Raw coconut water

green coconut - green coconut water is good for health
December 11, 2010 3:16am CST
While waiting for the train in the railway station this noon, me and my son drank water from several green coconuts, they were fresh, the water was so tasty, it is said to be rich in minerals. We ate the soft white inner flesh inside; the seller gave after we drank the water. Do you have coconut trees in your place, my place has, but fruits are too small, water content is less, not tasty. Do you eat the inner flesh and enjoy drinking water from green, raw coconuts? [b]Do you eat snacks, fruits while waiting in airport, railway station, bus stand etc? Any other use of coconut in home, kitchen? Please share.[/b] Professor ‘Bhuwan’. . Cheers have a lucky day ahead.
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29 responses
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 10
There are many in my country. We have two kinds of coconut; green and orange-ish (we call ivory coconut). In most of the sightseeing places, there are sellers of this coconut. She will just chop one side of the coconut, put a straw and a small spoon for you to drink and eat the flesh. he younger ones the tastier. The flesh of the old coconut can be made as coconut oil (for frying dishes and for health purpose), as coconut milk (for making curry dishes). The tree of the coconut can be made a log for housing (villa style). the leaves are essential for Balinese for decoration of the temples and homes during Hindu ceremonies. The flower is to be a must have accessories in a wedding ceremony (Javanese style). So coconut tree is beneficial to people in my country.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for the details dear jenny. I have a friend in Bali, she is inviting me to visit the place, i am told sailors from my place used to go your country via rivers/seas, many have settled there
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
14 Jan 13
Yes, there are Hindi expatriates in Bali. They opened stores and restaurants. You are welcome to Bali.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 10
I need to add another two of the coconut benefits. The shell of the coconut can be made accessories like necklace, earrings, plates, trays, tables, home appliances, etc. The skin of the coconut (the green outside) can be used for fish or chicken BBQ.
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• India
6 Jan 13
Coconut Water is the best drink during the summer season. It is cheap and best drink with a lot of health benefits. We all know coconut tree is having lot of benefits to us and we can use various part of coconut tree in various manner. In India Kerala is the place where we can see a lot of coconut trees and people in this place use coconut as a main ingredient in all their cooking activities. Coconut oil is good for our hair and lot of persons will apply it to get good hair growth. We can use the leaves of the coconut tree in various ways. Coconut water is giving a pleasant taste to our tongue. It is the delicious drink from nature without any artificial flavor and color. We can use coconut for cooking, coconut milk is one of the best ingredient in preparing sweets and snacks, some people will include it in their day to day cooking activities. Raw coconut is having lot of nutrients. Coconut is really a cheap and best vegetable which is having lot of benefits. During my child hood days i drink coconut water lot of time. My mother use coconut in her daily cooking, she will prepare sweets using coconut. We apply coconut oil in our hair every day. Coconut is one of the essential thing and gives various benefits to us.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for the wonderful and detailed response,
• India
6 Jan 13
In our old house we had coconut tree. Our gardener will cut the coconut once in a while and my mother use the coconut to cook food. We drink the raw coconut water from it and enjoy the taste. During my childhood days i made some musical instrument using the little coconut outer skin and enjoy a lot while playing music with it. In fact most of the child in our place will play such kind of musical games during their childhood days. It is really hard to list out all the benefits of coconut tree. Planting a coconut tree in our house will give a lot of benefits to us.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
20 Dec 10
No my friend, there are no coconut trees here. Neither do I eat snacks or fruit while waiting for transport...I might have a coffee if it's not too expensive but airports for example charge an awful lot of money for just a small cup of coffee.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Yes you are right, the stalls in airports and railway platforms just suck our money lol. Thanks for response
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
24 Mar 11
Hi. Professor2010. I have never drunk the water out of coconuts before. I had no idea how nutritious that this was for us. I have slurped the juice out of an orange or of an watermelon. It was very delicious too. I don't eat snacks while I am waiting in the airport. I may chew a piece of gum and I will also eat a piece of candy.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for response,try once you will like it lol.
@celticeagle (172553)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Dec 10
I think coconuts are delicious. And, yes, full of vitamins. I put coconut in my Glorified Rice. It is so good and makes a great festive dish. I put it in the nutritious bars I make also. Yummy stuff. Then I freeze them and we have them warmed in the microwave or for snacks. Coconut is sort of a forgotten fruit? but so good and good for us.
@celticeagle (172553)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Jan 13
Glorified rice is like a fruit salad with rice in it and the coconut as well. Good stuff. Whipped cream. Yum!
• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for response in details, but I am sorry for late response. What is Glorified rice; i will ask my daughter in law to make.
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• Philippines
11 Dec 10
I really like fresh coconut or buco juice as we call it here in our country. it is a good therapy for people who have UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). It is all natural and can never be man made so it is best for our health. My mom used to tell me about how she crave for coconut juice and the white fleshy part when she was pregnant. Indeed when she gave birth to me, she said that I was white because of that fruit, just a hearsay but anyway coconut juice and the fleshy part of it was really healthy to consider instead of eating junk foods when you're traveling.
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@oligel (130)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
its really true strawberrychocodahi, drinking coconut water/juice will help person with urinary tract infection to urinate bacteria, and also good for the person who has gall stone or kidney stone
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• India
9 Jan 13
Yes i am aware of this, very good for UTI, if urine stops during summer it helps too. Wow you are fair because of this, post your picture here lol. I beg apology for very late comment,
• United States
12 Dec 10
I did it before back in Hawaii. It is so good. I love coconut and coconut water. Think again, I love coconut drinks. Those things are so good.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Where you live now, are you able to get green ones? Thanks for response, but I am sorry for late response.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
12 Dec 10
I have tasted the green coconut water and coconut that you are talking about. I loved it. I tasted it when i traveled to Jamacia. Unfortunately they do not grow here. The only way i can have it here is to get it in cans at asian or mexican food stores. Not as good as fresh.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for response, where you live now, canned might be equally good.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
13 Dec 10
Don't believe that there are coconut palms anywhere in Texas, although it is possible there might be some down in the Rio Grande valley next to Mexico. I like coconut meat, but we can only get the mature, dry kind in the grocery stores here. Some do still have the water inside them. Coconut "milk" is sold in cans, but I've never bought any.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for the deatails, you can grind the dry white stuff with water, but fresh is fresh lol.
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
13 Dec 10
That sounds very good. I've never tasted coconut milk. We don't have coconut trees where I live. I can buy them in the stores, but I never have. I would like to try one. You make it sound very good. We like to eat grapes for snacks. They are an easy snack to carry when traveling.
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• India
9 Jan 13
I am happy you liked my way of telling about this wonder fruit Thanks for response, but I am sorry for late response.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Dec 10
As I write this, the temperature outside is only about 10 degrees, so it is much too cold to even think about having coconut trees here. I've never drank the water from a green coconut, but I do really like to use coconut milk to make pina coladas so I can feel like I am at the beach. I do love to travel south so that we can see the coconut trees and palm trees because it really is a novelty for me to have the opportunity to see them.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for the detailed response, am happy you use coconut milk in cooking but I am sorry for late response.
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
13 Dec 10
We had plenty of it professor, there are small store sell it whit cheap price, I drink it too occasionally especially when the weather really hot. We don't have coconut three at home. I think coconut will not grew well because its not hot enough. I think they prefer hot weather like in beach. We always had coconut a home because many of our dishes using a coconut milk to made it. So you know its old coconut not the young one like you drink, but the water quite tasty too.
• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for response, i thought your place have it, i am told it grows in places near to sea.
• Philippines
13 Dec 10
To tell you the truth we Filipinos love to eat coconut flesh and we also love to drink coconut water from fresh young coconuts.Coconut water is good for kidneys since it is diuretic. Coconuts here are very abundant and we have so many delicacies made from the coconuts.
• India
9 Jan 13
Yes dear i am aware of this While in Davao my host fed me almost daily. Thanks for response, but I am sorry for late response.
12 Dec 10
i dont like raw coconut but i do like dessicated coconut and things like bounty's and coconut cake.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for response,dry coconut powder many prefer, fresh is best lol.
@AmbiePam (96433)
• United States
12 Dec 10
I have heard coconut water is super healthy. It is just isn't sold any place around where I live. I'd probably have to go to a specialty store, and I really don't know where any of them are around here. But I've wanted to try some before. I want to be healthy, and that would definitely aid me in getting healthier.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Yes it is, if you are able to get fresh ones, drink daily, enjoy good health. Thanks for response, but I am sorry for late response.
• India
12 Dec 10
The fact is, we use coconut everyday in our food.We make coconut chutney for our morning breakfast, and use coconut as seasoning for lunch and dinner. Without coconut we cannot imagine our food.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Most of my friends in south india say this too. Thanks for response, but I am sorry for late response.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Dec 10
hi professor I love coconut but its costly as it is not raised here in the US but shipped in so we do not have it a lot. I have heard the juice is very refreshing and oh I love the flavor of the white flesh. so yummy and we use coconut in many desserts for the luscious flavor it has.Coconut macaroons are so delicious I could eat a lot more thabn would be good for me.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Mom Thanks for response, but I am sorry for late response. Do you have the big size green coconut there? One yields 3 glasses of water, so tasty and rich lol.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
12 Dec 10
I am a really big fan of raw coconut water and it is true that it is really really good for you. It's packed with a lot of essential electrolytes and as you said plenty of other great minerals. I like drinking it because it tastes really good and it also makes you feel really good. As far as eating snacks while waiting in line for the airport, railway station, or bus stop, I haven't really actually used any of those services in a long time so I can't really say that I have.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Glad to know you like coconut water, it helps you in many ways lol. Thanks for response, but I am sorry for late response.
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
11 Dec 10
In the garden of my house, in which I born and now destroyed by the war, there were 50 coconut trees. I could daily drink and eat the things which you mentioned. They were more tasty. Now we cook without coconut. No chance to drink the water.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Hi sister Thanks for response, but I am sorry for late response. Do you have this tree in your home in Germany?
• Philippines
12 Dec 10
i love to drink coconut water,and it's flesh best to eat flesth is at its young its soft and tendr and has a sweet taste.and coconut is very good for health.
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• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks for response,yes i agree but I am sorry for late response.