I love my mylot friends so much^^ how are you all?^^ and your love lives?^^

friends^^ - two lovers picking on each other^^
November 25, 2010 4:07pm CST
hi guys how is everything with you all? is so sad that here we dont have a chatroom so i decided to create a discussion to know how is your life and if something came up and would like to share^^ i miss some of my friends that i talk almost everyday and today didnt have the chance to talk with them^^ so would like to know how is everything?^^ and what did you guys did today? about me i stayed home did home things and tried to find other online jobs that i could work on that i didnt have to dedicate so much time to be online but for now i couldnt have luck yet. right now im working here and in other place. i just wish i could work here like 10 hours and win a salary like in other job^^ that would take a big weight out of my shoulders anyway what bout your days? did you have fun? please tell me all
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15 responses
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
25 Nov 10
Well you are part of my fun :P My love life suck like every day for the past year :) Today i spamed a lot , i was a good boy and eated everything i cooked even though my potatoes sucked at taste :P Something else i dont know or rather dont remember - i need bigger hard drive :P
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• Portugal
26 Nov 10
ahah you are so crazy im part of your fun? yes i guess you love to tease me ahah sorry that your love life sucks but you are so bad boy that is normal that girls dont want you ahah im just joking^^ you are very funny is strange that no girl is interested in you. maybe some are but you didnt notice^^ is cool that today you were a good boy and ate all. your potatoes sucked? ahah thats normal what can you do that is normal? ahah
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• Portugal
26 Nov 10
ahah you are a good boy but girls dont want you? thats funny really ahah the potatoes well you need to learn how to cook it then or one of these days your kitchen goes on fire ahah well dont worry im sure that a girl will like you bcs you are funny and seem a good person^^ and girls like boys like that. and sure life is boring without love i think the same like you =(
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@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
26 Nov 10
Really i get somewhere on the post and lost myself in :D Well the patatoes yestarday were yaah :( Girls dont want me cuz i'm a good boy more likely :P Trust me i notice :D girls dont like me , they dont show interest in me , i think if you like someone you show some interest .. right ? :P And i get refused even before i start (ah life suck) :P Well i got time but its booring without love :P
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@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
25 Nov 10
I've been sleepy all day and am here at work doing almost nothing work-related because it's Thanksgiving in the US and there really isn't much to do. Funny thing though, I was just thinking how I have quite a few friends here in mylot who have added me but there isn't one of them I get to talk to except on discussions. But maybe that is just well, otherwise the conversation wouldn't get any "credits." Lol. But seriously, I hope I do get to be friends with people here not just friends because they added me and I accepted their requests or vice versa, but also friends as in people I can talk to about topics that may not be best talked on discussions in Mylot or won't e interesting enough to be posted.
• Portugal
26 Nov 10
i can be your friend silentwill^^ i dont mind it at all^^ and you are right if you are friends with people here in mylot doesnt mean that you have to talk just here for both to earn^^ i can be your friend if you wish to^^ im very talkative so i wish that you dont mind that i talk much ahah anyway my name is cat and you are?^^
1 person likes this
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
Hi Cat, no I don't mind at all :) I'm Will.
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• Portugal
26 Nov 10
nice meeting you will^^ how old are you? and where are you from?^^ sorry for making you these questions but for us to be friends i would like to know more about you and you can also ask me anything^^ for your avatar i guess that you like anime right?^^ me i love anime and i like that video game too^^ i have one of those video games that i cant remember the name right now im sorry
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Nov 10
Hello my friend I am doing super well as my boyfriend and I are in another state. We are here in TN for a month in a half, until December 23. He has a great acting job out here for the length of time, where he will be performing in the musical play It's A Wonderful Life. The Director paid for everything, for us to get here, the apartment and expenses. I have been going to see a great many number of Holiday plays so I am having the time of my life. I do miss my children though as this is the first time I am away from home without them, but they both called me today and are very happy for me, as they know I have done so much for them. As for the hours that I am not involved with my any of the shows, I am in the apartment working online earning a living just like if I was at home. I will be returning home right on time for Christmas so I will be so happy to see my kids upon my return.
• Portugal
26 Nov 10
im very happy that you are with your bf and dont have to be away from him like you thought in the beginning^^ your bf must be a really good actor for the director to pay all the expenses for you to stay there^^ thats very sweet of him and im sure that your bf is very talented^^ im very happy for that. about your kids im sure that they miss you but they know that you are supporting your bf so im sure they understand^^ besides you still call them everyday so
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@ansi09 (151)
• Tunisia
25 Nov 10
My day wasn't that bad, except that i didn't get much money from the internet shop my cousin & i have. In general it was a regular day, am waiting for my national exam of teaching, 20 th of the next month, hope i succeed this year & get the job. Or else i'll kill myself, LOL.
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• Portugal
26 Nov 10
ahah dont worry so much for sure you will enter this time^^ just think positive always and for sure you will succeed^^ just trust in your abilities^^ you are a smart guy so why shouldnt they choose you? if they dont choose is their loss not yours^^ is your cousin's winning^^ anyway im happy that either way you have a job still^^ would be worse if you were jobless.
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@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
My day was practically the same! I talked to friends from other countries and they told me about Thanksgiving! I worked in the garden and found some new pests and that really made me frustrated that I just pulled out the plants that was infested with them and just replanted new ones. I like touching the soil, it makes me feel calm and relaxed. Every morning when I get up I directly go to the garden, get some fresh air and a little bit of sunlight while watering my plants. Then I take a rest for a while, eat breakfast and after that I open my computer.
• Portugal
26 Nov 10
thats great that you talked with friends from other countries and that they told you about thanksgiving^^ is cute that you like to work in your garden. i sadly dont have any garden at home but i would like to have some garden with cute flowers when i go to pinas and see my ex near ahah or with some other guy ahah^^ anyway im happy that you relax in the morning and eat your breakfast and just then you open computer^^ you need time to rest also^^
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@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
hello cat! i just sent you an IM earlier and now im here hehehe. I just miss having to talk to you about love life and such as there is no one actually i can talk to about it in person. people see me here as someone very serious who do not care about problems but really i just dont want to think too much about it. this morning is especially awful and i dont know, im trying to get by and let others see as if everything is fine. i dont know what to do next and i dont think others can even help me think what to do. so like how i always do, il just sleep and not think it over until i get numb of the bad feeling. but i still miss you a lot sis, really. i have a whole day to focus my energy on work work and work. il talk to you later :)
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• Portugal
26 Nov 10
me too sis i miss you too we used to talk about our love life ahah anyway we can talk anytime^^ you know that im almost always online bcs i work online so when you have free time just message me i messaged you back but dont know if you received. i understand your situation is very complicated and you dont deserve that. you deserve to be happy. he needs to see what is his priority or is it you and you be with him or you might not continue wait him sissy bcs you will just get hurt. you are waiting since a few time already how longer will you have to wait?
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@shaggin (73852)
• United States
26 Nov 10
I hope your discussion doesnt get deleted I think it might be against guidelines just asking how your friends are doing but I'm not sure. I will comment anyway :) I'm doing pretty good. I went to thanksgiving dinner at my parents house last night then went to bed early. The night before that I was up semi-late when the guy I'm dating came over. How are you doing? I've tried doing the online job things. I got one where I was all set to go and then the last requirement was to read something like you would be reading to the customers who call in. I read it and was disqualified. I wonder if it was my voice or if I read it to fast or to slow... I guess I'll never know :( You could try again every 6 months but to me without knowing what it was that they didnt like I cant improve it. It wound up being about minimum wage so it would have been a good job for me to do at night while my kids were sleeping.
• Portugal
27 Nov 10
ohh i see im sorry for it shaggin can you tell me what online job was that? maybe i can also try it. if you dont mind to share with me :) im very happy that you are ok and had dinner with your parents and that you had a date with the guy you like^^ i really wish that you be happy with him^^ wish you the best for you and for him really.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
26 Nov 10
It was Thanksgiving here in the states and I spent it with my sister, her husband, and my neice. The food wasn't too good, though, I hate to say. They got it from a restaurant here in town. My brother-in-law (my sister's husband) was in a sour mood, as usual. I've learned to overlook him pretty much, though. He's gotten older and he had heart surgery back in September. He has a lot of other problems as well. I had a pretty good day considering, though. A lady I used to go to church with brought me a meal later today and I had it for supper tonight. It was a lot better than what I had for lunch today and that made my day. I'm like you, though. I wish I had a job where I could work online for 8 or 10 hours and have a salary. I hadn't thought about it but I think it would be nice if we had a chatroom on mylot, too.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
27 Nov 10
I agree with you. I think mylot needs more ideas to captivate people, too. You have some great ideas, I think. Have you considered contacting mylot and suggesting your ideas to them? They might give them some thought.
• Portugal
28 Nov 10
well i might send them that idea about the 1 dollar sign up^^ that im sure that many people would start to come to this site more. i guess that 1 dollar isnt much and im sure that they can give that when someone signs up that way more people will want to come here. about the chatroom the idea wasnt mine but i guess that would be great to also have a chatroom here^^
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• Portugal
26 Nov 10
yes would be great to have a chatroom here in mylot^^ maybe more people would start to sign up here^^ i guess that mylot needs more ideas to captivate people to work here. like for example if you register you receive one dollar already. is only one dollar and it would captivate many people to work here as part time^^ but like this if i say to my friends is one cent per comment they feel like not coming here.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi sweet... I am little bit busy for my sister's marriage. Again i have attend on my college so busy enough. Today i have started a new discussion here and hopefully waiting for your comment. Have a nice day.
• Portugal
26 Nov 10
shibham thats cool that your sister is going to marry^^ im happy for her and i wish that she marries the guy she likes^^ about college is normal that you are busy with your studies but im sure that as long as you study all will be ok^^ about your discussion yes i will see it and comment later ok?^^ tomorrow i will bcs now im busy answering people in my discussions ok?^^ have a nice day too^^ meluan im very happy that you are happy today^^ have a nice day too^^
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
29 Nov 10
i think i like you.. if iam tired in my real world, i come to mylot maybe i can found the enjoyment in mylot
25 Nov 10
I am well, just a little tired now that i am back at work and so i am unable to be on the computer and so i miss out on making money. At the moment i am helping a friend move into his house so i really am busy. He has helped me plenty of times so it is only fair that i return the favour. i have done a little bit of shopping today, the VAT is soon about to rise and so i want to get in as many things as i can before all the prices start to go up. I think many of us would like more money but we just have to go with what happens, it is life experience. I'd love more money as id have no money problems and i would be able to come and visit you.
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• Portugal
26 Nov 10
thats great that you are helping your friend^^ yes i see that you are back to your work but if i find a good home job that pays me well i will share with you so you can also have more time to spend with your son^^ instead of be always working so much ^^ you need also time for fun instead of being always working so much. anyway for now i cant tell you one for sure^^
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@Jiabsa (511)
• India
26 Nov 10
Hi friend, thank you for your inquiry. I'm totally fine. Like all other days, today also I spend my time to find out new sites for making money online. But I'm not happy with any sites because all sites are giving few cents each day. So I decided to continue my searching until i get a relevant site.
• Portugal
26 Nov 10
yes i understand you^^ is hard to find a good site that pay us much and not only a few cents^^ me i had luck that a friend shared with me a good site that pays more than a few cents so im happy but still isnt enough to help my mum. anyway i really wish that soon i have a good chance to work online and earn at least a good salary per month.
• India
27 Nov 10
well my love life is going really well and we are having lots of fun together we have a regular arguments and half time we spend making up with each other and the romance is still there and we spend most of time of ours with each other and as our exams are going on we spent most of the time helping each other in studies......
• Portugal
27 Nov 10
im very happy for you and your gf^^ is very good to know that you are so happy together. you really deserve happiness. thats all i wish for you. you and her are always so happy that i really wish i could have a relation like yours too. i wish that you can continue spending a great time together. you deserve to be very happy really^^
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
hi sweetloveforeve....me too i'm looking of extra online job so that i could augment my income. I really need extra income because i have lot of expenses everyday....
• Portugal
26 Nov 10
sorry for that^^ i guess that we all are needing the same thing^^ but you have other job right besides online right? that way at least you dont need to worry so much about money. me i dont have other jobs besides these two jobs online i have so thats why is so complicated i have to work many time online to earn good money everyday and still dont earn that good :(
@vicereine (451)
• United States
28 Nov 10
Well today I am just at home trying to relax because I have a very bad sinus infection. I am not supposed to do much but of course lazy boyfriend won't help with anything so I am doing it all. I am scheduled to have surgery soon but do you think he helps me before then, nope not at all. Any how I am glad things are going well with you and that you like mylot. I am new here so I am just getting the hang of it and posting a bit here and there. As far as relationships as I said above mine is on the rocks right now. I am debating if it is even worth it to stay with this guy as he does not drive, doesn't help when I need him and am sick and thinks only of himself. Although that last part seems pretty much like all guys I've met, I mean the selfish part lol. Any how it was good to hear from you and read your post I hope you have a great week.