Chinese absence on social networking sits,

December 6, 2010 12:03pm CST
China have five times more Internet users in compression of India ,But if we look on most the social networking sits we can observe much lower presence of Chinese people, (at least this is what my observation is, please correct me if I am wrong) I was trying to figure out the reason for this and this what comes in my mind 1 Political system of china discourages people to do so. 2 Chinese are putting their efforts on national growth and don't care what rest of world is writing on these social networking sits. 3 In last 60+years people are changed culturally and socially and happy in living in isolation. 4 People are shy in writing English and don't like to show to rest of world that they are not good in writing English which may not be the case with the other nationalities There may be some more reasons and also priorities of these points may be ifferent then what I suggested. Looking for other members to put their view.
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