Does anyone take Sarah Pay-lin seriously anymore?

United States
November 28, 2010 11:53am CST
Not that anyone ever did, but with all her recent gaffes, does anyone still continue to think of her as qualified for a leadership role?
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18 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
28 Nov 10
If Palin had serious political aspirations she would have finished her term as governor, possibly run for a seat in Congress and involved herself in issues that allowed her to display her leadership abilities as well as her ability to accomplish things that benefit potential voters. Instead, she went for celebrity status...hawking now two books that she didn't write, television gigs, speaking engagements and promoting others. She has done nothing to increase the public's confidence in her as a candidate...aside from the small group of die hard supporters she picked up during her run for VP.
• United States
28 Nov 10
I think perhaps she had better chances prior to the Obama reign, but this I mean she has put herself way too much in front of the media, and not necessarily in positive ways. She gave up her role in Alaska, as what she should have done was continue to contribute politically at which time more people would have considered her a more determined individual.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
28 Nov 10
Yawn. Another thread dissing Palin. There are only about 50 thousand of these on here. Although, this might bring out her favorite basher whom I haven't seen around in awhile. If she were running for a political office than perhaps she might rate another political discussion. But the truth is, she isn't running for President. She is just another American speaking out on a subject she feels passionate about. The media has done its usual job of turning everyone who looks good on camera into a celebrity and then setting impossible standards for said celebrity. But then that last statement is also true for President Obama. Her political views are just as important as your political views. The only difference is the platform by which her views are expressed. Yours are here. Hers just happens to be in front a few cameras.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Nov 10
A few cameras in which she continues to hint that she may consider running. I believe one comment was that she would if the American people wanted her to. I don't know why some folks seem to believe that no one is permitted to say anything about Queen Sarah but as long as she keeps putting herself out there, she's fair game.
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• United States
29 Nov 10
Aye, but since we have already had about 50 thousand threads on this particular subject, it seems pointless to keep bringing her up unless she throws something new on the table, like an announcement that she is actually running for President.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Nov 10
Seems to me that the point of starting discussions on mylot is to get responses...which this discussion did.
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Don't worry to much she is going to get the GOP nomination just watch. She will get the Tea Party people behind her to follow her like sheep to slaughter. The GOP has been infected for a while with these kind of loonies but sadly now they have become the majority making the GOP of old seem like a pipe dream. She will win the Nomination and well if Obama is going to go for a second term she will lock it in for him. Obama 4 more years!
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Dec 10
I dunno. While I do agree that she has her fair share of wingnuts, if the GOP backs someone good, she'll be out like yesterday's trash...tea party or not. Keep in mind that she has alienated many of the moderate Republicans like myself so we sure won't be voting for her in any primary.
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@jb78000 (15139)
29 Nov 10
she is more than qualified to lead a small troop of nitwits. in fact i suspect that many of her gaffes are done on purpose, rather than simply through ignorance. makes her look like 'one of us'. i'd say the writing on the hand was probably done to seem endearing. the last korea one, well ok probably not. i hope very much she doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of becoming your president but she appear to be pretty influential with said small group.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
2 Dec 10
You hit the nail on the head, jb. She IS pretty influential with a small group, which is enough to knock a Republican who could beat a Democrat out of the Primary race only to see their candidate of choice lose to the Democrat in the general election.
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• United States
28 Nov 10
I'm pretty leftist, but it's hard for me to take you seriously when you're using dumb stuff like "Pay-lin". I don't like Palin, but that doesn't mean I think her name should be mangled. It's no better than people who call President Obama "Iraq Hussein Osama" or whatever random word salad they can work out that has middle eastern terrorist leaders/dictators/countries/WHATEVER that they can work out to rhyme with Barack Obama. I'm not convinced in the leadership skills of someone who has stepped down from both political positions that they've held. Further, Palin's ideology is so far to the tea party right and most of what she's said, I'm not at all convinced that she is someone who can make compromises or work effectively on both sides of the aisle. Palin is a committed ideologue.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Dec 10
Wow, it's GREAT to be back! I've sure missed these lively discussions about Sister Sarah and all the accusations from her admirers towards any of us who see her for the opportunistic twit she is. For all that people seem to despise the President and adore Sister Sarah, according to a new poll if the Presidential election were held today and if she were the GOP nominee Obama would trounce her by over 20%. He'd also beat Mitt Romney and John Thune rather handily. Anyway, to answer your question, I suppose there are those who would consider smashing a halibut and shooting a caribou as "leadership qualities"! The problem for Sister Sarah is even many Republicans are now publicly speaking out against her and apparently many more are doing so privately. I think the latter are thinking about the halibut and the caribou. Annie
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
1 Dec 10
I am very conservative politically, but to listen to Sarah Palin speak makes me uncomfortable, and that I wouldn't want her as a president. I think she is a great person but she is just too green as yet. She needs more political experiences before she will be ready for the presidency.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
29 Nov 10
And this would be different from Obama's gaffes, how? Oh that's right, Obama is allowed to say stupid stuff because he's black! My bad!
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
29 Nov 10
She isn't? I was under the impression you had a delusional hatred of Palin. Enough to twist what I said around. Too bad for you it didn't work. Sorry, not falling for the "you're a racist" battle cry from you or anyone who has no argument.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Nov 10
Saying so-and-so is allowed to do A,B or C because he's black actually is pretty racist because it focuses on the color of someone's skin and nothing else. You don't have to "fall for" wrote's there. I don't *hate* Palin but that's the battle cry of her loyal minions whenever anyone has a negative opinion about her...followed by the "jealous" one.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Nov 10
Well, that certainly appears on the surface to be a pretty racist statement. Obama's fair game but Palin isn'
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• United States
30 Nov 10
Based on her popularity, I'd say many take her seriously.
• United States
30 Nov 10
Everyone seems to avoid looking at the strength she now has and it certainly didn't come from John McCain. She is one of the strongest figures in all of American politics today, whether anyone likes it or not. I, personally, like her.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Nov 10
What exactly is your definition of "strong" mystic? The only "strength" Palin has comes from her small base, which is not enough to win the general election. In the last round of elections some easy wins for the Republicans went to the Democrats because Palin endorsed candidates won the Primaries but lost the race.
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• United States
1 Dec 10
spalladino: Were those loses in traditionally Republican or Democrat states? I don't know the answer and thought you might.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 10
Someone who is not taken seriously is ignored. Sarah Palin is not ignored even by you. By trying to belittle her, those opposed to her have shown us how afraid of her they really are.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Dec 10
I suppose if I were a halibut I might be afraid of her. Now, if I were a caribou, I think I'd be smart enough and fast enough to run away before she shot really thought she'd be a better shot than that! Annie
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Dec 10
Oh puuleease, I am so sick of the "afraid of her" claims. (Jealous will be next) Palin would be ignored if she hadn't been making a great effort to keep her face and her words in the public arena since she lost the election. [Allegedly] writing a book that she schlepped all over the country, speaking engagements promoting anyone for a buck, select television appearances where no hard questions are asked. She even hired someone to tweet for her on twitter so no opportunity would be missed. Using your logic, over half the country is afraid of George Bush.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Dec 10
My goodness Spalladino, you really are keeping up with what's going on in Sarah Palin's life. You must be a real fan. What else can you tell me about her? Anniepa, since you know how well Sarah does or doesn't shoot, I guess this means you've been watching her too, just like Spalladino. You two have really been keeping up with the life and times of Sarah Palin.
• United States
29 Nov 10
I have a hard time taking alot of politican seriously. Palin is one. Our VP is another. Biden is a walking talking gaffe machine also.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Nov 10
I have to agree with you about Biden, Lil. Whenever he opens his mouth you know *something* is going to come out.
• United States
29 Nov 10
Biden missed his calling in life...he should have tried out for SNL. He would have been great without having to really try hard. LOL Heck when I see Biden on TV I stop to watch because I KNOW something stupid is going to come out of his mouth. It is like watching a train wreck. You know what is going to know it is going to be bad...but you can't look away.
@jb78000 (15139)
29 Nov 10
but be fair. his name has much more potential for bad puns. you can't say a man whose name can be changed to bidet has nothing going for him
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• United States
29 Nov 10
I take Sarah Palin very seriously. What I do have a problem with are the people who made fun of (and still do)her children, especially her youngest child, Trig. I also have a problem with people who keep talking about how she left the governorship when it's obvious they have no idea WHY she left it and have not bothered to find out. I do have a problem with people who lie through their teeth (our current politicians of both parties), but have the temerity to make fun of Sarah Palin because she didn't go to Harvard or Yale. Since most of the crew we have in Washington DID go to those schools, their actions have not spoken highly of the educations they received at either. These schools are attended by the children of the 'old boy's clubs' to make business contacts, more than for the education offered. I do have a problem with people who think Sarah Palin couldn't possibly write her own books, when she has a degree in English/Journalism. I do respect Sarah Palin for sticking up for what she believes in and not backing down just because the media, comedians, and people who have no wish to learn anything about her, constantly harrass her and her family and have not given her a rest since five minutes after she came on the political scene. I admire the fact that her children are growing up to have the same strength of character. She doesn't get angry when people say things about her, but does send stinging retorts when her children are attacked. Most mothers would do the same unless they really hate their kids. I do admire Sarah and Todd for being good examples for their children. They don't expect the world to come to them on a silver platter and don't hand it to their children on one. Although Sarah has made an enormous amount of money on her books, Bristol works to support her child, while giving talks to other teens in hopes of helping young girls to say no. That takes a lot of guts, as did her stint on DWTS where she was constantly reviled by the public. Was Bristol given credit for driving five days to get to the show? Was she given credit for trying something she was obviously terrified of doing? Was she given credit for improving every week? No. Petty people, with nothing better to do with their lives, continued to harrass her and when she had the absolute nerve to say something in return that wasn't so complimentary to those people, THEY weren't chastised - SHE was. At least she had the manners to apologize; I have yet to hear the jackels do the same. I do not admire people who think anyone else making millions on their books is just fine, but hate Sarah for having the good fortune to do the same. I would take her straight talking over the legalese no one understands because all of our laws are written by those Yale and Harvard law grads, who have no wish for us to know what they are doing to us. I do not admire people who warp peoples names, but I do wonder if the person doing so just doesn't have better manners than to do such a thing.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Nov 10
I don't know why you chose to bring Bristol into this discussion...but since you did, let's clear a few things up. Bristol "works to support her child" by using her mother's celebrity. She's well paid for every photo spread/article she allows...every television cameo...formed her own company called BSMP, LLC, which is a public relations and political consulting service and her first client was the pro-abstinence Candie’s Foundation that she is/was the spokesperson for. If these aren't silver platters, I don't know what is.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Nov 10
I disagree completely that Bristol, even now, is a celebrity in her own right. Would...what magazine was it, Vanity Fair or something...have paid the big bucks they did for that photo spread of an unemployed, unwed mother if *her* mother hadn't been Sarah Palin? Would she had landed that cameo on whatever that pregnant teen show is if Sarah Palin wasn't her mother? Where does an unemployed, unwed mother with no business or political education get the funds to start a public relations and political consulting business and isn't it odd that her first client was the very foundation that hired her to speak about abstinence? She was on DWTS for one reason only...because she's Sarah Palin's daughter. You're right, if she sat on her rump and did nothing, she would be condemned for that. And, if she actually did something on her own without trading on mommy's name and using mommy's connections, she would have more respect. As I said before...silver platters. Not handed to her directly from mommy but mommy had a hand in it.
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@jb78000 (15139)
29 Nov 10
fair enough, making fun of politicians/celebrities' children isn't nice. however politicians/celebrities are fair game so don't know what your problem is with everything else here. who cares if politicians' names are mangled for bad puns etc? i really don't get these impassioned defences of the palindrome. she isn't your mother. she put herself out there and i imagine knows full well that criticism/bad puns go with the territory.
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@mattic (282)
• United States
1 Dec 10
Not a big Palin fan, but she is imminently more qualified than the empty suit community organizer currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. He is an affirmative action hire who has never held a real job or had any business experience.
@jb78000 (15139)
1 Dec 10
"imminently more qualified" - not qualified yet then?
@jb78000 (15139)
1 Dec 10
i thought you meant eminently. good on you for not exploding though - hey do you need a proof reading rabbit? - i charge fifty carrots per post
@mattic (282)
• United States
1 Dec 10
Good catch. Should have read "infinitely". Not enough caffiene this AM.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Nov 10
Hi Ladybug, I actually never took Sarah Paylin to seriously and the more I hear from her and about her it just confirms my initial reaction to her....I just really don't care much for her. I could not imagine her being vice president and I really can't imagine her being our president....scary thought.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
29 Nov 10
No. I don't even expect her to run for President yet, either. She's going to benefit by leaving the door open, though.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
29 Nov 10
I never took her serious since she opened her mouth at the 2008 compaign trail with McCain. I just hope and pray that the public on a whole are smart enough to realize that she is not capable of being President of the US. If she was to become President the US will be in alot of trouble. The only female I think at this time that is smart and prepared to be President is Hillary Clinton.
@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
28 Nov 10
Not me...from a reality show to a book to her daughter on dancing with the stars!