I Blame Myself.....
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
December 10, 2010 10:40am CST
Note: This Discussion based on a very sad and probably emotionally depressed Person. So, If you are one of those persons who responds for the sake of earning(not to mention INSENSITIVITY), Please Ignore me or you'll be sorry.Of course, I don't blame any one here, except myself. so, what ever pity, sorry, apologetic comments you're gonna put on, I don't need it here. Because simply am depressed. got it?
Since when the Person becomes completely positive when their depressed?
This is regarding to What Happened to my Nephew. This after noon, the kids woke up from their afternoon nap to start their snacks, since they can get very hungry after sleep. so, they ate outside. nothing wrong with that. Sister in Law, goes tells nephew to sit down, while she goes to take a shower. Father-in-Law goes outside to buy things, tells younger niece not to follow him. then with out knowing, my nephew comes back whining that his sandals drop in the canal, with his skin between his legs and ankle deeply rip off, bloods flowing. So, they took him to the Hospital. of course, it wasn't that serious, just cleaned the wounds and stitch the skin ripped..
Here's the uh..Itchy bit sensitive part. That same Afternoon earlier, I had an appointment and i firmly beg that I just came in to drop by. some how I felt something bad. though, i thought it was my mom getting mad at me for not telling her, which she didn't mind later when i text-ed her. but then again, THE HEART DOESN'T LIE. The nervousness i had, gave me a very strong instinct, that somethings about to happen. The Worst part of it is that "I completely ignore the instinct" because that same afternoon I was planning to head to my Brother's house. just to give the extra papers that he(nephew) needed for his future drawings.
So, I gave myself time for an R n R since it's once in a lifetime appointment.then, had really quite fun. But I paid a terrible price, I did went to my Nephew, in the Hospital.
My mom was so close into blaming me when she told me that you could have been there earlier. but she just stop.....she knows I would feel even bad to myself even more. because i originally planned on going there any way after seeing my cousin with that CPU.
Of course, If I was keen on not staying long and go. Probably I could have made them Disappointed or something. but i think am used to that, Because I could have trade that disappointment of others for at least an hour or two for baby sitting my nephew, since he's too energetic to be told to sit around and wait. So, as a Knight for the family today, I felt like a Total Failure!
Another Worst part is that My elder Brother (their Dad) ignores his Christmas Party on that night leaving his chance to eat dinner and wear his very expensive Captain Barbarossa ( Pirates of the Carrebean ) that could have made him win a price.
My Sister in Law sent her mom home after they went to the hospital. To prevent her from thinking much more of that guilt. how can it be her fault when she was baby sitting my niece. I mean, if there was ONE more person there at least baby sitting the eldest..you get what i mean.
That could have been ME.
There is ONE LESSON that I have learned here since am tired of this "I SHOULD have done this and that"
YOU NEVER IGNORE YOU'RE INSTINCTS. The Heart Never Lies, most of the time.
Again, No one has to Pity, Apologetic or Sorry for this Since Imade the decision.
So, I am Only Putting ALL of my Depression, Anger, Regret, and Hate in this discussion. So that I hope by the Love of GOD, I would pull my guts together...and Move on.
PS: Unless i find a way to explain my irrational behavior here once i regained my senses, I'd probably act as a Response Collector. sorry.
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13 responses
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
hello brother,
I am sorry for my late reply and didn't see/read this on time.
Okay i don't want to add more injury to the wounded feelings,but i want to express my opinion here.
There is nothing such "accident" there is always a cause why it happened.
And there is always a reason why "accident" happened.
Some bad things looks so bad.
I want to take zayzay as an example.
If ever Neil and Pat take's zay2 condition as bad,(of course they feel bad it's their son)
but sooner or later they'll realized (if they haven't realized yet) the purpose of it,why zay2 have to suffer and goes operation like he has.
For some people they may see it frustration and bad,but,for people who loves around zayzay it's not bad...it's a blessing in disguise,knowing how many hearts zayzay touched with his condition,and how many people zayzay bringsc closer due to his condition.
One thing more,slowly i am sure,neil and pat are now considering everything as a good thing that happens to them.
They've come to know who really are the real people around them,willing to give/extend a help without expecting something in return.
they've met friends from all over the globe...met few in person and you are one of those people.
I been through a lot of ups and downs in life,but i never took those things as bad.
I do feel bad,but never did i keep it in mind.
I believed that GOD has something to say behind those incidents/accidents.
And i always wait for whatever reason or explanation it might gave me.
Let your nephew's parents realized where they lack off.
I am not pointing my fingers to them...but i am also a mother and i raised my kids all by myself.
I am not a perfect mother but i always gave my full attention to my kids,that is why now that they are grown ups,i gave myself a break.
I lived my life caring for them,now i want to give myself time to explore what more i can do and gave to them.(aside from love and caring)
Don't blame yourself for things that is beyond your control dear brother.

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
there's a lesson to be learn from what happened dear brother..i know you still upset ,
never blame yourself...be positive

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
there was one thing that bothered me after my mom said it. how could they go out and have a merienda outside when they can do it inside since it's cold season. not to mention, the canal is a bit wide and still a bit near the area where they eat.
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@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
11 Dec 10
Weird that your post starts in a threatening way
About what happened to your nephew, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think you should look for anyone to blame or be blamed. Kids are energetic and it's difficult to control them. They still haven't learned what's safe and what's dangerous, so that couldn't be avoided. Nobody is at fault for that.

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
I don't think you should look for anyone to blame or be blamed. Did i specifically Look for some one to blame? i did say ignore me right? when it is "NOT NICE"
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
11 Dec 10
Everyone who has gone through a serous event or has watched a serous event happen to someone close to them tend to feel a since of guilt who hasn't felt guilty or depressed in there lives in fact even the most positive person will feel sad or guilty at one time or another, there has been evens in my life whitch made me feel stupid and just depressed and embarrassed but then I realize that I'm only human and not perfect and all I can do is take what happens in life good or bad as a learning experience and move forward.
I have felt guilty lots of times, but as my depression of what happened lifted I later realize that its not my fault and there is nothing I could have done differnt. sometimes things happen unexpectedly and suddenly thats life, yeah sure maybe you could of done this or that differently but there's no point in beating yourself up things happen for a reason and sometimes there's just nothing we can do but be thankful that everything turned out ok and you still have many happy years ahead of you.

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10

@figurativeme (1089)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
Pointing fingers would not help any, letranknight even at yourself would not help anyone. But pouring it out here at mylot helps. That is what we are here for, to listen and to be with you.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
the reason why i kinda blame myself because "I planned" going there in teh first place, which i didn't. if i didn't plan going there in the first place, probably i could have been so blame less to myself.

@rendevouz (82)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
You can't be blamed. You have been doing too much already. They should not have you as a "scapegoat" because you can't be expected all things at once which they could also share.After all, you are only a human being. Nobody is perfect.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
supposedly am not but i told mom about my plan so some how she almost blamed me for not following my plan early and I changed it.

@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
10 Dec 10
Letran, my friend, we often second guess ourselves. In the future you will probably make other choices. Kids who are active end up with lots of accidents. I sure hope your nephew does learn to be careful. It is okay to tell us that you are sad and filled with remorse,but after you have all these responses, you need to take heart and be that good example to your nephew in the future.
@mylesnarvaez (5450)
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
feelings are raw right now. i do understand. it's sad. but it's also an accident. no one to blame because no one wants that to happen. i know how a person can be open to guilt because of all the "could have beens". but what's done is done and we learn to move on in spite of.
it could have happened regardless of who was babysitting.
i hope after this post, you can channel your thoughts not on what happened but by praying for and giving support to your nephew for his speedy recovery. tc
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Dec 10
I don't listen to myself sometimes either, and I am almost always sorry that I didn't.
I'm glad that your nephew is OK.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
Accidents happened ,Knight. You are not God to know what lies ahead. If only you have that power, I'm pretty sure you could have gone there in a heart beat, but you are not God nor the power to see the future. Even if you had that gut feel, you had still no idea what sort of disaster was bound to hit your family... So, hush...
Be thankful that despite of the absence of his Uncle Knight ,his Guardian angel was there to protect him for enduring further damage.
I'll say this anyway, IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.

@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
10 Dec 10
Hi sweetie.
Even if you did follow your instinct and went there, you could not have stopped what happened.
Things happen for a reason and we cannot change that.
You cannot blame yourself for this.
Sympathy, nope i am out sorry.
Now get yourself together.
I told you he will be fine.
Take it out on me, i can take it.

@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
10 Dec 10
Life sometimes causes weird things that we can second guess yet not have any forethought.
Hope things get better soon for all of us.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
11 Dec 10
i dont want to earn nothing so will make a short comment. dont blame yourself. you are a great person and wasnt your fault you were not there when that accident happened. you also deserve to have fun sometimes.