
United States
December 8, 2010 5:36pm CST
This discussion is about text abbreviations. By the way, don't text and drive; its no better than driving under the influence. On to the main point, what abbreviations do you use while texting? If you don't use them, here are some that I use, have heard of, and have made up: lol(which DOES NOT MEAN LOTS OF LOVE, it means laught out loud), rofl(rolling on floor laughing),idk(I don't know), idc(I don't care), wtf(What the F***), fml(F*** my life), wbu(what about you), lolwtfmbbq(laugh out loud what the F*** my barbeque(at least thats what I heard; some people say it is lots of luck with the forthcoming barbeque)), roflshmsfoaidmt(rolling on floor laughing so hard my sombrero falls off and I drop my taco), and ftw(F*** the world). Sorry for the bad words, but they are included in the abbreviations. Have you heard others? If so, leave them in the comments below. Thank you.
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