One of them is my playmate whoes house is not far from mine. In our childhood, we went to school and backed home togather; she liked to come to my home to bum meals off me, and when my parents left myself alone at home, she would company me and vice versa. We studied in the same middle school and departed when i was in high school, but we still hang out during spring festival and shared our secrests with each other. Now we live far away and just call the other now and again. But in my mind, she is my first best friend and forever. Another friend is from high school, she is a very cute girl. We helped each other during high school when every student had very heavy pressure upon shcoolwork. In order to reduce negative feelings, we often escaped from the crowd and climed to the top landing, where we could be at ease. We talked about bygones and looked forward to future, or just sat down and looked at the sky and clouds. We also told secrets to each other. Now we are still best friends. The two friends, i think, will be my friend forever no matter how long distance we stay.
26 Nov 10
I think one of the best things about friends is building a friendship and spending time together like you mention.
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
25 Nov 10
I don't get to see them often but yes I'm still friends with my classmates back in highschool. We usually just get in touch in facebook and messenger and text messages but the communication is still constant even if we do not get to meet personally that often.
25 Nov 10
Most of the friends I would keep in contact with from school are not living in the same town so It makes meeting up more difficult and with University comes lots of friends.
@samafayla33 (1856)
• United States
25 Nov 10
yes, some of them, we talk on facebook, what's neat is making new friends on other sites like these
25 Nov 10
Thanks for the response. I think that when you get new friends you don't have much time to keep in touch with other older friends and it's not because you have fallen out with each other it's just that people are always meeting new people.
• United States
25 Nov 10
Yep, my best friend from when I was eight - we are still friends. I talk to her kids on the phone quite a lot really. We've been friends all these years. We are now growing old..but we are still very good friends and care for one another a lot too!
25 Nov 10
Thanks for your response. I still keep in contact with some friends from that age but they are at University or had moved away.
• Bangladesh
25 Nov 10
I have a lot of friends now but no one of them is my school friends. Isn't it strange? There is no high school friends also. I would like to say that I have only two friends. and Rest of them is their's friends. I think friends are always makes a chain circle.
25 Nov 10
I think that as you get older it gets harder to stay in touch with old school friends as you both have new lives and new friends.
• Philippines
25 Nov 10
I still communicate with some of my old friends in school. Thanks to social networking, I have traced my classmates from elementary grade and it's so amazing to be connected with them after a long time.
26 Nov 10
Facebook and the like are great for keeping up with old friends.
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
most of my friends are my elementary and high school classmates and we are closely knit batch. With the advent of the social network sites particularly facebook the ones whom we haven't heard for years are resurfacing and we oftentimes pm, chat and comments each other shout outs and photos. Since our place is not that big we usually hangouts on weekends and any occasions. The best thing among us is still go home late without wives bothering where we are and understand each other circumstances.