High School Reunion

@allamgirl (2140)
December 6, 2010 11:04am CST
My high school class is organizing a reunion for this Saturday. I don't know if I want to come. Initially, I was psyched about going. I even got my hair treated so that it looks good again. Tonight though, I found out that most of my classmates weren't going. The other sections organized it, so I don't really know the people that are coming. At least, I don't know them that well. So now, I don't know if I want to go or just veto it as well. I've already made plans with a friend of mine to at least drop by the reunion. That was when I thought at least some of my classmates were going. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Would you still go even if the people who are going aren't really your friends?
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4 responses
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
7 Dec 10
If I were in your shoes? I'd probably just go if I have nothing else to do. I mean, you already said that you don't know most of the people that would be attending as most of those that you do know are not coming at all. I'd just go with a friend as you would and see what happens. I might meet those that knew me for some reason but, just didn't get to know better during those high school days. Meeting new friends out of the event isn't a bad idea too. Now, I really don't want to attend, I wouldn't attend. They can't do anything about it and blame me for ditching. If I don't want to attend, I don't want to attend. Perhaps I'd suggest a reunion within my section so that I'd really know those that who would be attending.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
8 Dec 10
Very well, you can give a valid excuse for not attending but, you also have this urge to attend. I wouldn't often go along with urges but, it would always leave me with a sense of 'what if' whenever I do. So I really need to think about it for a while to see if doing such things would be worth it or not at all. That reunion does seem like a good chance to add up real friends but, if you can recall them as divided into a group during your high school days, they might probably do the same thing. I recall some high school gatherings or get together and the usual group would often group up the same way. They'd only be undivided when taking pictures (^_^") Bringing a friend could be a good idea, if you wouldn't get to meet new friends, perhaps your friend would meet new friends? Now, when it comes to planning such events, there are times when its all just plans, but the actual event wouldn't really occur. I get discouraged whenever that happens. It seems like spontaneously driven plans becomes more successful than those that you would prepare for a long time. (^_^")
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
And I hate what ifs. I guess I'd go. You're right, I'd probably wonder about it if I don't go. I convinced my friend to go with me anyway. That's why I'm hesitant, because of the high school cliques. But one of the girls who's going told me that it isn't like that anymore. Everyone just hangs out with everyone. Yes, last minutes plans more often come to be than those planned out for a long time. Hmmm, I just remembered that discussion of mine. That's actually where I first 'got to know you'. :)
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@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
7 Dec 10
Well, I actually have work that day so I guess that counts for something to do. :) But I'm willing to play hooky for the sake of that reunion. Yes, that's my plan. Bring at least one friend, that way no matter what happens at least I have someone with me. Plus, if the reunion stinks, we can just go somewhere else. Yes, these days I always feel like I don't have a lot of friends. That's another reason why I actually wanted to go. To broaden my network so to speak. That's the thing I do want to attend but I have my reservations. Yeah, that's what my classmate told me. We would just organize our own.
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@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
6 Dec 10
My dad used to tell me that whenever he went to his reunion that people would go up to him and be like " Hey Marvin what's up man? Long time no see dude" My dad would have no idea who it is, but he just worked his way around that. Conversations start, make new friends as well I guess.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
6 Dec 10
Yeah, I was chatting with a girl from my high school class and I told her I wasn't sure about going since my friends aren't going. I told her I'm hesitant because I might not have someone to talk to there. She told me that her friends aren't coming either. And it's not like in high school where everyone hung out in groups. I know that that's probably true. But the thing is, I'm not really good at conversations. So when I go somewhere, I like having my friends there. But I don't wanna be the person who ends up getting cut off the circulation because she never shows up though.
• United States
8 Dec 10
I would still go just for networking purposes. You can meet people there and still grow a network maybe make a few contacts for business et cetera.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
You're right. I'd rpobably go anyway even just to catch up with people and try to be more friendly with other people outside my group in high school.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
9 Dec 10
It is always good to get back onto the campus and meet with all those who graduated there, whether in the same year, before, or after. We all value the school, the programs, and the people who were affiliated with them. I have been to reunions a few times, and felt very happy meeting people of the family. That's how I take it.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
That's the thing though. We're having it on a resort. We can never have a reunion on campus since the school sold our building and brought a new one. Our school building is now a hospital building. One time I went to that hospital to visit my Uncle. Of course, I roamed around, and it still brought back memories even if it is now a hospital. Sadly though, we now can't use it for parties.
@riquen (45)
• United States
21 Jan 11
Well, see if theres a way to get your friends/classmates to go. If not well, its up to you. If you want to go, you might make a new friend or something. If there is anything that you are looking forward to besides your friends in the reunion then might as well go, try to have fun, be confident, and remember you got nothing to lose.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
22 Jan 11
I did end up going on this reunion. It was a lot of fun though not so many people attended.