Do you think hyper kids should be medicated?
By succed
@succed (879)
United States
November 18, 2006 12:31pm CST
In my opinion kids should not be medicated with deppression,anti-physotic, or anything like that.
They are hyper because they're just kids.
And they need you, Just descipline is all it takes.
Not medicine to calm them down so that mommy can sleep.
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21 responses
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
19 Nov 06
i have a child who was diagnosed with ADHD it took two years of trying everything to help her but when she started school medication was our only alternative she was only medicated while at school for the purpose of concertrating on her school work she did not have it on weekends or holidays
now for the past five years she has not been medicated and now she is hopeless lazy wouldn`t do anything for anyone she
has failed all her exams and is just a lazy b!tch
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
19 Nov 06
Sounds like my daughter. But she is still on the medication. We also give her a 'rest' on holidays etc but she takes days to 'come down again' so to speak. She even says she can concentrate better at school and her work has improved immensly since being on the right medication. I'd hate to see what she would be like in a few years if something wasn't done to help her.

@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I think they should be carefully diagnosed before being placed on any psychotropic medicine...not just because someone thinks they are hyper..there are benefits of placing children on medicine to treat specific disorders but it needs to be done along with therapy and behavioral management.. Kids can have depression, ADHD, OCD, ODD, and other emotional disorders that require has nothing to do with discipline or mommy needing sleep. Being both a social worker and a parent of a child with autism I know first hand the benefits, the risks and that some children are medicated for no valid reason. Every parent should seek a second opinion and learn about the medicine their child will be taking and what the long term affects will be vrs the quality of their child's life with or without the medication.
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@ahalapia (942)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I am the parent of a now 13 year old daughter, whom after along tough decision between not only me but professionals from the medical as well as the teaching field placed her on meds, not so I could sleep, but to prevent possible injury to herself or others when she was younger. Here are some examples.It would take two of us to pick her up from school because the minute those doors would open she would run, and the chase would ensue, because she did not care in which direction or into what she was running into, not to mention the fact that she had no fear at all as to any injury to herself when she would like to play "Tarzan" by climbing or jumping off the highest thing she could find, school had become boring to her not because she didn't care but because she became so distracted from everything around her that she could not stay on task. At night we had to put extra locks on all the doors, because she was great for sleep walking, yes right out the door if she could. These are just a few things that we had to endure I am not one who on a regular basis has my child put on medication, as a matter of fact quite the opposite she no longer needs it, but if it took medication to protect my daughter from injuring herself or others then it was well worth it. Might I add that she has had no side effects, and does extremely well at her school work and anything she takes on. On another note, is medication over perscribed to kids as well as adults yes I think it is, you need to examine every aspect before you resort to medication, as I did.
@succed (879)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I can see your point here.
Your situation is different.
Yes if it is your kids safety sure we have to do what we have to do. But in another case, which I have seen, is a differennt story.
This particular kids is just a normal kid.
But because mother is always tired, mother has to sleep 4 hours every after dinner. So she has to medicated her baby so the kid can fall asleep and so she is.
Thanks for your input! That's brighten my curiosity.
@14missy (3183)
• Australia
19 Nov 06
I agree with you on this. One of my children is now 12yrs old and has the dreaded ADHD that no one believes is a reality. Well unless you live the life people should not judge. We struggled with medicating her and finally after many therapies and courses (for both her and ourselves) we reluctantly place her on medication. This was not done lightly. She is a beautiful child and is flourishing because of that decision. Some may resort to medication too quickly but again that is not our place to judge.
@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I agree with you 100%, I mean alot of people put their kids on meds because they are hyper? I don't understand that, they are kids and kids are hyper, they are full of energy. They are little energizer bunnies, lol. Just let a kid be a kid, and part of being a parent is dealing with that kid, telling him or her to calm down, read a book, watch a movie, do something together quietly. I think alot of people are too quick to medicate their children.
@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I think alot of people are afraid to stand up to whoever tells them their kids need to be on this medication, or need to see a doctor for their behavior. They are just simply afraid to say "No, I don't agree", to a counselor, teacher, or doctor. I mean they are all human too, and when it comes to your children you know what is best for them. You should stick up for your child and work with them.
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@IshidaMitsunari (1026)
• China
19 Nov 06
It really depends on the situation. I think that we are misdiagnosing a lot of kids out there and saying they have ADD/ADHD when they are really just being kids. How can we medicate our children when they are only 5 saying that they run around too much and can't keep their attention on one thing. Of course they can't, they're 5! I do agree that when children are older, perhaps in their teens they may suffer from ADD/ADHD in which medication may help them to concentrate in school. However, this should be discussed thoroughly with a primary care doctor, a psych doctor, the parents, and the child. Try to decide what is best without using medications and if medication is the only way, try low doses first.
In general, I think people use medications too much. We seem to rely on them for just about everything. Children are children...let them be that way. This isn't a problem. The problem is that they are never taught discipline. Even medication cannot teach that.
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@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
19 Nov 06
My grandson is ADHD and I don't think very young kids should be medicated but in older kids sometimes it is so severe that its necessary to give them meds. My grandson is 19 now and not on meds anymore but there was a time he could not function without the meds.
@TrinityRose (462)
• United States
19 Nov 06
Some children can get out of hand and put their lives in danger. My step-niece who is 9 had a temper tantrum and jumped out of a second story window while the police were there. They could not stop her. She also tried to get out of a moving car on the freeway. Certain kids need medication to help them function normally and balance their brain chemicals!

@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
23 Nov 06
If a kid is just hyper then no meds. however if the kid is attention deficite then there might be a need for meds so the kid can pay attention when in school. We do want them to learn and not be disruptive in class. I am old enough to know that when I was a kid you never heard of ADHD or anything else like that we all got outside and played hard. also we didnt have any attention deficite problem or at least we never heard of them. unforuntatly in todays world a lot of people dont want their kids outside with out supervision. which was something else that was unherd of 40 years ago.
@twowizdom (860)
• Philippines
19 Nov 06
My cousin is a hyper kid but doctors didn't give him some medicines or anything. They just reccommend that it would be better if they send him to a special school. And so that was what my aunt and uncle do and now his not that hyper anymore
@tigrashadow (1086)
• Australia
19 Nov 06
several studies have shown that hyper kids are often that way because of their diet. with the amount of chemicals and additives in our food nowdays, it often makes them that way. but if a change in diet doesnt help there may be a legitimate medical reason that needs meds...also i think some kids are a lil crazy because some (not all and often not too many) parents dont discipline their children enough and let them run riot.
@Lovely_Lady (1523)
• United States
19 Nov 06
Kids are kids and it's good for them to hyper and active. It shows alot of energy and happiness in them.
@Beautiful_Nightmare (1337)
19 Nov 06
I totally agree with this 100%! If kids weren't hyper then they wouldn't be kids. The only time I think kids should be medicated for being hyper is when there over hyper and can't be controlled because of it. Although, alot of it's down to the amount of sugar they can take.