
United States
November 30, 2010 12:53am CST
In my relationship with my husband we have certain points of being comfortable. Some people can fart in front of each other and even pee. My husband and I prefer to keep a certain amount of respect/privacy. We do not fart in front or around each other and we deff do not go pee when the other is in the bathroom., This is just our choice. Do you find yourself restraning fron thing in a relationship or are you "anything goes" type of person?
2 responses
• United States
30 Nov 10
I refrain from a lot, not that I don't have control but there are some things I don't do in public that I sure wouldn't do in private. We don't team pee, that's just gross and giving each other space is very important. You share a bed but that doesn't mean you have to share all the other stuff too. Where you're brushing your teeth and your spouse walks in and sits down to take a crap, well, the honeymoon is over!
• United States
1 Dec 10
LMAO!!! Honeymoon over is right!! I would be so grossed out if that happened ::GAG::
@chuyins123 (2112)
• Philippines
30 Nov 10
I would also want the same arrangement as you have with your husband with my soon to be wife. I want certain privacy and respect. While it is true that we become one when we get married, we have to respect humanity and give certain respect ought to our partners. And well, I really hate to hear farts, it's disgusting for me... :D
• United States
30 Nov 10
That's true and you don't wanna smell em LOL. My husband and I are a team but we just don't like to be up in buisness like LOL