GOD is now here!!!!

December 10, 2010 12:27am CST
SORRY I intended to write "GOD IS NO WHERE".Look how a spelling mistake can change the entire scenario.Do you know any story like this.Just share it with our friends. Thanks you all. Have a nice day.
2 responses
@cachalot (60)
• Australia
14 Dec 10
Don't apologize to me, suman2008 - I'm the werld's werst spella. And anyway, yours was a typo. Example: When at high school I wrote a note to the sports mistress, pretending it was from my mother, and excusing myself from sport for that day. In the letter I wrote: "Please excuse my dorter from sport today. She has a headacke." When the note reached the sports mistress I was quickly summoned to her office. I thought she would say: "Oh, you're excused today." Instead she said, "I'm shocked! What sort of education did your mother have? She doesn't know how to spell the easiest of words...." I knew by her expression that she was kidding me. She knew who wrote it. And in spite of that I've been carrying on the tradishon of misspelling ever sins..
• India
14 Dec 10
Nice!It is a beautiful truth.Thanks for sharing this with me. Have a nice day!
• India
10 Dec 10
well u cant always blame it on spelling mistakes...sometimes while typing the reflex of the hand tends to get so overly excited that in a flurry of motion the type set becomes something like what you have presented "GOD ID NOW HERE"....so we really cant blame the poor excuse of spelling mistake alone......your reflexes are to be equally blamed!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers!!!!!!!!!
1 person likes this
• India
10 Dec 10
Welcome to my lot. Very well said friend.Thanks for your comment. Have a nice journey.