Child Grooming for Abuse

United States
December 2, 2010 11:17pm CST
Would you know if someone was grooming your child simply so that they can abuse them? Many parents do not know that preditors so often groom children to gain their trust but they also groom the parents to get you to trust them with your child. Preditors gain trust in many ways and they do not like dominant people. They do not like people who pose a challange to them. They will get people to dislike and mistrust a person who may challange their so called authority. A preditor is controlling and has to be in charge, They have to be in control of everything. It may seem as though they are helping you but they are not. Parents be wise about the people around your children including the other parent and family members. Never think that no one in your family will do such a thing because you could be wrong. Not telling you to be paranoid but just a quick note to all of you to be very careful with your children and check everybody out...YES EVEN YOUE 16 YR OLD COUSIN FELUPETO JR.(A MADE UP NAME) PROTECT THE KIDS
1 response
• United States
4 Dec 10
I think that is FOUL when people do things like that! What makes someone so sick to do that or anything nasty to a child? We need to find a cure for sicko's! Somehow some way this bs will come to an end!!