Why don't you believe in God?

November 30, 2010 7:57am CST
I am not trying to convince anyone here to believe in God, I know that is not possible to do so... I'm just wondering why? What are the reasons that made you an Atheist? I just see God everywhere I look and got to think about those who don't see His magnificence in nature, in people who help, we help, who we love and love us... My friends and I talk about this most of the times that we get together, and since we all have never heard the side of those who doesn't believe in God, they have a very poor opinion of them...but, I never gave any opinion about this topic since I didn't want to be biased...then saw some comments here and thought that there are people here who could provide me their side of the story... So please enlighten me, why did you become an atheist?
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13 responses
@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
30 Nov 10
I think that the main reason for many not to believe is that they are full with themselves and don't want to know that there is somebody who is greater and better than them. The other reason can be that they have asked for many things to happen for them, no matter if they done something to achieve those things or not, no matter if they deserve them or not. But we live in a free world, everybody has the right to do whatever he wants and to believe in anything and anybody. If somebody has faith, he can see God in everything, but if he doesn't have it, then it is useless to convince him to believe, because he won't. I know that I am a believer, because I feel that God is there, and I don't need any physical proof.
• United States
1 Dec 10
I believe in the God of the Christian Bible, and so I am not one who you are asking this question to. And yet, I want to weigh in on this because of some of these responses I see. It is my firm belief that people become atheists because somewhere in their life they needed someone (be that a person or be it a higher being) to provide them with help that they desperately needed, but no one did. They were left on their own, to cope as best they could. This causes a defeatist attitude which they transfer to their worldview, and so because they were alone in coping with the world they concluded that there could be no God. The problem is that they don't realize that it wasn't God who let them down, but some person. God uses people to do His will on Earth, and when they fail in this other people perceive that God failed, and thus that God doesn't exist. When a person looks at life as if everything must be explainable, they limit themselves to a one-sided existence.
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• United States
1 Dec 10
I would have to wholeheartedly disagree with you. Throughout my entire life I have had the love and support from an amazing group of friends and family, yet I am an Atheist. Just because people do not have the same beliefs as you does not mean that they are broken people. When a person looks at life as if everything is explainable they are being logical. We have a working model of the universe that mathematically breaks everything down into an equation. Using this equation we can show how the universe was formed. In this model there is no need for a god or higher being of any sort. The belief in science is not a one sided existence. It's sole purpose is to explore every possible way in which a certain thing or things exist.
• Philippines
1 Dec 10
I thought that people like you do exist and I respect that...well, can you share that formula which explains how the universe was formed? I'm just curious...
• Philippines
1 Dec 10
I guess you have a point, my friend had said something similar but just said in an angry voice^^ But I'm feeling a bit down, because I thought that someone who is a real atheist would comment and give me their side too though...because we really don't know...
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
30 Nov 10
Well I used to believe in god because thats what I was told I had to believe in basically. I read the bible and learned more and realized that I question a lot of what happened in the bible as actually being facts. Some of the things might have happened but I think that its not a historical account that someone bascially wrote a fictional book that somehow everyone started following. I am not an atheist. Atheists do not believe in anything without question. I do believe there is something out there a higher power I just dont know what it is. I believe more in factual evidence like evolution then in jesus christ.
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
1 Dec 10
Ahh see I really dont know much about evolution either. If its just a theory then I wouldnt set my beliefs on that either. I am not looking for something to believe in or I would be out seeking for answers you know. If someone can prove to me something showing me evidence then I will believe it more readily. All I meant was that evolution seemed to make more sense to me then the whole jesus christ beliefs. I dont know whats true I'm not really worried about trying to find out. I just try to be the best person I can be and to me thats all that matters.
• United States
1 Dec 10
Show me one factual evidence in the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution is a group of "what ifs", and therefore will always be nothing more than a theory. It takes much more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God.
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• Philippines
1 Dec 10
Hmmn, I'm the same...I think there is a seed of sense in the theory of evolution(though I'm forever puzzled why there are still apes existing today, and my teacher never gave me a solid explanation and I have not thought of researching this again until now...) but I do still believe in Jesus Christ...
@Chortaga (97)
• United States
1 Dec 10
I'd have to say the main thing that solidified my beliefs is the fact that we have a working model of the universe that does not need a God or God factor to be explained. Ever since people started developing cognitive thought we have tried to explain the universe around us and the meaning to why we are here. I do not believe there is a meaning. I believe we are here today having this conversation simply because we evolved to have the thought process to even consider the idea of a higher being. People who don't believe in god aren't necessarily bad people, for example, recently my fiance and I took off from our home and hitchhiked throughout the US, Europe and some of Africa, the people who seemed the most willing to help us along the way were people with similar beliefs to my own. There are good people and bad people everywhere, whether they be Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Jewish or whatever. Although, I can not say I one day became an Atheist, it was a gradual coming to terms throughout my teenage years. I very much wanted to be a Christian and believe what the other kids believed when I was little, but I could never fully force myself to "have faith" in something that could not be backed by any evidence. It is my belief that some people need religion in their lives to help them deal with the day to day crap that is associated with living and also to help them deal with the terrifying reality that someday we will all die. The hardest part about being an Atheist is coming to terms with the fact that when you die there is nothing else.
• United States
1 Dec 10
Thank you for enduring my long comment and for trying to learn more about those who are different from yourself rather than judging us right off the bat.
• Philippines
1 Dec 10
^^and the best part of having faith is that we believe in afterlife... Thank you for giving me insight on an Atheist mind, and discount my comment above because I commented without scrolling down^^
• India
30 Nov 10
Hi, I grew up hearing a lot about God.As a student I used to believe God is everywhere. He is the supreme Power. But when I grew up I saw lot of things which turned me a kind of semi-atheist.I am not saying that all the people in the world who believe God are engaged in bad things.God might be there I don't dent this fact but taking God's name and doing all the nonsense is not good. I prefer not to use God's name for everything rather try and do such things which my conscience allows and helps me grow everyday. I turned up in this way because personally I have seen lot of people in my life who claim that they are the biggest followers and believers of God but in their life they have never done a single right thing. My opinion is don't believe God but always try and do such things which will make you feel calm and good. Try and respect your parents who I believe are the living gods.
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
1 Dec 10
After reading your comment on my comment on this discussion I looked for what you wrote and I totally agree with you. I commented something very similar as a response to what you wrote on my comment. I think the most important thing is to do what we believe is good. I dont need to follow the bible as I think a lot of things are kind of crazy and contradicting in there. So many people say what wonderful christians they are yet never go to church or have never read the bible. Or they go to church and think just because they go to church they are good christians yet go home and rape their children and beat their wives.
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• Philippines
1 Dec 10
I think that you believe in God but not in religion...but I do see your point...
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
30 Nov 10
Being Atheist don't mean you don't believe in all the things that can't be proven , but as far as i like to believe in something i need to know its real . How can u prove me that god exist , how do u prove me that he make all around us and a lot of other things . When something bad happens its our fault or someone else , when something good happens good take the credit ( i really like that sentance from dr. House :) ) I'm willing to believe that greater smarter beings exist , and even that smart and powerful to create a life in a planet and everything ( witch as i like astronomy and all am bring to think that planet with life can be made even without help of something else - that needs to be made from somewhere ) But being all around us ... If you call Air - God its ok , if you call earth God its ok ... but thats all kind of gods not one . And i cant take air as living being . I'm welling to believe something greater then us exist , but i don't think its what people define as God . Yes everything in nature our bodies are created from it and we go to it after we die . But the other part - SPirits . Why do u think they exist , i need a prof thats not some lie or something i might have saw or heard . There are a lot of things that don't fit as god that people describe him .
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• Philippines
1 Dec 10
Well, that is why it's called believing^^ You do see that there is a greater power that created life, and in spirits, you feel nature, then you witness the wonders of nature, so why did you ever not see the fact that birds are uniquely designed to fly, trees to grow from but a tiny speck of a seed, flowers are given different vibrant colors, and not realize that there is someone who planned all these things?
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
1 Dec 10
Well you have some point but its not really something that needs to be planed :) The things take their natural course of evolution and there are pigments everywhere not really because someon put them there . Still i'm welling to Believe :P only because i don't really see a teory for createting of life . Yes once its there it evolves , but well how did the life come to our planet . There are certain things that you can explain with believing but well it sound a little blind believing to me . I like the God or who writed it teaching to be good to everyone , but its hard to believe in something that you cannot prove is it really writen by god . I don't deny his existance , but i cannot really say he exist cuz well i need a proof . Maybe i have some believe , but i't my nature to doubt everything and i doubt a lot of things that cannot be proven too :)
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
30 Nov 10
I believe in God and Know those who dont believe in God will be very sorry for their stubborn act of spiritual rebellion because God is not a myth, He is very real and there will always be a price for disbelief!
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Dec 10
I am not an athiest. I am an agnostic. I question the TEACHINGS of the Bible. I question the fact that there is a GOD as it is put down in the Bible. I do believe there is a higher power. I think that a good percentage of 'born agains' and believers need something to fall back on. Something to put the responsibility of decision making on because they can't seem to find the strength to do so themselves. When they are hard set to make a decision or have something come to be they 'give to God' to do. I think that is weak. I think that people need to stand up and be strong and make their own decisions and make things happen themselves not give it to God to take care of for them. I believe in fate and that things will happen as they many. If people were more spiritual and less religious perhaps life as we know it would be less stressful and people would all live a more peaceful and less hypocritical lives.
@reploid (1371)
• France
30 Nov 10
Well, I a not an atheist, and not a firm believer either. I am in the middle I would say. There are so many reasons to believe in god as much as reasons to not believe in god. I must say that no one of us truly knows if God exists or not. Even the most firm believer cannot prove it. We have to respect everyone for whatever they believe in as long as they do good.
@reploid (1371)
• France
30 Nov 10
Well, I a not an atheist, and not a firm believer either. I am in the middle I would say. There are so many reasons to believe in god as much as reasons to not believe in god. I must say that no one of us truly knows if God exists or not. Even the most firm believer cannot prove it. We have to respect everyone for whatever they believe in as long as they do good.
• Marikina, Philippines
1 Dec 10
For me, if people have faith in God, "no questions ask", they just believe, but if people are asking too much questions or they are very rational, they would find the truth by asking questions because it helps them to know the truth, but if no one answered to that questions, they would not believe in God because there is no proof. As for me, I am just in the middle because I still have lots of questions about God and some of those people who believe in God that I asked, did not even satisfied me. I would like to have faith in God so that is why I asked a lot of questions. I feel as if I am losing faith in God because there are lots of contradiction when it comes to bible. I am very religious when I was in my teen years, but I started asking questions when I see lots of contradiction here on earth and on the bible. I feel as if I want to be atheist, but I don't want to be atheist because I am also afraid that if I die, where will I go? That is all.
• Philippines
2 Dec 10
I had questions about God too and was also brought up strictly as a Catholic, but at least my mother has answered some questions of mine, not just about the bible but in human frailty "Why did God make us question Him?" and things like that... I confess I'm not religious but I'm very spiritual...
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
1 Dec 10
Hi dear, Thanks for you commnets. Like you, even I had a too much of attachments to all such Godly related things. I don't know when I start thinking openly and freely. Not evern one year now, but my total thinking got changed. May be too much of attachment made me to think differently. I am at all atheist or favouring to anything else. I judge with the reasoning of the things what we sees and experiences. As being the nature stretch infront of me, I don't have anything beyoind that. The nature gives all here started everything, and ends here once I finishes. More things won't fit in the limits of the minds and people call God anything that he cannot understands. Thank-s
• Philippines
1 Dec 10
I am also believe in god. Everyone should believe in him because he gave his life for us sinner. We should give value to god to the best that we can. He is my life because he is the only god that gives and supply all the things that i needed in this world. Maybe this is the time for those people who are not yet accept god. Please people accept god as your own savior. Because he is the only one who can save us again! godbless.