Aliens in the Bible?
By dark_joev
@dark_joev (3034)
United States
December 9, 2010 9:14am CST
Okay not sure if this topic has came up. So here I go with it.
Could it be the Bible is an was created on the basis of an Alien (Not from Earth) interacting with Humans. The Bible has many strange accounts from the Parting of the Red Sea to the Chariot of Fire and Angels coming down to Earth.
The Chariot of Fire is the most important one.
"He saw horses of fire and a chariot of fire come down from the sky in a whirlwind. It passed between them and took Elijah off to heaven! Wow! Can you imagine seeing the wind rushing around and a heavenly horse and chariot that was so shiny it sparkled like fire? It didn't burn Elijah. It came to pick him up and Elijah dropped his mantle as he was whisked away up in the air." Mark 9:4
This could easily be a description of an Alien Space Craft picking some one up as a person of that time wouldn't have the words to describe what it looked like or that space travel was even possible. So the only thing they could use to describe it where those words. The whisked away up in the air part could be the beaming him up into it.
Can you name more examples?
What do you think?
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9 responses
@free_man (7330)
• United States
10 Dec 10
Hi Dark_joev. Well in the first place these people that lived back then didn't know what a wheel was other then one that went on a cart that pulled horses. Yes in Ezekiel it speaks of a flying object that comes to earth. It was described of being the color of highly polished brozen and having wheels that lay flat. But these weren't aliens It was God Almighty HIMSELF! The way the teacher of The LORDS word that we listen to teaches us how to understand the bible so that we are not fooled by those that don't teach Gods word chapter by chapter verse by verse. He has studied the original manuscripts he speaks and understand hebrew greek and many more languages . If you wish to learn the truth of these so called aliens then you should go listen to this man teach.
We have been listening to this man since 04 and he knows what he is talking about. He don't teach for a few minutes and then go off on trying to get in your pocket for all your money. He tells those that live on a fixed income to pay your bills buy your food and get your medicine before you tithe to anyone. And if you have some left over then you can give what is called a love offering . But he never ask for money that some can't afford in the first place. 

@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
11 Dec 10
But you can't prove it isn't just the interactions with a space faring race that visited us when we where not very advanced to know how to describe a flying space ship. They wouldn't be able to describe an Airplane that had humans in it in those times. Because they would be using terms for wheel which could mean round fire could mean lights. So what if your God or the Gods of many different Religions where actually not Gods as in imortals but gods as in they came from space and visited us interacted with us on some level and we created a religion praying to them because they where able to do things that we couldn't do like fly or glow.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
16 Dec 10
The people in the ships looking like us is an easy one to explain. They are from a planet within our Galaxy and the planet that would be their homeworld would be all most the exact same as Earth.
As for why it is hard for people to believe in a Great God well if you have a questioning mind it will be hard for you to believe everything you read too.
This last part is fairly easy as Evolution is happening it takes a long time for things to evolve especailly the more advanced they get. With Humans there are two issues that we are fighting on. One we have grown to a point where we are more advanced than most of the things that would be predator to us. Like Lions or Bears and other Carnivore animals. Also we have grouped in a way that protects us from so elements of Natural Selection. The only things that seem to be able to still kill us is Bacteria so all of our Evolution and natural selection is coming from bacteria. I would say the most interesting one would be the fact that we have people on this planet that can't get HIV they lack CCR5 which is an protein that some of us seem to lack. Creation doesn't describe this an couldn't as we would all have the same DNA if we were all created by a single intelligent designer. But across species and from plants to animals. We have this same variants in DNA between living organisms that are a part of the same group. Another one Evolution is what gives us a variant in the color of insects and plant life as these plants and insects have the coloring they do to hide for natural predators. Flowers have certain colors to attract bees and other insects or birds to be interested in it.
Evolution is a series of micro steps. Over a long period of time.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
12 Dec 10
Hi Dark. No I can't prove it because I don't know the greek or hebrew languages but if you want it proven that it wasn't aliens coming to earth then I suggest you go listen to this teacher of Gods word
He will put your theory in perspective so you can understand the truth about Gods word. The ones that described the ship that God was in told of the people he seen. Now if they were aliens why whould these men say they looked like us here on earth? Why is it so hard for some people not to believe that there is a great God in Heaven? I mean look at all of HIS Great creations the animals the mountians the seas and on and on. How do you think we got here then? If God didn't create this earth and all us humans how did we get here then? If we came from eveloution why isn't eveloution still going on? 

@peavey (16936)
• United States
9 Dec 10
Sure, there are a lot of things in the Bible that could be "explained" with the idea that God is an alien. As a matter of fact, I believe that very thing... but let's define "alien." We see an alien as someone or some thing from outer space (above the heavens), who can do things that we have no explanation for ("My ways are far above your ways; my thoughts are far above your thoughts"), who we cannot appease ("If I were hungry, I would not tell you.") and who is frightening to us because of these things ("the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom).
But... all of that is irrelevant to the fact that I can communicate with Him, that He knows me better than I know myself and that He loves me even though He knows my darkest secrets.
This "Alien" is so much more than our idea of what He is or should be.
You asked for examples: The virgin birth (overcome by the Spirit of God), Paul's encounter on the road to Damascus, John's vision of another world (Revelations) and so on. The entire Bible is a story of God's intervention in the affairs of man. If not for Him, I shudder to think of where we would be, or even if we would be at all.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
11 Dec 10
I like your thing. I guess by using Alien I was referring to sentient matter based creatures that are ahead of us on a technological level and could have vast amounts of Tech that created Miracles to us during those times because we lacked the understanding of the Universe and saw for the example I used a chariot of fire being a description for a space ship and not an actual chariot and the lifting him up to be a beam that actually sucked him up into said space ship.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
12 Dec 10
There is so much that we don't know, dark_joev. How God does the things He does, is one of those things. A chariot of fire may very well have been a "spaceship" as our imaginations create them. We simply do not know. As I said before, though, it's irrelevant to our relationship with God - just something to wonder about. Some day we'll know all about it.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Dec 10
Hi dark_joev, There have been books written about this sort of thing and you've started a very good discussion here. Of course the Bible is not that old when you consider that the earth has been here for many millions of years. It is thought that there could have been human life here as early as fifty million years ago. Of course we have no idea how long some of these stories could date back either. It is interesting that in Genesis, it talks about the "sons of God" and "the daughters of men". Wouldn't someone who came down from the sky at that period in history be thought of as Gods"?
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
10 Dec 10

@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
10 Dec 10
There are so many such topics discussed here in mylot and I like to reply to such topics. The reason is "Truth".
This is something that human being will remember as "evolution to next level" after a few centuries from now. Within past few years people have started searching for the truth and your question also indicates the same thing.
My suggestion will be, do not hesitate, you should know the truth. It will not be the same as we are being taught from the childhood, but yes, you will be satisfied after knowing the truth.
As far as your question is concerned, Yes, there are so many things in all the religions (Not only bible) that indicate that we are somewhere related to alien species who are much more advanced than our civilization.
In order to more precisely answer your question, I would mention a few URLs, you may find interesting things regarding this topic:
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
12 Dec 10
You're welcome, dark_joev.
Hope you will like this one as well:

@marapplestiffy (2182)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10

@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
11 Dec 10
The history channel covered this topic several years ago
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
10 Dec 10
I believe it. I think that aliens are out there, but until we open our minds and until we progress as human beings, beyond politics, beyond religion, beyond anything that we personally believe about life, we will not see them.
@kabalyero (180)
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
It actually depends on how you understand and interpret what's written on it. Remember, thousands of fundamentalist christian churches sprang because of different beliefs and understanding of the Bible.
If you believe that there are Aliens in the Bible and that is how you understand the text written on it then it might as well be it. :)
@SilverKing (1003)
• Canada
9 Dec 10
Wow, that is some pretty spooky stuff there.I think that the bible is trying to tell us something important though.I do believe that we have been visited by aliens and that god sent then in the past and present to warm us about judgment day which is quickly approaching. I think that anything is really possible and believe in god and heaven and the devil and hell and think that in the end hopefully we all end up in gods kingdom.