Dream of ‘time machine’.

December 13, 2010 12:11pm CST
Do you think the dream of ‘time machine’ for going back to the past would ever come true on any day in the coming future? If yes, how?
8 responses
• India
24 Mar 12
i think time machine will be invented in a decade or so.it is by building a machine and a good power source for the engine as fuel is required. present day technology is not enough.if we travel near to the speed of light,time slows down for us and we will march to the future.if we travel faster than light,our time will run backwards and we will go back to the past.first thing is that we need to find a fuel that will help to get enough energy to reach and get past speed of light.and we need to build a huge spacecraft for it.this is very tough.i think after about 50 years it will be invented..
@zaga_cleuth (1407)
• Philippines
19 Dec 10
If that day will happen. If time machine will be invented. Then nobody will commit the same mistakes. They can go back to time they wanted to. And another thing it will ruin the system of everything. Imagine, if they don't like what had happened in the future they can just warn their avatar at the past not to do things he must not do.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Dec 10
hi doctordidi why would we want to go back to the past with a zilloon illnesses we have now cured, with horrible sanitation and horribleideas on what is healthy to eat? I would love to see a time machine built to transport us to the future where we could learn how to prevent job loss and povery, yes lets build a time machine to the future and to more progress going forward not backwards. progress not regressions.
@rijovjohn (428)
• India
14 Dec 10
If any one is discovering a time mechine it will be one of the greatest discovery and is going to revolutionize the world. Some are saying that time is the fourth dimension and if we an travel through time we can undo or redo things done earlier. If it is possible then the world will change. But i didnt like this invention much. If any one discover this it is going to bring a lot of problem to this world.It is mans nature to use it for evil purposes. So it is better not to find any such invensions
@aodoerfer (113)
• United States
14 Dec 10
I think we may someday find a way to travel to the future, but I don't think we'll ever discover a means of traveling backwards in time. This is a disappointment to me, since I'd absolutely love to go back in time, but from what I've read, it truly seems impossible, whereas it seems as though science backs up the possibility of traveling into the future. I suggest reading some of what Stephen Hawking's written on the matter.
@singup (666)
• Malaysia
18 Dec 10
i watch a movie will come in 2011 about time machine and how a killer try to change his past to be good kids and then to be a good man but he still the same killer in the end i think this dream will not be true and even it come we will not able to change what happend
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
13 Dec 10
i would loooooove to do that i hope it comes true, but right now i think we would make a mess and change history in not a good way :D
@cssiduyz (1053)
• Indonesia
14 Dec 10
each person must think to fantasize more because human desire is not limited and very far from what is in reality. indeed I also never thought that way but could not to be true because it was just a dream. and dreams happen while we were sleeping so, that if we get the pleasure it might just come for a while and can not be for the repeat again.