Live Happily Ever After...

@visavis (5934)
November 29, 2010 12:29am CST
Hi there mylotters, Everyone of us dream that someday we live happily ever after with our family and friends. We read only that phrase in the children book story, seen in the love story movies. Is it posible to become real in our life? Right. Which everyone of us try to find and apply in our life. Does you and me are the one make our destiny or fate? Did we determine and say I'm sure me and my family become happily ever after? What are you opinion on this and views, experience and others. Share with us... see you around
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9 responses
29 Nov 10
Yep, i think everybody dreams about that.. we can live a happily ever after but sometimes there will be trials you'll encounter in your life.. that's life.. We do make our own destiny, own choice what you choose in life and the outcome. What you do affects other, like a domino effect. ^_^
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@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
Yes it seems you are the captain of your life, Am I right as understand in your response.. We are not the one making destiny God has already plan and way for you, you just act according to His will... see you around
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
I response you by question also. What do you think in God's plan your making decisions are not including there? We are doing wrong or right according to God's plan, why including wrong because for the wrong decision we are able to know and learn from that mistake. see you around
29 Nov 10
Yes, god already has a plan for us.. but we're not gonna sit here waiting for that plan to happen right? making self decisions, choosing your own path is my way in life. But hey, everybody has their own opinion. right ^_^
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@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
Hi visavis, happiness is a state of mind. Sadness is part of life. We overcome it, we feel happy. Let us not wait for that "someday" to come so we could be happy. Feel happy "now."
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@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
thanks to your positive views and I can see in your eyes in the picture of you.. see you around
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30 Nov 10
ms eileen, i really agree with you on this. To be happy is a decision you make. That "someday" may be too far away or too late. The wasted time you did on not being happy and sulking over problems and worries take away the moments you could've spent happily.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
30 Nov 10
zoe, that is why I always live for today. I do my best to be happy right at this moment. And you just made me feel happier with your response. I do believe you are a happy person, too. You selflessly share your thoughts... Blessings on your way, for you are kind and graceful!
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
hello friend, Everybody dreamed of a happy life. A perfect marriage,a perfect family,everything in perfect condition and in perfect situation. But things aren't like that. The more we expect,the more we get frustrated when things went wrong. We are the architect of our own future,we made what we are now. Some people are blaming and pointing their fingers to other people and even to the government for what they are suffering right now. Ok,granting in some aspect that other people or the government made our lives miserable,but not everything,just a part of it. Happiness is your choice,you can be happy if you want to,or you can be sad if you choice to be sad. Why?,because even if you are having problem it doesn't mean that you must be sad or upset. You can still smile and be happy even if you are facing problem. One great success in life is,when you learn to face trials with a smile,in your face and in your heart. Make those trials as a part of every challenge that you encounter in this life. Like those participants in every sports having an open mind,whether to lose or win,they never gave up but accept defeat as a challenge to do their best next time. I always look life from the positive aspect,that in every trial and down times,there is always hope and the sun will surely shine after the storm. I've been through a lot of trials,but i am still happy and face every failure as a success and count every defeat as a winning moment. Life is too short to be wasted for nonsense bittterness and frustration. Have a good day always
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
thanks for the Br mark,i really appreciate it(it's not every day that i got a BR mark) again have a good day =)
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
Yes your right, everything you said is ultimately correct and must be appliad in our life, so as complement I marked your response the best of it... see you around
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
29 Nov 10
Living in a happily ever after world can seem like a fairy tale. it can come true in reality, but the fantasy is sometimes more believable. We should never stop reaching for happily ever after because it could just happen.
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
30 Nov 10
Happiness and sadness are two different things that we feel in our life in the world. We can't feel happy ever after and we neither we fell sadness in our whole life. Just enjoy the life because life is our chance to change our destiny to reach the eternal happiness. Eternal happiness achieved when our soul united to the God and we will never feel sadness, hurt and anything else.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
30 Nov 10
Everyone wants to live happily ever after. If your wants are simple. . .you can be happy with simple things. However, your family should also have simple wants just like yours so that all of you will feel happy.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Nov 10
Hi visavis, I'm sure that we all think sometimes that we'd like to live happily ever after, but I'm afraid that is an impossibility and only exists in fairy tales. First we should consider what living happily ever after really means. Do we want to be robots or puppets on a string, I don't thing so. We learn something from every experience that we have, but we learn most when there are problems and we must keep learning and growing for as long as we live. Blessings.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
I think it depends on where you put the ending in your story, because as long as we live our life changes and what we used to think as a happy ending it not yet an ending. When I met my husband and we feel in love with each other after for so long a time of just being friends, I thought that was a very happy ending if i put an end to that story. But when we got married, we had several ups and downs and it's a totally different story from the first one and up until now from the marriage period, I can't say that we already have lived happily ever after.
@wargod (29)
29 Nov 10
You know my friend the phrase "Happily ever after" we can get if we do our dreams come true and diligent. That's the true happily ever after.