Difficult Choice...

Choice between love ones - Sometimes there are Choices between love ones which are almost impossible to choose because you love them both the same amount as they love you.
@xxj3ffxx (501)
November 29, 2010 1:42am CST
If one day, a difficult choice had to be made. Both of your love ones, our mother and your wife, are in danger to death.. Your mother is very old but she had lived your life since you were small Your wife is the prettiest woman ever and she promised she will make you happy for your rest of your life and with her, your generation will continue for the best. Who would you choose to save? you have only one choice
2 responses
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
It is a difficult choice but for sure your mother will understand it when you will save your wife. You and your wife will be as one after marriage. For sure wife will come first. It is not that I don't love my mom, but your wife will be the mom of your offspring.
• United States
29 Nov 10
The only thing is who can really tell that your wife will be forever. So many people are getting divorced nowadays...I would choose my Mother. No one in my entire life will ever fill that void and I know I would drop anyone for her. There's no love like motherly love for sure.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
29 Nov 10
Hi, It is a difficult choice and I should ask my husband this question tonight when He is back home. But from my point of view, If I were to save either my mother or my husband when both of them are in danger. Then I would need to see the situation first. I have to see which one I can reach first, if I am more nearer to my mother,then of course, I will save her,then after ward, I will save my husband. But then in such critical situation,it is hard to predict what will happen in next few seconds. So while saving for my mother, I will shout for helps..hopefully someone will come to rescue my husband while I am saving my mother.
@xxj3ffxx (501)
• Australia
29 Nov 10
hahaha.. there is no such probability of saving is a success in this question.. but in fact, you are right of taking such consideration. And according to what you wrote, it seems that your mother would always be the first one to save... no matter what... am i right? Hope that this question will not create a fight between you and your husband. =.=