Should England give Ireland 7billion

November 30, 2010 2:19pm CST
When it comes to the British government, I have never understood their intentions, all british governments have been corrupt, for instance an MP bought a bird bath for her garden and charged it to the taxpayer, now they must be lying to the British, suffering from recession as bad as the wall street crash or the failure of the central american stock market, does England really have this sort of money to throw away, the prediction for the end of the recession is 2016 so really can the Bristish government afford it or are they kissing more backsides because they know the coalition is failing
2 responses
@tck_01 (96)
30 Nov 10
Exactly the point I was trying to make, Vonmac^^ BTW I would add that bailing out Ireland also helps the UK security wise, as it would partly ease potential tensions between Catholics and Protestants. God forbid that may happen, but we all know that in times of depression people tend to be a little more aggressive.
@tck_01 (96)
30 Nov 10
I'm from the US, and have been sent by my company to Africa^^ I'm sorry, I was sent to work in France a few years ago and often went to London back then... but the only things I know about UK politics are things I studied in college:D
@tck_01 (96)
30 Nov 10
Considering that Ireland is one of the UK's main clients, and that thousands of Irish citizens are moving to the UK hoping to get a job, I think 7 billion is almost a token gesture... IMHO the UK should give Ireland more...