Anyone new to onbux or neobux?

@fathom01 (171)
December 9, 2010 1:07am CST
Hey, anyone new to these sites and don't have any referrals yet or barely any earnings? Add me to friend and send me a private message, I have a proposal.
7 responses
@steelfist (175)
• India
9 Dec 10
Hmm..Sure..I m going to register on Onbux soon..
@fathom01 (171)
• Canada
9 Dec 10
Hey steelfist, Thank you for replying, I added you to friends and sent you a private message. Have a good evening :) Kindest regards, fathom
• India
9 Dec 10
Yeah..i saw your offer..quite interesting..Thanks
@esh1991 (52)
• India
11 Dec 10
im new to both... please add me as your fried and tel me about your proposal
@mkannanm (582)
• India
9 Dec 10
What is your proposal? Added you as friend. Send me your proposal. I use both neobux and onbux.
@Jacobus1919 (1683)
• Philippines
9 Dec 10
Well, try to message me then and add me up?
11 Dec 10
Hi fathom01, I am new to this sites, onbux and neobux, I registered few months ago but I didn't be able to get referrals, hope you could help me to have referrals. I added you also as my friend.
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
hi fathomo1, i need active referrals. tell me about your proposal. thanks, i already added you as my friend. pm me
@yshravan (42)
• India
9 Dec 10
hi yes im indeed new to neobux can you help me.