i love some one , but i do not konw how can i do ?

@mars06 (76)
December 8, 2010 9:48am CST
these days ,i find a handsome man, i am very like him , but i have not to tell him , can you tell me how can i do ?
5 responses
@fjclolazy (859)
• China
22 Feb 11
U can make friends with him first and then tell him u like him...
@Ritmon (118)
9 Dec 10
it's may be your true love,or may be your imfatuation....but if your heart says you are not stay without him,then you approach your love and express your love to him.....i think it's better...
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
9 Dec 10
give him a sign. like giving him more attention, give him a present when his birthday come. tell him that you are so comfort whenever you talk to him. good luck
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
8 Dec 10
Hi mars, you like him is okay but the thing is did he like you are not you have to analyze. There is a way to know whether he is liking you are not, you can find out with his talk and behaviour. If you find that he likes you then ask him directly, i feel that is the good way to clarify. In love there should not be hide and seek method. If he say no, don't feel bad, because love is giving, sacrificing, honest, not to be expected in return (even love too) so be patience and be happy. We must respect their feelings too. If we really love a person then we feel always for their happiness, so what way you take these things will depends upon you purely. Handle it carefully. All the best. Have a good day.
@fathom01 (171)
• Canada
8 Dec 10
Hello marc06, Firstly, you need to find out if the guy is interested in you at all, normally the guy makes the first move. If you don't think he'll be making a move, try having a friend approach him, see if he wants to go out sometime on the weekend on a double date or something of that nature. I personally went up to my fiancee and asked her if she wanted to go grab dinner and watch a movie. I have been with her for 5 years, I say it worked out very well. My only suggestion to you is don't be shy, if you really like this guy, go for it before someone else gets their hands on him. Do not sit around and watch the opportunity slip from between your fingers. I hope I was a little bit of help, hopefully this will solve your dilemma marc06. Kindest regards, fathom