Some please explain class warfare to me
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
December 9, 2010 3:29pm CST
I know what it is I just don't understand why. Why hate someone for being rich? Why hate someone for being poor?
It seems right now the popular thing to do is pick on the rich. Love to hate them. now I understand the corrupt CEOs. They caused a big part of the fall in the private sector of our economy. So yeah..hate them all you want.
But NOT ALL RICH PEOPLE are corrupt.
I also don't understand why someone just because they are rich "owes" more just because they can "afford it". Or people complain about how much they give to charity? It seems to me lately that the new money grab is going after the rich. We need this paid the rich....we need that the rich. We need to get rid of the the rich. A small percent of the population has a huge percentage of the nations wealth...."that's not fair". "They get better opportunities". Yep money tends to do that. they did everything right in order to be a success....and we hate them for it? Lately all I hear is about is how horrible the rich are and how they need to give up more of their money.
We want to tax the heck out of them when they earn it, then we want to tax the heck out of it when they die. There is talk of making it were anyone making over a certain amount can not collect social security even though they have paid into it their whole lives. There is talk of a "war tax" on the rich to pay for the wars.
Speical taxes on rich for their healthcare plans. How many new taxes are poeple going to think up that only apply to the rich? My goodness...I am not rich and I starting to feel sorry for them.
I am not trying to be mean. I just don't understand the mindset. Yes our government needs to be paid for by it's citizens. But what I don't understand is why everytime a new program is thought up or something needs to be paid for people automatically go after the rich.
Can someone please explain this to me? I have to admit...I don't know any rich people... are they horrible people who deserve to be robbed? Just wondering.
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9 responses
@jb78000 (15139)
9 Dec 10
who's being saying this? all i see in here is support for lower taxes for the wealthy from the um not wealthy and a lot of 'the poor are poor because of laziness' essentially. probably because mylot is a mostly conservative forum. and yes, i do know some quite well off people. i don't hate them any more than i assume those on the breadline deserve to be there.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Dec 10
I am talking about on the news and in our government. They want a new tax to pay for this or the rich. I hear that the rich "aren't paying their fair share" or "can afford it". Not so much here..this is a pretty conservative group for the most part...but some news channels and some people on other sites seem to think the rich are the cause of all of our problems and should hand over all their money...or at least a really large chunck of it.
I don't hate the rich or the poor. But it sure does get fustrating to hear all this BS from our politicans about how horrible the rich are and how they should pay more money for this or that program.
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@jb78000 (15139)
9 Dec 10
lot of stirring going on there. wanting people who earn more to pay more taxes - fine. no need to try and get resentment going though, any more than you need to get people slamming those on welfare which is the other side of that coin. it is kind of a tricky one for the politicians in question - they are aiming at middle america - which is not wealthy, or poor - and trying to get them to resent one or other (or ideally both) of the extremes. tough job. seems to be going none too badly though..
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Dec 10
I agree...too much stiring of the pot. I guess our politicans think if we are hating each other that we won't have time to hate them anymore. LOL.
Good plan. Hope it doesn't work though. I hate misdirection but our politicans do it sooo well.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
10 Dec 10
I strongly believe that people are entitled to their earned money. I only have a problem when wealthy people intentionally attempt to prevent others from rising to the top and becoming financially independent.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
10 Dec 10
I agree. I don't think anyone should hold anyone down...but I also don't think they should be forced to give anyone a hand up either.

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
10 Dec 10
It is called the politics of class envy. When a group is a minority or new to this country the politician will tell you that your problems -unemployment, poor housing, lack of job promotions - are because of some other group of people. The reverse is that if you don't watch out then this minority group is going to do something to you or your family.
In feudal times people knew their place in society because you were born to royalty or to serfdom you could not move out of that level. With the formation of the United States came the American Dream - you could start from anywhere in society and move up or down based on what you did and how hard you worked. As the country grew the leaders came from the people being elected because their neighbors trusted them and elected them to represent them in the government and to do the right thing. Some where in our growing country some people decided that by giving jobs and contracts to their friends and supporters was the way to keep them and their friends in power. The people demanded that this system of rewarding friends was not in the best interest of the country. The Civil Service system was created. Now to stay in power politicians had to find a new group of supporters. What is the easiest way to do it...they tell one group that another group is out to get them and they are the only ones that can save them.
We have to get past the politics of class or group envy and get back to what is best for the country and how can each one of us help in solving the problems of the country.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
10 Dec 10
The first paragraph of this responce is not so much a description of class envy as a classic description of "divide and conquer". Unfortunately, it is alive and well in the USA. Why else are so many Americans willing to vote against their own best interests?

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
10 Dec 10
Okay, I do not think that all of the rich or even the uber rich are corrupt (Warren Buffet ertianly is not) but I also do not think all of the poor are indolent and lazy and I know from personal experience (as a former social worker) that the poorest of the poor are not all welfare cheats and cons. THAT is every bit as much a myth as the myth that all rich folks are corrupt.
Nevertheless, the divide betwwen rich and poor is growing and I think it is because of all the loopholes that folks consider when they target unfairness.
For example: there has long been a theory that if the rich get tax credits, it will benefit the working poor because it will create jobs that will "trickle down' and everybody will get a piece of the pie.
Unfotunately, for over 30 years the only jobs that have trickled down have been low paying minimum wage service jobs without benefits that have spelt the demise of the middle class and the end of the American dream for millions of people. NOW, even those pathetic jobs are being outsourced and the richest of the rich get additional tax benefits for shipping those jobs overseas. Can you really not underatand how this is breeding class warfare? The middle class is being anniliated and a third world country is being formed within the USA while the richest of the rich get richer.
These people have to pay some taxes. If you are committed to fairness, at least admit that they shouldn't be able to pay taxes on one front and then get the money back two or three fold on another front. Come on, they cut hours so they don't have to pay health care benefits for their American employees but they are more than willing to send jobs to India where there is national healthcare so they can afford to build cricket fields for their Indian employees with a small portion of their vast amounts of saved moey. Is that fair? Do you blame Americans who feel their hold on the middle class slipping away from being angry about the situation? I don't.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
10 Dec 10
I certainly agree with you that Americans need to support their own companies more. It's one of my biggest peeves that American companies making quality products are hanging by a thread while our markets are flooded with cheap Asian knock offs of the same product. However, those are not the jobs being outsourced. I know there is a global economy and I know that outsourcing to some degree is a necessary evil BUT I think the tax credits whould be given to the companies struggling to stay open here and not to the companies sending jobs to other countries which is what is happening. the fact remains also that the companies outsourcing are the biggest and the richest while the companies struggling to stay open in America are mostly medium sized companies employing average Americans. As far as I can see, the best ways to supportthose companies is to take the tax creditsfrom the larger companies aiding foreign economies and give them to comanies on American soil.
Also, anytime there is a situation in ANY country where the rich get richer and richer, the poor get porer and porrer and the middle class rapidly joins the ranks of the poor, there is a problem and it's the problem we have right now. I thought that it had been exposed by the Wall Street scandals of 2008 but apparently, there is still strong sentiment for the blameless of the uber wealthy. They are about as blamesless as the French aristocracy when the revolution came.
You say there is blame all around. I agree and some of that blame definitely defintiely doeswith the rich and the reality is that it is a whole lot easier for them to temper their greed than it is for the poor guy wondering if he'll have his UC benefitts to pay for winter fuel. Millions of Americans are hanging by such a thin thread right now that they cannot afford to support any business, American or foreign based.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
10 Dec 10
just a few more things here:
1) what buying power do the working poor and the 9%+ unemoployed and those on EC benefits have? How can foks make sure to buy american when the only things they can buy at all are what the Dollar Stores and the Thrifts have on offer at any given time.
2)I don't think education is killing us (although it might be about to kill Cameron's English government). But when it comes to outsourcing, education doesn't have a lot to do with it anyway. Thousands and thousands of these jobs are service jobs requiring short term minimal training. There have been a number of surveys done recently that verified there are thousands of health care insured Americans (eg retirees, stay at home moms) willing to work for small wages if they can do the work from their own homes and their own computers. Should be no problem since that is very feasible. The problem is that the super rich would rather send the jobs overseas so they can get outsourcing tax cuts. Maybe that doesn't make you angry but frankly, it infuriates me. I want those credits eliminated and if people want to say it's because I hate the rich, so be it.
Frankly, I think that the whole idea of the rich always working hard for their money is bunk. My personal knowledge of rich is limited. I know two multi millionaires but no billionaires and in both cases, there was a very strong element of luck and just being the right person at the right time in the right place. To his credit one of them doesn't mind paying heavy taxes and has a strong social conscience. I like him. Nor so for the other guy whom I I consider a greedy, self serving idiot and do not like.
Seems to me that the lower end of the working class is pushing harder than ever with mom and dad both working full time and no hope at all of sharing in the American dream. Once it wasspossible for an average family with a hard working father to own a home, have a car and save money. Now, they both work full time, rent and use public transportation. There's no doubt in my mind that the poor are the ones getting a bad rap. Not the rich. I worked nine years in a Welfare office and I've seen first hand the way the working poor get treated.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
10 Dec 10
Oh I understand too well what is going on. But I don't blame capitalism for it. I blame us changing into a global economy. Most corporations are international now and do not consider themselves to be an "american" company or a "any country" company. So therefore they have not loyalties. I also blame the consumer. Want jobs in America? Buy American good...create a demand for them. It is all about supply and demand. American consumers wield HUGE power. We are one the top consuming countries in the world. What we want...we get. What have we told companies we want? Goods at the cheapest price possible. Well American workers costs more than they do in other parts of the they find the cheapest labor they can to keep their overhead low so they can offer low prices. Consumers really need to start showing using their power. I don't think the average consumer realizes how much power they have. But they do. Look at all the money spent on advertizing. All those companies fighting for your dollars. They WANT to sell you things. they want your business...they practically beg for it. USE THAT POWER. No it won't happen over night. But if we had a big culture change in this country where people starting honestly caring about supporting this country's economy and supporting JOBS right here in this country. The businesses would listen. Heck they would fall all over themselves to get it to sell it to us. They would make commericals about it. We are really missing the boat on this one.
Also education is killing us. We have really fallen behind. There are good jobs out there espeically in science and math fields...but companies have to bring people in from other companies to fill the positions because there are not enough qualified people for the jobs here. We are no longer known for having the brighest and best educated people. But we are known to be the one of the most expensive countries to employee people.
yes people have every right to be upset about what is happening.But they have to realize they were part of the problem too. there is plenty room for blame all around. This problem did not just come has been a long time coming and our government on both sides have done little about it. Sure they talk a good game...but what have they really done about it? Did they stay on the cutting edge with education? No. Did they make some horrible trade deals? Yes. Did they make the American public realize how they could help along the way? the fell asleep at the wheel and not the rest of the world has caught up to us and now passing us. That does not really have anything to do with the rich and everything to do with this country becoming complacant and stagnic.

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
9 Dec 10
Class warfare is when 1st period gym class gives wedgies to the band geeks and they retaliate by putting itch powder in their jocks!

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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Dec 10
LOL...thanks for clearing that up for me.
Can you tell me why the gym class gave the bank geeks wedgies in the first place?
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
9 Dec 10
I know some rich people. None are billionaires, but they're at least in the millionaire bracket. I also know the ones I've met in person have worked dam* hard for their money. Any time a client doesn't matter if it's Sunday or game time on Monday night football...they're there. AND all the ones I know are honest, decent people, who donate to charities with their time and money. I have no desire to take from them what they've earned/achieved. I just wish our politicians and others felt the same. We can't solve our national problems on the backs of the "rich"; our politicians need to stop spending money they don't have.
Guess I didn't answer one of your questions, "Can someone please explain this to me?" But in direct response to, "...are they horrible people who deserve to be robbed?" Not the ones I know...and I know more than just a couple...
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Dec 10
Most people who are rich or even just well off worked their butts off to get there and are still working their butts off to stay there.
You can't fix the problems on the back of the is going to take all our backs. Sad fact...but true. We all got into this mess so it is going to take all of us to get out of it.
If I were rich I would be mighty ticked off right now. Especially at washington who want to treat them live an ATM machine.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Dec 10
the haves and the have nots. I dont think that morals and values are only for one class of people. there are bad rich people and bad poor people. Whether the money was earned or inherited, at some point, somebody worked damn hard for it. To covet somebody elses riches is just silly. Stop worrying about what the jones' have and work to get your own. Class envy has been around since the start of money. It isnt going anywhere anytime soon. What I find disgusting is our politicians pushing the divide. I find it funny that they talk about the "rich" when they themselves fall into that category. Look at John Kerry, not only is he filthy rich, and a politician, but he has also tried "hiding" purchases to avoid taxes...
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
13 Dec 10
Nothing else. Class warfare is no different than racism, sexism or any other bigotry.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
13 Dec 10
Seems like they are trying (whoever "they" is") to recreate the French revolution in a way, doesn't it?
this is another one of those things I see a lot of discussion about on the whitehouse facebook page...though I recommend avoiding's a cesspool there". What most people don't take in to consideration is that even if you took all the wath the top 2% had...not taxed it, but outright seized it still wouldn't being to touch the problem. You're right, it is nothing more than unproductive and destructive class warfare.