Is there any connection with WikiLeaks and Wikipedia?

@venkit (2955)
December 8, 2010 3:45am CST
Do these two wikileaks and wikipedia has any direct connection? Does the Julian Assange relate to wikipedia in anyway? Are these to entirely independent? is thhis only the resembleness in the name wikipedia and wikileaks?
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6 responses
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
8 Dec 10
As far as I know, there is absolutely no link between the two. Personally, I do think that wikileads founder Julian Assange borrowed the "wiki" part of the name from wikipedia to get initial attention. However, considering the kind of work wikileaks has been doing lately, I don't think the results would have been any different had the name been something completely different than "wikileaks".
@venkit (2955)
• India
11 Dec 10
so wikileaks spoiled the name of wikipedia also, is it like that??
@tck_01 (96)
8 Dec 10
There is no connection between Wikileaks and Wikipedia. WIkileaks is for profit and used to be part of amazon, whereas WIkipedia is a non-for profit organization. Wikileaks does not invite users to provide its content, whereas Wikipedia does. Wikileaks just borrowed the word Wiki from Wikipedia, because of its ability to provide real time leaks, just like Wikipedia provides real time encyclopedia content.
@venkit (2955)
• India
8 Dec 10
ok, thanks for the information,actually i was not knowing about this. happy my lotting.
• Singapore
8 Dec 10
Nope there's no connection. Nowadays there are quite a number of sites using this 'Wiki' heading but it's just a name. There's a difference between WikiLeaks and WikiPedia. I think it should be the profit difference if I'm not wrong.
@reploid (1371)
• France
8 Dec 10
No, I don't think there's any connection between wikipedia and wikileaks. It's just my own opinion. Maybe I'm wrong..
@nicregi (1934)
• Malaysia
8 Dec 10
I don't think there is any connections but hey, I guess it worth a thought don't you think so? Well, it 'could' but I guess we will never know .
@Kapoios1 (83)
• Greece
8 Dec 10
I dont think that there is a connection, but who knows?