Can you match names to faces easily?

@megamatt (14292)
United States
December 3, 2010 12:51pm CST
Obviously, discounting your family and close friends. I would hope that you could recognize them on site. However, when meeting someone briefly a handful of times, can you recognize them after being introduced. Or are you blatantly avoiding stating the person's name, in some hope that you can find an excuse to leave before you reveal that you cannot match a name to the face. I'll admit it, I'm really bad about recalling names until I know a person and interact with them a few times a week for at least four or five months.
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14 responses
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
4 Dec 10
I really suck at face recognition. Names are easier for me. Even people I know and have no seen for a really long time's hard to recognize for me. Like old classmates, when I see them at the mall, I'm not entirely sure that it's them. When we're in the mall and we'd see some old classmate or a schoolmate, my friend would always point them out to me. I would always say how can she be sure that that's them, she just says she's great with faces.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
4 Dec 10
I guess so. My friend's really good, while I'm really bad at it. Just the other day, my friend told me that we really compliment each other because of this. :)
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Yeah I'm beginning to think that face recognition is either something you are good at or rather bad at. It can be something that is unsure. The people that they see, its unsure and others can just point it out without a sound thought. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
• India
4 Dec 10
I sometime forget the names of the people with whom I work. Its not exactly i forget their names, but I am too much engrossed with the thought of work or something which i need to explain or state that I forget the names. Secondly even i am too bad at recollecting names. But i never forget a face which i have seen. So I admit that i am bad names and ask to bear with me till I am used to their names.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Name recollection can be a hard thing. Faces are a little easier, but matching the names, that can be a struggle the first few times. You'd be like, hey that's...I know him or her, and its in some dark corner of your brain but you cannot force it out. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
• Singapore
4 Dec 10
I just need 2 days to remember.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Sometimes it does take some time to make the connection. Very true. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
4 Dec 10
Hi! Well, I have a very good memory for faces, but not for names, so I always end up asking again for people's names 5 minutes after hearing them. I have a bad memory, and I don't think it's anything to feel ashamed of, so I just explain people that I can't remember names and that I will probably ask for it many times when we meet, so they won't think I'm being rude
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Yeah, some people just have a bad memory. I think I have a really strange version of this. I can remember certain things. However, it does take a while for me to recall others or not at all. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
4 Dec 10
I have pretty good memory. I can recognize faces easily even though I only saw them once before. When it comes to names and matching their faces to it, it can be quite tricky because certain faces does not quite suit the name given! As such, I prefer to recognize their faces then introducing myself to them and they will automatically do the same too. From there, I will have a deeper impression of them and their names.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
A good memory is a good thing to have. I find myself having just an adequate one that has good recall some of the time. However, the time where it does not, you'd know it. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
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@wargod (29)
4 Dec 10
Some times my friend you can much them by only at face. But most probably you can much people by only on their behavior.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Yes that does tend to happen. There is really no going around it. Its just something that cannot be avoided. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
4 Dec 10
I can do this fairly easily. Sometimes, I do need people to remind me once more, but that's pretty much the end of it. Faces and names are something that I can remember fairly well.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
I think that there are going to be people who recall easily after a reminder or two. Then it takes a bit longer. I think that after a few times, I'll be fine a lot of the time but some of the time, I have a mental block for no reason. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
4 Dec 10
I am usually good at matching names to faces. I usually have a good memory for that. there have been a few occasions where name and face placement has eluded me. It frustrates me more than the person i can';t place when this happens to me. i will rack my brain until I can put name and face together and be happy about it.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Yes hopefully I can make the connection before its too late. Many times, it does take a while. However, there are times where it is going to take far longer than one might think. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
I don't remember names that easily but I can recognize a face fast. It's the names I'm having problems with. I think it's because there are many unusual names nowadays like Voshaun, Jamario, Mbop, Tutouy, etc.. that's why it's hard for me to remember names.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Indeed, that could be a problem. If its a name that is unique, I might have a general idea of what it might be. However, I might fear of actually speaking it, in case I speak it wrong. That could lead to some awkward experiences. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
4 Dec 10
As far as I am concerned, I think it will be a little difficult for me to match the names to faces easily.But I will never give up. I may just try my best to remember the names of the faces and try my best to match them together.With my effort to remember them, then I can match them easily after sevral time.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
It does take a little effort sometimes. And sometimes it takes a lot of effort. And sometimes no matter how much effort you make, it can be hard to match the name to the face. Then the embarrassment sets in. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
4 Dec 10
Hi, megamatt! I cannot mach names to faces easily. Ususally I see some faces which I feel familiar with but I can't remind the corresponding name at all. This is some how inborn because no matter how hard I tried, I can't remember those names firmly.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
It can be extremely hard. Hopefully that connection can be made somewhere. But the sad truth is, that does in fact happen with a lot of people. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
• Philippines
4 Dec 10
This is the embarrassment of my life more often than not. Just yesterday, I called my secretary outside the office secretly and requested her to ask the name of our guest. I know the face but for the life of me I could not place the name. And then again, people I meet in streets or malls would smile and greet me and I would smile back while all the while rummage my memory for clues. I try to get along with the conversation and slyly get the name. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes not. And it could be infuriaring when you remember the face but not the name.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Quite the embarrassment indeed. And it can be frustrating to try and drop subtle clues, to get the person to state their name, even though its hard to do without making it too obvious. Then when they call you out, you kind of do have to come clean. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@joystick (1675)
4 Dec 10
Even if i have known people years it is sometimes hard to remember peoples names.I tend to say what a person looks like or where they live if i can not remember their name.Its a bit like a friend of mine she has to call all the names of her children and in the end she then get the name right,lol.It happens to the best of us.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
It does in fact to happen to the best of us indeed. After all, the human mind does have the tendency to blank at the worst time. And it can come up at embarrassing times. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@zenkey23 (416)
• Philippines
4 Dec 10
i am also bad at recalling names especially when i always think alot of things. but whenever i remember one thing that connects me and that person i will just suddenly remember their names:)
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Yes, once you know a person well enough, you can make the connection. The first couple of times, there is really no connection to be made. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.