Starting over again

Calgary, Alberta
December 13, 2010 1:16pm CST
I almost have 5000 post and I have 10 stars, Its a quiet good achievement but as you see I decided to start over again and start in a clean slate. I deleted my old account and start over again. I know its hard to understand why i have to go back to the start.I encountered a bug in my account that even admins cant fix so i decided to do a very risky move. delete my account. I hope my friends can find me here. Its a huge downgrade on my part but I believe I can redeem the achievements I lost. lets say i am like a super hero who got a reboot in my comic book.
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24 responses
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
14 Dec 10
Welcome back, I'm sure you can get to where you left off. Good luck.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
14 Dec 10
What!? How??
• Calgary, Alberta
15 Dec 10
Bingaling just explained anything, I dont have an active downline actually, I think my former ratings did affect my earnings.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
That is no brainer for sure, its just a peace of cake, I can now reach payout minimum every week.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
14 Dec 10
Welcome to mylot again. I wish you the best of luck in earning your reputation here again. I think that you will get your 10 star again soon and you will know that you are once again a full welcome member of this community. Post as much as you can as quickly as you can and you will find that the discussions add up soon.
• Calgary, Alberta
15 Dec 10
Reputation is a lot of work to gain back but as they say nothing is possible I wont be disheartened if I have no reputation in this new account. I think i was catching up again.
• Philippines
14 Dec 10
The Return - of Albert Whisker
Hello there, Well, At least you are turning into completely new leaf this New Years season. I had a different experience, though it wasn't that hard but it took me only a month just to make it back to my star, but it turned out better for me.. I knew you were going to delete it someday. you're discussions had been fascinating to me. although i couldn't relate to the others, but yours seemed to be more relating to me in any case.anyways, welcome back here, Captain
@foofermen (500)
14 Dec 10
I am just $0.08 away from my first cash out. It is an uphill struggle to be sure. I think I will be taking a break from this site for a while because it is just too slow to payout. There are dozens of other sites that pay far better for the same kind and amount of work. Sidetick for example. The cash out is higher but much easier to attain. I may be back one day. I really have to go through the garbage pay-to sites and clean house. Maybe find a few new ones to use. I think I have found the cream of the crop as far as survey sites go, but I feel like there may be other interesting ways to make chump change online. Anyways, I hope your fresh start is a rewarding one. Best of luck =)
• Calgary, Alberta
15 Dec 10
When my reputation is 10 and I had enough friends, I was thriving in mylot. I was eaarnign here in mylot without refferrals, I already discovered how to make money here without a sweat but its harder for me now since I was back from scratch.
• India
14 Dec 10
Welcome to mylot best of luck to achieve you old status soon.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
I think my earnings decreased compared to my older account but i am fine with it. I am a newbie again.
@rocksy (11)
• Romania
14 Dec 10
so did you make a profit after these 5000 posts and everything? would love to know thanks
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Dec 10
Well, I'm sure I speak for many here in saying that we're glad you are still here. I'm sure it won't take you long to catch back up to where you were. So what was the bug?
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
My payout minimum, I cant demote it back to 10 dollars... I am back, I may not be as acctive though because I have work and I have my youtube channel.
• Brunei Darussalam
14 Dec 10
5000 post? I wish i can post that much like you. I've been with myLot since last year and rare posting here. It's because the earning cannot send to my paypal because my country not listed...anyway now i'm started to think money is not everything here...knowledge and sharing are true wealth. I'm trying to start over again to discuss my favorite topic here :-)
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
I was here everyday, I have adhd and I think it helps because people like me always want to do multi-tasking and mylot is an additional task for me.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
14 Dec 10
Hi Albert or Capt... Wow I like the Capt... it fascinates me. I always thought I was on a pirate ship and there was someone called Captain... Welcome Aboard Captain. What about the old pals? Do they have a chance of a new voyage under your comm? If so I am in. Cheers, theSids.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
Its Captain, because the Villain Albert Wesker is a former Captain of a Special Tactics And Rescue Service or S.T.A.R.S for short. Though he is not a pirate, I could one since I want to rule the world...LOL (devil emoticon)
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
14 Dec 10
It takes alot of determination in order to start all over again. We are talking about 5000 posts, not 500 or 50. It's not going to be easy to reach the peak again but I believe u can do it though. If I'm in your situation, I will do the same as well, re start everything but my morale will definitely be affected. I might not be as active again due to lost of confidence from the bug. I'm looking forward to your hard work. If u can do it, it serves as a motivation for me too.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
On my last account I am earning much larger amount, but now its kinda lower, so I need to do a lot of work. Its a long road for me to cross.
1 person likes this
@mhypie03 (683)
• Philippines
14 Dec 10
That's sad. I felt really sad. You're really motivated to start all over again. You're such a good role model for mylot newbies that it will never be all about the earnings here. I can see your love and passion for mylot to do this. Hope this inspires more to let every moment of stay here fun and exciting. All the best! -Mhy
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
Its not easy but i think I will have benefits from this. Sometimes we need to challenge our selves so life will be easier in the end. I think if we can face challenges no hurdles can stop us from succeeding.
1 person likes this
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
14 Dec 10
I can see you with 10 stars and a number of posts in your account in the future.. lol. I am sure you will do it again because you already have done it one time. I think you have made a wise move if you had a bug in your system. See you around, thank you and have a nice day ahead.:)
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
I am ready for the challenge, I hope I can surpass my past achievement. Its going to be a hard challenge for me.
• India
14 Dec 10
Welcome back! You were certainly good at mylotting as you say. With your experience you'll soon get all your back and do much better than last time . All the best !!
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
I am pretty sure that i can have it back, I already know the secrets of this maze mylot and how to work it.
• China
14 Dec 10
I'm a new comer, I will be follow your footsteps on here.come on!
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
You can start that by typing longer, yes the longer you type the higher you will earn. Its much better than one liners. :)
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
14 Dec 10
Hello, Captain, it's really nice to meet you :-) You are most certainly brave to start all over again, that's for sure. I'm pretty sure that other users will come to recognise you through your writing style, or as you introduce yourself to your friends from your last account. Best of luck to you. :-)
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
I am starting to have my friends back, so I was making a lot of of progress in my new account, i hope that this is my last time to delete my account.
@fpsninja (874)
13 Dec 10
OMG! U deleted your account, when you had a 10/10 rating? WHy! I find getting a 6 being difficult. I just need 2 more to get up, eekk! Still, if i was you, i would just of carried on with my old account if i get a 7,left alone a 10
• Calgary, Alberta
13 Dec 10
As much as i love that account, I hate that i cant demote back the payout minimum plus I have a certain discussion i regret creating that always haunts me back. as in it keeps on coming back. I was careful of choosing discussions that i will share so I will be happy if ever they came back. I know the 10/10 rating is a hardwork but I think I can have it back.
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
13 Dec 10
Thanks for being a good mylotter to me and for signing under me. You didn't have to. Many thanks and I will return the favor when you need it. Welcome back!!! I am starting over again but you knew that by know. I started over again because I didn't like some of the discussions I have started before here, is not like I won't see them again but I am going to focus on my interests from now.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
Its a win win situation to me, I was able to get rid of my upline who is useless, I was able to get the minimum payout again,I was able to get rid of my French fries discussion.Its a new beginning and its all good. I am happy I was able to find some of my friends back, I just hope more of my former friend list will see me here. LOL at some people who thinks i am an impostor. XD
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
14 Dec 10
I admire you for the courage of deleting your previous account and going back to zero! I think you've made the right decision in doing so if you say that there's a bug and even the admin couldn't fix that. Well, if you did well before with your reputation, you won't be having any problems with gaining a good reputation soon. It's nice meeting you by the way!
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
I can catch up in a week, I am sure that i can have all the glory back after few weeks. I hope I can have all that reputation back. I think you were in my friend list before in my older account/.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
14 Dec 10
Reboot seems to be a trend lately with Batman, Star Trek. Anyway, welcome back and Merry Xmas.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
Yeah the reboot is like that, I am back to zero, I know i can be at the top of the pyramyd again, I already know how to do some smooth sailing.
• Philippines
14 Dec 10
Starting over isn't that bad. Even if your old account is 10/10, you've done it before and of course you can do it again. You can view this as a fresh start, with fresh ideas.. Good luck man..
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Dec 10
I have a lot of ideas going on because of this fresh start, I am challenging my self at this moment but I believe my self too. Its indeed a fresh start.