How can check if all my HDD is connected?

@syoti20 (5292)
December 4, 2010 8:50am CST
I just open my PC and try to check my some of my files. I have C:, D:, E:. When I refresh my PC I can't see E: anymore. How can I check if my HDD for Drive E: is connected to my PC? Please help me..
3 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
hmmm, familiar with me, that problem, restart your computer and and press F* or the function 8 many times, then you will go to bios settings or cmos settings, then look for option there, choose the option of the primary and secondary hard disk, then detect if your hard disk E: is detected.then restart your computer.
@syoti20 (5292)
• Philippines
31 Dec 10
The HDD is sill not detected.. hahaha.. Should I report it to the HWPMP? hehehe
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Dec 10
syoti20 if I cannot find a file or a drive hit the start menu and hit search and describe what you are looking for and drive E should pop up and as for hdd I may be computer literate but letter comfos do not do it for me so what is HDD?
• United States
4 Dec 10
Hello Ms. Hately, I really did not have to contribute to the discussion as I see the person below you did a good job. But HDD, is the hard disk drive. hehehe.. You know how it is the abbreviations for things today, ADD, ADHD, go figure the world today likes to shortcut everything.
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
First be sure to know whether you have two hard disks or just one. If it's only one, then you don't have to worry about hardware connections. The problem lies on the software. Did you install the software (windows) by yourself, or let anybody install it for you. It's important for me to know so that I could suggest on what to do. I also wan't to know whether you have any knowledge about partitioning.