Are You stuck in a Job ....?

@themyl (1423)
United States
December 3, 2010 3:15pm CST
Do you work for a company or just a simple employer and feel that you could be making more money? Does it seem like regardless of how much effort you put into your job, the compensation does not quite meet your expectations, what you are Really worth?
2 responses
• United States
3 Dec 10
If I was working I would probably feel like such. But I've decided I'm not going to work for someone for longer than ten years. By that time I will have hopefully started my own site of some type. Retiring early and moving to a location that charges very low rent sounds like a good idea to me. Retire with $1.5 million to live in U.S. comfortably. Retire with $250,000 to live in Costa Rica comfortably.
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@themyl (1423)
• United States
6 Dec 10
You might say you and I are two of a kind. I used to work for a company for 11 years until I got tired of not being paid enough for the work that I was actually doing, until one day I got fed up and told them that I was resigning from the company. The same day that I left, a Multi-Million dollar company called me to help them to save some money. After finishing the work, I saved them over a million dollars for which they were very gratified and had no problem paying me the fee that I had charged them. And that is how I started, proving to the former company I used to work for that I was worth More than Twenty times what they were paying me.
@mlla24 (841)
• Mexico
3 Dec 10
tell me the solution.
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@themyl (1423)
• United States
6 Dec 10
You should try working on your own, thus the more effort you put into what you are doing, the more you will be able to see coming in instead of going to the boss's pocket.