dream sequel, have you ever had it?

@allamgirl (2140)
December 4, 2010 11:50am CST
About a week ago, I had a really bad dream. It really scared me and freaked me out. What's weird is that when I woke up, I remember pretty much every detail of my dream. But just a few minutes later, I started to forget it. The name of the bad guy, what I did. I remember a couple of details but they're all meshed together. Anyway, the other day, I had dream again and it feels like it was a continuation of that dream. The bad guy wasn't in my dream again since I defeated him in my first dream. But my mom was asking me about it, she even mentioned the same name which I have forgotten. I don't remember much of the second dream, but they feel so connected with each other. Have you ever had that feeling about your dreams?
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6 responses
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
I honestly believe that I have never experienced something like that. I seem to have good dreams that didn't end conclusively as I would often get to wake up before I could ever reach the ending of such good dreams. I'd even wish that I can continue those nice dreams that I had. Unfortunately, the harder I try, the harder it is as well to re-dream such dreams. I guess you have been thinking a lot about such details that they even get continued in your dreams.
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
6 Dec 10
I do try that too, to continue such interrupted dreams but, I have so far not accomplished any continuation to any of the good dreams that I have dreamed (^_^") They do say that negativity is stronger than the other one so, when you have bad thoughts, they weigh more than the good ones and makes them easier to recall than the good ones that you have, more so getting into your dreams in the process...?
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
When my good dreams end, I always want to get back to them. Sometimes, I would even try to go back to sleep. :) I've never have a good dream sequence though, just this bad one.
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• Singapore
5 Dec 10
Yes I do remember I once had a dream like that. But that happened years ago and I don't remember the details. Well, dreams like that do signify something. Try to decode it. Maybe you'll find something that has some kind of connection to your life later on
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@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
Oh, god I hope it doesn't have any connection to my life. That would be really, really scary.
• Canada
5 Dec 10
Similar things have happened to me. Most f the time I have sequels to dreams that I remember in the dream, but that I don't remember having had after waking. That is to say, it's like seeing part 2 of a movie to which I don't remember having seen part 1, except when watching part 2.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
That's exactly what it was like for me. Me, I remember a little when i just woke up. But I immediately forget the details when i get my bearings. And I don't easily forget things, I actually have a pretty good memory.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
4 Dec 10
One, two, Freddy's coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door. Five, six, grab your crucifix. Seven, eight, gonna stay up late. Nine, ten, never sleep again...
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@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
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@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
4 Dec 10
It must be something that is on your mind lately. I haven't had one like that after a few days but I've had dream sequals during the same night. It's really scary when it happens.
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@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
I guess so. Thank god there isn't a third part, yet.
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• Philippines
5 Dec 10
I also experience that kind of phenomena many times already. But in my case, i can remember few details of it. Like when i was around 15 years old, i dreamt of an old place, it is like an old house. Then I saw an old man, and it seems like he is cleaning the place. I smiled at him and he smiled at me too. I went out that house and had a stroll. After few steps, i found my self in a town, where there are carriages and old fashioned people. I felt like that scene was around 1900's. And--- CUT! i woke up.. I was wondering what makes me dreamt of that kind of scene? I tried to recall all I've done that I can relate to that dream, but I really cant think. After a week, I dreamt of the same old house and the same old man. But this time, i was able to talk with this old man, not just merely smile at him like what I did on my previous dream. I just cant remember what we're talking about, but I was sure that we just had a casual chit-chat. After that, same things happened, I went out of that old house and had few steps then I found myself in an old town. After some time of observing the people around me, I saw a kid running towards me. I saw myself starring plainly to the child while he's fast approaching. He stopped when he was finally near me, he said "Hi!," as he waived his hand. I was in a state of shock because that kid looks so familiar to me. After few minutes, I realized that I dreamt of that kid a long time ago (maybe few weeks ago, I just cant remember anymore). Its true, it was veeeeeeery creepy. It seems like they are after of something that could be related to me. After those incidents, I really pray hard before sleeping. And as an effect, most of my nights are dreamless. I just dont get those thing until now. whew!
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
I hope this didn't cause your dream sequences to start again. Lucky for you, it seems like a pleasant enough dream. Mine takes place in my own house plus it's really scary to think about it. It's like a horror movie set in my house. So far, I haven't gotten one yet. My brother tells me that maybe I should keep a dream journal. When I wake up, I should jot down all the details that I remember even the littlest ones. Then before I go to sleep, I should try to remember all the details of the previous dream so that I don't go through them again and again. Then maybe I can piece them all together. I didn't follow his advice though. I often manage to shake off bad dreams. I think if I keep a journal, it would just freak me out more.
• Philippines
6 Dec 10
Hehe! Don't worry i didn't have any sequel dream since then. My bestfriend also gave me the same advice -- dream journal. But I refused to follow her too, because I am too lazy for writing diaries, and journals. I feel for you, i find it scary too whenever i dreamt of my own house with creepy atmosphere. Yeah, its true that recalling back your dreams, because sometimes you'll think that there might be something SPOOOOOKY who's after you. And that ALWAYS, AND ALWAYS left you puzzled everytime you remember it. You know what, there was this article I read few months ago, it says that, "OUR DREAMS ARE OUR HIDDEN DESIRES." Well, maybe. What do you think? I never really wanted to feel creepy anytimes of my life, because I really hate the feeling of being horrified. I even hate watching horror movies, because that OFTEN leads me to insomia. HAHA!