Generous People

December 7, 2010 6:46am CST
Do you believe that more blessings are given to those who really give more?
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14 responses
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
I think of it this way: More blessings are given to those who really give genuinely. It could be easy to just give more, especially if its for selfish reasons. I mean people might tend to give more with the thought that they are getting more in the future. But if the person didnt count how many he has given, and he just gave it because he wanted to help, then that person would get more blessings unexpectedly. Life is kinder that way. That's just what I think anyways.^_^
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
9 Dec 10
i believe so. when we gave other, we could see the happiness in their face. and that could bring us more happiness inside. and the pleasure things is, the God would give us more because we had give other
@AmbiePam (89172)
• United States
8 Dec 10
Yes, I do think that. And if not in this life, perhaps the next. Heaven will be a tremendous blessing.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
8 Dec 10
Personally, I believe so. Kindness begets kindness. Even the thought of giving without actual giving is enough to generate blessings. However, all talk and no action will not be strong enough to generate blessings.
@hushi22 (4928)
7 Dec 10
i believe in that as long as goodness is there. not giving more to display a very good reputation in the social community or giving more because of being forced.
• United States
7 Dec 10
Giving is absolutely a blessing, but of course depending on the intentions. I know a great many people who give not because they feel it is nice to do but simply to show off and or fee like they are best. True giving does not necessarily mean materialistic. When one gives it should come from the heart with no other forms of strings and or intentions.
• Philippines
7 Dec 10
being generous - isn't easy too
Hello Grace, It depends. of course, on the CHristian perspective, God gives more who are generous. but if it's money i think it's more of a danger and abuse than generous.. well, for experience, my eldest brother had been generous and loving to me for a long time, and sadly, I've been growing selfish enough to realize it. but i was generous too when i had a job
• India
7 Dec 10
Grace beta, you probably refer to giving more donation, gifts etc I will agree with you if these are given to needy persons,this is definitely good,i tell you our teaching says, if you sow paddy, you will get more paddy, if you sow some thing having horns that can pric.k your body, you get back the same stuff in greater quantities... Thank you so much for sharing your thought. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. . Cheers have a lucky day ahead. God bless you. Welcome always.
• Philippines
7 Dec 10
I think so. I have witnessed these in a few of my friends who are truly generous without expecting anything in return. Somehow blessings pour at them not only in material ways. I also know of one who gave and provided but expected something from those she had endowed. When things turned out differently from what she expected she became unhappy and became sick. Perhaps there is a connection somewhere.
@jordq7 (576)
• Philippines
7 Dec 10
hi there Graceekwenx(1006)!! for me all people wether good or bad, generous or not received the equal amount of is bcoz we are created by GOD equally and HE wouldnt want any of us to have less than what we's just a matter of appreciation and how we look at the things that GOD is throwing us..
• United States
7 Dec 10
I believe this is true. I also believe blessings vary from person to person. Although the most obvious is in the form of wealth and money, the happiest people are often the ones that claim they are most blessed. Often times blessings come in family and good health. Those things alone are worth more then any monetary value. As we have a unique universe, it is interesting that "like attracts like". This carries into personality traits and other aspects as well. So someone who is continually providing blessings for other people, likely draws other people to themselves who in turn, heap their blessings on that person.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
7 Dec 10
Yes I believe that , because that is a biblical principle, and everything written there is truth, I remember the passage "God loves a cheerful giver" But I tell you what, it becomes more effective when you do not let other people know or see that you are actually helping or donating, guess this are the anonymous donors who give millions and yet remain incognito. God said that people who flaunt generosity in public has already had their reward,so do not let the other hand know what the other hand is doing, I did not say that or made it up , it's all in the bible, have a good day
@jornz87 (139)
• Philippines
7 Dec 10
yeah...i can prove that coz my friend always give food to street children and old beggar, donate big amount to church, toe foundations but despite of that i really don't know where he get money. yeah he has that stable job but his salary is just enough for his family. then there was one time i ask him where do you get money to give that street children?is your salary is enough?the he answer, you should not matter it.the things is that you have to give,give the someday God will give a good price that is more than what you give.
@back2guw (128)
• India
7 Dec 10
well yes..its been said that when you give something by whole heart you will get more than that,its a believe i guess but the feeling you get after donating for a good cause is what matters a lot..